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JOHN B BURNS (1681/2 - 1760)




Webmaster is Please send new info or new thoughts to me. Thanks, Norma Burns Farmilo. I hope that the BURNS FAMILY DNA PROJECT will help solve some of your genealogy questions. It will definitely tell you if you're "barking up the wrong tree".

The 12 marker test is simple - just swab the inside of your cheek. The cost is $99. This test will tell you within 14 generations whether you are related to someone. Paul who is now in charge can give you the run-down on the more sophisticated tests. Contact Paul:

We need males with the BURNS last name for this study. Please ask your male BURNS relatives to join our study. Click on the BURNS DNA link above to join our study or write to


JOHN "B" (his mark) BURNS b. 1681 in Scotland (PA?) died 1760/1761 in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania. JOHN "B" BURNS married ANN (Jonet?) b. 1685 in Cumberland Co PA. They lived in Hamilton Township.

There is an Ann Jonet in who was b. 7/5/1682 in Jemeppe-Sur-Sambre, Namur, Belgium. Her parents were Paul Jonet & Marie Genot.

I'm enclosing Lynda's email here because, apparently, she has two more generations that I don't have.
From: "Lynda Minter"
To: "pabloburns" , "Dale Burns" Cc: "Farmilo, Norma" , "Richard Lee Burns" , "Lowell Burns" , "Robert Milton Burns"
Sent: Thursday, July 17, 2014 7:42:48 PM
[The people this was sent to are in my (Norma's) DNA group U106/L48.]
Hi again, I will have to make a group email for this: I've heard from two of you, and that's exciting. This is my very rough outline of our Burns line: I must explain first that my father was adopted out. He was an illegitimate child. His father married twice, once to Grace Albee, and then to Rosa Albee.

My father, birth name - James Benjamin Albee, adopted by George and Flora Williams, thus my maiden name, and my brother, Jerry Williams. His father:
Benjamin Franklin Burns, Jr.
Benjamin Franklin Burns, Sr.-Hattie Pierce
James Dixon Burns - Mariah Gilbreath
McGill Burns - Margaret Dixon
James Burns Esq- Elizabeth McGill
John Burns - ?Agnes or Rackel?(Rachel?)
John B. Burns - Ann Jonet
James Burns - Agnes Watt - Scotland
John Burns - Jean Hall

It seems that most of these guys had huge families..lots of siblings to sort out.
Lynda Minter

I just looked online for James Burn, Agnes Watt, John Burn and Jean Hall. This is a good possibility but I don't see proof. Please show me the proof. At the bottom of this link is the information for these people. Norma

Hi, All! (from Katherine Vaughan
I am the daughter of Robert Milton Burns (1921-2012)
Son of David Argyle Burns (1884-1974)
Son of Lorenzo Dow Burns (1859-1935)
Son of Liberty Burns (1816-1864)
Son of Robert Burns (~1771-~1830)
Son of James Burns, Esquire (~1745-1814)

The link to John Burns Senior (died 1776), and then back to John B Burns (died 1760), is more tenuous, but a series of land contracts, wills, surveys, and deeds I have reviewed suggest that James Burns, Esquire is the son of John Burns, Senior, who was the son of John B Burns. A historian with the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, David Hagaard, has examined my analysis and concurs with these conclusions.

I have recently come across suggestive evidence for a sibling relationship between James Burns, Esquire, and the John Burns from Franklin County, PA who married Jean Denny, and later moved to western PA until his death in 1791 or so, after which his widow and offspring moved on to Ohio.

I also came across a John Burns who arrived in Philadelphia on the ship Happy Return from Northern Ireland in May of 1746 (the year John B Burns in December acquired 100 acres of land in then Lancaster County, PA), along with some indentured servants he bound and assigned to other men. The timing makes me wonder if this is perhaps "our" John B Burns.

I think we may be assembling the critical mass necessary to make real progress on putting together our line.
Thanks to everyone for their interest!
Katherine (Burns) Vaughan

This researcher theorizes [now past tense] that JOHN "B" BURNS was born in PA & is possibly the son of JOHN BURNS, the Uncle of the great Scottish Poet, ROBERT BURNS (BURNESS). There is no proof of this but there is some data that shows there could be a possibility of this. I would like proof either way if you can find it.

"LINDA S wrote that she has a JOHN BURNS, b. 1681 also-- ---- Now : what I have is this.... JOHN BURNS was born in Alyth, Scotland (nothing about PA) and married *JONET FLEEMING, 1704, Kirkburn of Rathray Scotland . Both are buried in PA ... The children listed are the same as you have. *Someone now lists this on Ancestry World Tree as ANN JONET instead of JONET FLEEMING. The place, Alyth, Perthshire, Scotland is near Dundee. The above Kirkburn of Rathray is probably in Alyth.

CHRISTIE WALLIS says, JOHN BURNS b. 1681 landed in York Co PA from Scotland via Liverpool, England d. PA 1760, probably aboard the Elizabeth & Anne. He was transported because of treason against The Crown, as a Jacobite sympathizer. This is documented in PA in abt 1742.

Do you have anything about a land survey in Lancaster Co., PA (Yes, see land 1745 warrant)? That is the earliest record we have on him, thru that source. They owned land in Cumberland Co. says that JOHN "B" BURNS received a land warrant in 1746 in Lancaster Co PA. She believes he came over from Ireland in the late 1730's or 1740's. He is related to REV JOHN CUTHBERTSON who came over in 1751.

From information from my family "hand-me-down" says, MARILYN J SHEPHERD, we are related to ROBERT BURNS, the poet. REV JOHN CUTHBERTSON'S sister was married to ARCHIBALD BOURNE, who was the second brother of ROBERT BURNS' Father (according to REV CUTHBERTSON'S Diary) WILLIAM BOURNES of Ayr. The BOURNES' settled on a farm within the present confines of the Gettysburg battlefield. The name CUTHBERTSON also changed to CULBERSON in SC.

CUTHBERTSON is also a name my Mother told me we were related to. The name BOURNE was also told to me by my Mother. THOMAS BURNS another brother to ARCHIBALD BURNS came over from Ireland in the early 1740's. He used the name of BOURNE also and his children used BURNS as their name.

We are also related to the RHEA family. The RHEA family has the same story of getting on the wrong side of a Revolution in Scotland and getting captured and sent to the Isle of Man and then escaping. They were brothers and one brother took the name (?) the original spelling escapes me at the moment but came on down the line as RHEA. My line took the name of BURNS. They were originally CAMPBELLS. The story that my line of BURNS' and the RHEA'S were from WALTER CAMPBELL.

The most likely rebellion is the one of 1685 when the DUKE OF MONTROSE was beheaded. My people were supposed to have run from Scotland into Ireland with the Mother putting the baby in a fish basket and covering him up with fish and fled across the Irish Sea into Ireland.

Another rebellion that may be a possibility was the one of 1642 or 1650 depending on which history you want to believe. It is about EARLE OF ARGYLE, a CAMPBELL, who helped behead KING CHARLES I. The history of all this is quite spellbinding.

The Diary of REV JOHN CUTHBERTSON is quite interesting with names that I know from my family running all through it. There is a JOHN BURNS that disappears from Scotland that forgave some taxes that the government was unhappy about in the late 1600's. (I have more if you need it). MARILYN J

Our JOHN "B" BURNS is buried in the cemetery of the Rocky Creek Presbyterian Church West of Scotland, Pennsylvania. It is wondered whether JOHN "B" BURNS was born in 1682 in Scotland PA or in the country of Scotland. Some think he had six known children. Others think he had just four. A few mention only LAIRD, ANN, & MARTHA.

JOHN BURNS' will [Cumberland Co PA] dated 12/2/1760 was witnessed by both JOHN BURNS & JNO BURNS. He named his son LAIRD BURNS as executor of his estate (Will book A, Cumberland Co, PA page 83, proven 3/17/1761). Shortly afterwards LAIRD BURNS' family moved to Chester Co, SC.

It would be nice if someone could check out Linda S's theory above. She said that "JOHN BURNS, b. 1681 also-- ---- Now : what I have is this.... JOHN BURNS was born in Alyth, Scotland (nothing about PA) and married JONET FLEEMING, 1704, Kirkburn of Rathray Scotland. Both are buried in PA ... The children listed are the same as you have. (RALPH BURNS says that his ancestor, DAVID BURNESS, from Maryland was married to ANN FLEEMING, possibly a sister of JONET'S).

There is also an entry in the that JOHN BURNS was b. 6/29/1681 Alyth, Perth, Scotland d. abt 1760 Hamilton Twp, Cumberland PA m. abt 1717 to AGNES CHISHOLM b. 4/28/1696 Midlothian, Scotland.

In Turn of the Wheel: A Genealogy of the BURNS and TINKER Families(1) LOUIS F BURNS writes,
Absolute indentification of WILLIAM BURNS' parents has not been possible at this time. His parents were probably JOHN BURNS of the Southeast Parish Kirk in Edinburgh, Scotland and AGNES CHISHOLM, daughter of JOHN C CHISHOLM of South Leith Parish.

JOHN BURNS and AGNES CHISHOLM were married 20 Apr 1715, in the South Leith Kirk. Since this is the only BURNS marriage of record, in and about Edinburgh, anywhere near the year of WILLIAM BURNS' birth, 1718, we must admit the possibility of JOHN BURNS and AGNES CHISHOLM being the parents of WILLIAM BURNS.

While it is possible JOHN BURNS and AGNES CHISHOLM were the parents of WILLIAM BURNS, no evidence has been presented showing that couple had sons named WILLIAM BURNS or ROBERT BURNS (or any children at all, for that matter). BURNS is a very common surname in Scotland.

LOUIS F BURNS' statement that the marriage of JOHN and AGNES "is the only Burns marriage of record in and about Edinburgh" is meaningless as evidence because (1) like so many others, the marriage of WILLIAM BURNS' parents may not have been recorded (assuming his parents were in fact married), (2) if the marriage was recorded, the record could now be lost or destroyed, (3) it is unclear what "of record" means (Did LOUIS F BURNS only consult the I.G.I.? Did he undertake a thorough survey of all Edinburgh area records?) and (4) that WILLIAM BURNS came from Edinburgh at all appears to be based entirely on unreliable family tradition. Consequently, the identity of WILLIAM BURNS' parents must be considered unknown.


132. Possibly JOHN BURNS was born about 1688 in of, Edinburgh, Lothian, Scotland. He has reference number 1780.
133. Possibly AGNES CHISHOLM was born about 1692 in of, Edinburgh, Lothian, Scotland. She has reference number 1781. Children were:
66 i. William BURNS.

There also was an AGNES CHISHOLM who married JOHN NAPIER. JOHN built the family home on the banks of the River Endrick at Gartness. There, according to the Statistical Account of Scotland, ‘John Napier of Merchiston, Inventor of Logarithms, resided a great part of his time when he was making his calculations.

‘It is reported that the noise of the cascade, being constant, never gave him uneasiness; but that the clack of the mill, which was only occasional, greatly disturbed his thoughts. He was therefore, when in deep study, sometimes under the necessity of desiring the miller to stop the mill, that the train of his ideas might not be interrupted.’ In this haven of tranquility, Napier’s young wife bore him a son and a daughter but their happiness was shortlived - in 1579, Elizabeth died. A few years Later, Napier remarried.

Agnes Chisholm, of Cromlix, Perthshire was to bear him five sons and five daughters - a large and noisy brood for a man who liked to spend long hours in silent contemplation, a lone, eccentric figure accompanied only by a pet black cockerel.

ED & CYNTHIA MAY ( say that JOHN "B" BURNS was a devoted Presbyterian. He came to America June 29, 1716 on the ship, ELIZABETH ANN. The muster of the Elizabeth Ann shows a JNO BURNS, unindentured.

JNO BURNS (same person or not?) was captured at the Battle of Preston in 1715 and removed to this country unindentured. (From an encyclopedia - Battle part of the "GLORIOUS REVOLUTION OF JAMES II").

BOICE BURNS, says the dates aren't right for this to be our John "B" Burns.

Would you both please send me a copy of this with your logic? - NORMA

JNO BURNS (JOHN BURNS?) was a Jacobite and supporter of KING JAMES II and the Protestant movement against the Catholic Church and the Church of England. When he was captured and became a prisoner, he was put on the ELIZABETH ANN that was headed for America and Jamaica. The ship landed in Virginia first, so he got off (1740 says MARILYN -

Date: Mon, 28 Dec 1998 21:09:18 -0600

My wife read that information on the passenger list on the ELIZABETH & ANNE and badgered me until I did some more research on the "Glorious Revolution of JAMES II" and the Battle of Benson. I'll have to admit it looks like I should have read my information closer and that I was wrong about JOHN "B" BURNS and the Battle of Benson.

The KING JAMES who died in 1688 when JOHN "B" was 7 years old was JAMES II, the father of JAMES III who was the instigator of the Battle of Benson. Our JOHN "B" BURNS was a contemporary of JAMES III and may have been involved in that battle. However, I've also read a description of the battle and the rising of the clans and it all sounded more like what Americans call a "shooting scrape". The red-coats just rounded up the Scots involved (because the rising never got off the ground) and put them in chains and hauled them off to jail.

My wife suggested that JOHN "B" BURNS was not indentured. Maybe he paid his own way to Virginia. However, this raises more questions about JOHN'S wife. If this was him, he was past 30 years old on arrival. Did he leave a wife in Scotland (perhaps JONNET FLEEMING (FLEMMING?)?

JOHN'S son LAIRD BURNS died 1742 so that would put his birth at perhaps about 1720. That fits in with the date of the battle. Of course, this is a lot of assumptions. I want that guy on the ELIZABETH & ANNE to be ours as badly as anyone. :-) Cheers, BOICE BURNS

JOHN "B" BURNS received a Royal Land Grant in Hamilton Township, Cumberland County, PA. His children are:

1) LAIRD (LEARD) BURNS (Click on Link above) b. in Pennsylvania d. Camden District, SC m. JENNETT WALKER (?). [Who married JENNETT? Is it LAIRD BURNS or JOHN BURNS II who married JENNETT and is she a WALKER?]

On his Revolutionary War Pension Application Laird said he was residing in Chester Co, South Carolina during the Revolution and also gives an itinerary for his migrations. He moved to Mecklenburg Co, NC in 1794, Blount Co, TN in 1814, Monroe Co TN in 1826 and then to Roane Co TN in 1828 where he lived until his death [Is this LAIRD BURNS Sr or LAIRD BURNS II] (Revolutionary War Pension Application, pension claim #3091).

LAIRD BURNS I was named executor of his father's (JOHN "B" BURNS) will (Will Bk Z Cumberland Co PA p. 83 written 12/1760 proven 3/17/1761). The family moved to Chester Co SC in 1762 or 1763. LAIRD BURNS (see link) and his wife JENNETT received a 350 acre Royal Land Grant in South Carolina. JOHN "B" BURNS' will was witnessed by JOHN BURNS & JONATHAN BURNS.

LAIRD and JENNETT BURNS had two children: REV LAIRD (LARD) BURNS, Jr. b. 1784 and MARY BURNS b. 1780/1790

LAIRD BURNS is a witness to a deed regarding a tract of land released to GEORGE WEAR (WEIR/WEER) dated 3/31/1770 (Charleston NC Deed Bk p-3 pp.309-316). LAIRD BURNS' daughter MARY BURNS m. JOHN WEAR in Roane Co TN on 10/25/1802. His grandson LAIRD (LARD) BURNS III also married a MARY WEAR daughter of HUGH WEAR. For more on the WEAR family contact



4) JOHN BURNS, II. m. MARY. They had two children, JOHN BURNS AND LAIRD BURNS.

After JOHN BURNS died in the Revolutionary War MARY BURNS had an illegitimate child. There is a release of a "Bastard Bond" in SC. It is believed that this child was JAMES MCCAIN BURNS who sold land in 1802 while living in Buckingham to REV LARD BURNS. The land is in Greenville.

My ancestor JOHN BURNS, father of JAMES BURNS ESQ. was not in JOHN "B" BURNS' will but probably was the JOHN BURNS who witnessed the will along with JNO BURNS.

Possible ancestors of JOHN "B" BURNS according to MARILYN J SHEPHERD ( was THOMAS BOURNE (according to a professional researcher hired by MARILYN J) whose children changed their names to BURNS. THOMAS BOURNE was a brother to ARCHIBALD BOURNE (BURNS) who was married to Rev. JOHN CUTHBERTSON's sister.

Rev. CUTHBERTSON did sign a deed for JAMES BURNS ESQ. Another deed of JAMES BURNS ESQ had the name JOSIAH ALLEN on it. MARILYN J's researcher believes he also was married into the family. If you have proof please send it to

Date: Sun, 07 Feb 1999 19:23:41 -0500
At 11:52 AM 07-02-99 -0500, you wrote:
Is there an ARCHIBALD BURNS in the poet's family, cousin, uncle etc.? He was in America in the 1700's. Some researchers are connecting the PA family with the poet through ARCHIBALD BURNS. CHARLES ROGERS and others don't mention him.

As far as I know there was no ARCHIBALD BURNS in the poet's family and the supposed CUTHBERSON connection is false.

The surname BURNS was quite common in Ayrshire, and many people who trace back to a BURNS in Ayrshire assume there is some connection to the poet since he was born there. However, the poet's father was from Kincardineshire and the family name was BURNESS or BURNES. The only members of the family I have found who adopted the spelling BURNS were the poet and his brother GILBERT BURNS.

Regards, John (

In parenthesis is the additional work of John Crow The following descendancy chart was taken from the Ancestral Files of the LDS (Mormon) Church:

JOHN B BURNS Born: 1681 , , Scotland

1-- JOHN B BURNS Born: 1681 , , Scotland (b. 6/29/1681 Alyth, Scotland near Dundee m. ANN JONAT 1704 Scotland)
sp- ANN (JONAT) Born: 1685 , Cumberland, PA (d. 1760

2-- LAIRD BURNS Born: 1716 , Cumberland, PA (d. 1/1784)
sp-JENNET POCK Born: 1720 , Cumberland, PA
(also ANN BURNS b. 1718 Cumberland Co PA & MARTHA BURNS b. 1720 Cumberland Co PA)
3-- JOHN (WILLIAM) BURNS Born: 1735/1745 (1739) , , PA (d. 1782
sp-MARY Born: 1739 , , SC

4-- JAMES BURNS Born: 1772 , , SC
4-- JOHN BURNS Born: 1774/1775 , , SC
sp-MARY Born: 1799 , Murray, TN
5-- BURNS Born: 1821 , Murray, TN
5-- ELIZABETH BURNS Born: 1826 , , TN
5-- MARY MATILDA BURNS Born: 1828 , , TN
sp-F MCDONALD FORD Born: 1836 , , SC
5-- CAROLINE BURNS Born: 1834 , , AL
5-- JOHN R BURNS Born: 1836 , , AL
sp- Born: 1768 , Greenville, SC
5-- RACHEL BURNS Born: 1790 , Greenville, SC
5-- JAMES BURNS Born: 1794 , Greenville, SC
5-- O D BURNS Born: <1796> <, Greenville, SC
5-- ANDREW BURNS Born: 1797 , Greenville, SC
5-- JOHN BURNS Born: 1800 , Greenville, SC
5-- WILLIAM B BURNS Born: 1802 , , GA
sp-ANNY WALLIS Born: 1802 , , TN
5-- JANE BURNS Born: 1804 , , GA
5-- HENRY H. BURNS Born: 1805 GA
5-- ELIZA BURNS Born: 1808 , , TN
5-- NANCY H BURNS Born: 1810 , Lawrance, TN
5-- ELIZABETH BURNS Born: 1818 , Lawrance, TN
5-- MATTHEW LAIRD Sr BURNS Born: 1897 , , SC
4-- LEARD BURNS Born: 1774/1775 , , SC
3-- MARY BURNS Born: 1742 , Cumberland, PA
3-- JAMES BURNS Born: 1746 , Cumberland, PA
3-- JANET BURNS Born: 1747/1749 , Cumberland, PA
3-- ANN BURNS Born: 1749 , Cumberland, PA
3-- MARTHA BURNS Born: 1750 , Cumberland, PA
3-- LEARD BURNS Born: 1755 , Cumberland, PA
3-- SARAH SEARAH BURNS Born: 1757 , Cumberland, PA
2-- ANN BURNS Born: 1718 , Cumberland, PA
2-- MARTHA BURNS Born: 1720 , Cumberland, PA

JOHN CROW'S version is like this:

ID: I06913
John B BURNS b. 29 JUN 1681 Alyth, Scotland (Near Dundee) d. 1760 Hamilton Township, Cumberland County, PA
Reference Number: 7847

John B BURNS b. 1681 Scotland d. 1760 Cumberland County PA. Said to have been transported in 1716 on the ship "ELIZABETH & ANNE" after being captured at the Battle of Preston. Preston refers to surrender of the 2nd Jacobite rebellion or the "15 Rebellion" of 1715 at Preston following 2nd battle of Preston and Battle of Sherrifmuir in Scotland. This battle of Sherrifmuir resulted in the transporting of Scots to the 'plantations' in 1716. JOHN B BURNS landed in Virginia.

Buried Rocky Spring Presbyterian Church Cemetery near Chambersburgh PA, now Franklin Co, PA.

Will available in PA.

The record of the trial for the rebels captured at Preston is at the Public Record Office, Kew, London. The lists and indictments of the rebels of 1715 is identified as KB8/66. It is described as "Special oyer and terminer rolls and files, including informations and depositions", and is filed in two boxes. The box labelled "Part 1" contains seven folders or bound manuscripts, of which the folios have been numbered in a single series, ff. 1-132. The other is a very long box because some of the documents are three or four feet long. It contains Part 2 (ff. 133-201) and Part 3 (ff. 202-254). Each folder bears the heading: "A list of ye Rebell Prisoners at [place], showing their Christian Names and surnames the Parish and county they dwelled In." {The prisoners were clearly tried in groups except for the most prominent persons such as the Earl of Derwentwater.} {These records are all written in Latin).

Father: JAMES BURN b: WFT Est. 1630-1659 in Scotland

Marriage 1 ANN JONAT Wife Of JOHN B BURNS b. 1685 in Cumberland County, PA m. 1704 in Scotland 1 m. in Cumberland Co., PA 3


LAIRD I BURNS b: 1716 Cumberland County, PA
ANN BURNS b: 1718 in Cumberland Co., PA
MARTHA BURNS b: 1720 in Cumberland Co., PA


Title: World Family Tree Vol. 27, Ed. 1
Author: Brøderbund Software, Inc.
Publication: Release date: September 15, 1998
Note: Customer pedigree.
Call Number:
Media: Family Archive CD
Page: Tree #2176
Text: Date of Import: Oct 12, 1999

Title: woodward.FTW
Call Number:
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: Nov 7, 2000

Call Number:
Media: Other
Text: Date of Import: Oct 24, 1999

ID: I08181
Name: ANN JONAT Wife Of John B BURNS 1 2
Sex: F
Birth: 1685 in Cumberland County, PA 2
Birth: 1685 in Cumberland Co., PA 1 2
Death: Deceased 2
Reference Number: 10829

Entries: 14642 Updated: Sat Aug 25 19:27:12 2001
Contact: JOHN CROW

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 ANN JONAT Wife Of John B BURNS b: 1685 d: Deceased
+ JOHN B. BURNS b: 29 JUN 1681 d: 1760

2 LAIRD I BURNS b: 1716 d: JAN 1784
+ ANN MAN b: WFT Est. 1699-1773 d: WFT Est. 1715-1793
+ JENNETT POCK b: 1720 d: WFT Est. 1756-1787

3 ANN BURNS b: WFT Est. 1721-1750 d: Deceased
3 MARY BURNS b: WFT Est. 1722-1766 d: Deceased
3 MARTHA BURNS b: ABT. 1730 d: WFT Est. 1757-1824
+ JAMES BOYD b: ABT. 1738 d: ABT. 1784

4 Female BOYD d: Deceased
4 ABRAHAM BOYD b: WFT Est. 1751-1781 d: Deceased
4 SAMUEL BOYD b: WFT Est. 1751-1781 d: Deceased
4 MARY POLLY BOYD b: WFT Est. 1752-1781 d: WFT Est. 1769-1833
+ EPHRAIM MCLAIN b: WFT Est. 1743-1779 d: WFT Est. 1769-1833
4 JOHN BOYD b: 1753 d: 1827
+ REBECCA AMELIA WATSON b: WFT Est. 1749-1774 d: BEF. 1827

3 JOHN WILLIAM BURNS b: 1739 d: 1782
+ MARY Wife Of JOHN WILLIAM BURNS b: 1739 d: Deceased

4 JAMES BURNS b: 1772 d: Deceased

5 LAIRD (Rev) III BURNS b: 1784 d: JAN 1858
+ MARY POLLY WEAR b: ABT. 1798 d: 1861

6 JAMES MADISON BURNS b: ABT. 1813 d: 28 MAY 1885
6 HUGH WEAR BURNS b: ABT. 1816 d: Deceased
+ MARY ANN WARREN d: Deceased
6 FINIS EWING BURNS b: ABT. 1822 d: Deceased
+ JULIA ANN BROWN b: ABT. 1823 d: Deceased
+ MARY J HODGES d: Deceased
6 MATTIR BURNS b: ABT. 1825 d: Deceased

5 JOHN BURNS b: 1788 d: 1867
+ MARGARET WILSON b: 4 MAR 1794 d: 9 OCT 1871

6 JOHN FOSTER BURNS b: 24 JUL 1814 d: Deceased
6 WILLIAM B BURNS b: 16 AUG 1816 d: Deceased
+ SUSAN M YOAST d: Deceased
6 ROBERT W BURNS b: 1 DEC 1818 d: 4 SEP 1866
+ MARIAH S BROWN d: Deceased
6 MALINDA BURNS b: 22 SEP 1824 d: 1913
+ JOHN A FULLERTON d: Deceased
6 SUSANNAH MATHILDA BURNS b: 23 JUN 1826 d: Deceased
+ NELSON BAKER d: Deceased
6 JOSEPH M BURNS b: 1828 d: Deceased
6 ELIHU DENNIS BURNS b: 27 MAR 1832 d: 1890
+ MARY ANN COWDEN d: Deceased
4 JOHN BURNS b: 1774 d: FEB 1856

5 RACHEL BURNS b: 1790 d: 1870
5 JAMES BURNS b: 1794 d: 1851
5 O. D. BURNS b: 1796 d: Deceased
5 ANDREW BURNS b: 1797 d: 17 NOV 1857 + Miss HOLLEY d: Deceased

6 JOHN BURNS b: 1814 d: Deceased
6 JOE BURNS b: 1816 d: Deceased
6 MOSES NICHOLAS BURNS b: 1818 d: Deceased
6 MARIAH ELIZABETH BURNS b: 1824 d: Deceased
6 NANCY E BURNS b: 1830 d: Deceased
6 MARY JANE "P0LLY" BURNS b: 1834 d: Deceased
6 ELIZA ALICE BURNS b: 1837 d: Deceased

5 MATTHEW LAIRD BURNS b: 1797 d: 1870
+ REBECCA LURNANY BROWN b: 1798 d: 1857

6 SARENA BURNS b: 1818 d: Deceased
+ RANSOM P BILLS d: Deceased
6 JOHN M BURNS b: 1820 d: 23 DEC 1878
+ MARY JANE PLUNK b: 4 NOV 1831 d: 18 FEB 1903
6 ANDREW HAYS BURNS b: 29 SEP 1825 d: 21 OCT 1921
+ LUCINDA SUMNER b: 7 MAR 1831 d: 10 SEP 1904
6 EDY CAROLINE "AMANDA" BURNS b: 1827 d: 1846
6 LUSANA\LURANA BURNS b: 1830 d: BEF. 1853
+ MONROE L SUMNER b: 1826 d: OCT 1900
6 MATTHEW LAIRD JR BURNS b: 1831 d: 1873
+ MARTHA ANN FARMER b: 26 DEC 1838 d: 15 JAN 1916
6 MARY ANN BURNS b: 1834 d: Deceased
+ Mr. LONG d: Deceased
6 MARTHA JANAE BURNS b: 1836 d: Deceased
+ MONROE L SUMNER b: 1826 d: OCT 1900
6 JAMES MCCAIN BURNS b: 1838 d: 1864
6 DAVID CROCKETT BURNS b: 1840 d: MAR 1856
6 MARVIN VAN BUREN BURNS b: 1843 d: 1862

5 JOHN BURNS b: 1800 d: 12 AUG 1866
+ AMY WALLIS b: 1802 d: Deceased

+ ELIZABETH LUM d: Deceased
6 JOHN R BURNS b: 1823 d: Deceased
6 MARTHA BURNS b: 1832 d: Deceased
6 ISHAM L BURNS b: 1833 d: Deceased
6 ELIZABETH BURNS b: 1835 d: Deceased
6 JAMES MATTHEW BURNS b: 9 NOV 1839 d: 8 MAY 1918
+ CYNTHIA DONALDSON b: 10 APR 1853 d: 16 MAY 1923
6 NANCY BURNS b: 1843 d: Deceased

5 JANE BURNS b: 1804 d: Deceased
5 HENRY H BURNS b: 1805 d: 1 APR 1863
+ ELENDER MILLIE HUGHES b: 1805 d: 4 NOV 1871

6 WILLIAM BURNS b: 1828 d: Deceased
6 FRANKLIN BURNS b: 1832 d: Deceased
6 ELIZA A BURNS b: 1834 d: Deceased
6 JOHN W BURNS b: 1836 d: Deceased 6 CHESLEY IRVIN BURNS b: 1 NOV 1838 d: MAY 1863
6 MARTIN VAN BUREN BURNS b: 8 DEC 1841 d: 3 NOV 1895
+ MARGARET JANE FLATT b: 1845 d: Deceased

5 ELIZA BURNS b: 1808 d: Deceased
5 NANCY H BURNS b: 1810 d: Deceased
5 ELIZABETH BURNS b: 1818 d: Deceased

4 LAIRD BURNS b: 1774 d: 1 JAN 1821

3 JANNET BURNS b: ABT. 1745 d: Deceased
3 JAMES BURNS b: 1746 d: Deceased

4 LAIRD (Rev) III BURNS b: 1784 d: JAN 1858
+ MARY POLLY WEIR b: ABT. 1798 d: 1861

5 JAMES MADISON BURNS b: ABT. 1813 d: 28 MAY 1885
5 HUGH WEAR BURNS b: ABT. 1816 d: Deceased
+ MARY ANN WARREN d: Deceased

6 WARREN BURNS b: ABT. 1845 d: Deceased
6 JAMES BURNS b: ABT. 1849 d: Deceased
6 SARAH BURNS b: 1850 d: Deceased
6 JOHN BURNS b: ABT. 1853 d: Deceased
6 MARY BURNS b: 1855 d: Deceased
6 MARGARET BURNS b: ABT. 1858 d: Deceased

5 Finis Ewing BURNS b: ABT. 1822 d: Deceased
+ Julia Ann BROWN b: ABT. 1823 d: Deceased

6 Thomas H. BURNS b: ABT. 1843 d: Deceased
+ Leona Malvina WILLIAMS
6 Mattie BURNS b: ABT. 1846 d: Deceased
+ John BEEBEE d: Deceased
6 John J. BURNS b: 13 SEP 1848 d: Deceased
+ Celie PIPPIN d: Deceased
6 William C. BURNS b: 13 SEP 1848 d: Deceased
+ Emily G. WILLIAMS d: Deceased
6 Allen H. BURNS b: 17 FEB 1851 d: 10 MAR 1885
+ M. L. CAMERON d: Deceased
6 Mattie BURNS b: 22 FEB 1853 d: Deceased
6 Missouri Ann BURNS b: 11 MAR 1855 d: 19 FEB 1900
+ John Curtis CAMERON b: 12 JAN 1854 d: 4 MAR 1912
6 Julia Frances BURNS b: 2 MAR 1858 d: 18 MAR 1865
6 Willis Brown BURNS b: 22 MAR 1860 d: Deceased
+ Ruena Toebridge BEEBEE b: ABT. 1856 d: Deceased
+ Mary J. HODGES d: Deceased
6 Margaret Rebecker BURNS b: 1 DEC 1869 d: Deceased
6 Idar Bell BURNS b: 24 MAY 1870 d: 22 AUG 1873
6 Emily Alice BURNS b: 30 NOV 1872 d: 29 SEP 1880
6 Ida Irene BURNS b: 11 AUG 1875 d: Deceased
+ Denton Clark POWELL d: Deceased
6 Ella Doretta BURNS b: 8 OCT 1877 d: Deceased
6 Benjamim Stevens BURNS b: 23 DEC 1880 d: 1949
+ Lenora AINSWORTH b: 1888 d: Deceased

5 Mattie BURNS b: ABT. 1825 d: Deceased

4 John BURNS b: 1788 d: 1867
+ Margaret WILSON b: 4 MAR 1794 d: 9 OCT 1871

5 Zacharias Thomas Lafayette BURNS b: 5 JUN 1830 d: 26 APR 1899
+ Lydia Ann ARMSTRONG d: Deceased
5 John Foster BURNS b: 24 JUL 1814 d: Deceased
+ Elizabeth TILLER d: Deceased
5 William B. BURNS b: 16 AUG 1816 d: Deceased
+ Susan M. YOAST d: Deceased
5 Robert W. BURNS b: 1 DEC 1818 d: 4 SEP 1866
+ Mariah S. BROWN d: Deceased
5 Malinda BURNS b: 22 SEP 1824 d: 1913
+ John A. FULLERTON d: Deceased
5 Susannah Mathilda BURNS b: 23 JUN 1826 d: Deceased
+ Nelson BAKER d: Deceased
5 Joseph M. BURNS b: 1828 d: Deceased
5 Elihu Dennis BURNS b: 27 MAR 1832 d: 1890
+ Mary Ann COWDEN d: Deceased
+ Tabith Jane JENNINGS d: Deceased

3 Laird II BURNS b: 1756 d: SEP 1840
+ Jane Wife Of Laird II BURNS b: WFT Est. 1735-1762 d: WFT Est. 1781-1830

4 John W. BURNS b: 1775 d: WFT Est. 1776-1865
4 William BURNS b: 1779 d: WFT Est. 1836-1871
+ Elizabeth Wife Of William BURNS b: WFT Est. 1779-1814 d: WFT Est. 1836-1875

5 Pleasant Miller BURNS b: 1829 d: 1881
5 Lewis B. BURNS b: 1833 d: WFT Est. 1834-1923
5 Smith Temple BURNS b: 1835 d: 1884
+ Rebecca A. ROBERTS b: WFT Est. 1833-1858 d: WFT Est. 1880-1928

6 Mary BURNS b: WFT Est. 1856-1882 d: WFT Est. 1857-1950

6 Oliver BURNS b: WFT Est. 1856-1882 d: WFT Est. 1857-1946
6 Margaret BURNS b: WFT Est. 1856-1882 d: WFT Est. 1857-1950
6 Minnie BURNS b: WFT Est. 1856-1882 d: WFT Est. 1857-1950
6 Olive BURNS b: WFT Est. 1856-1882 d: WFT Est. 1857-1950
6 Lonnie BURNS b: 8 FEB 1878 d: 16 FEB 1979
+ Vesta Missouri KENNEDY b: WFT Est. 1861-1886 d: WFT Est. 1905-1956
6 Mary BURNS b: WFT Est. 1856-1882 d: WFT Est. 1857-1950
6 Minnie BURNS b: WFT Est. 1856-1882 d: WFT Est. 1857-1950 6 Olive BURNS b: WFT Est. 1856-1882 d: WFT Est. 1857-1950 6 Oliver BURNS b: WFT Est. 1856-1882 d: WFT Est. 1857-1946 + ELIZABETH b: WFT Est. 1779-1814 d: WFT Est. 1836-1875

5 Lewis B. BURNS b: 1833 d: WFT Est. 1834-1923 5 Pleasant Miller BURNS b: 1829 d: 1881 5 Smith Temple BURNS b: 1835 d: 1884 + Rebecca A. ROBERTS b: WFT Est. 1833-1858 d: WFT Est. 1880-1928

6 Mary BURNS b: WFT Est. 1856-1882 d: WFT Est. 1857-1950 6 Oliver BURNS b: WFT Est. 1856-1882 d: WFT Est. 1857-1946 6 Margaret BURNS b: WFT Est. 1856-1882 d: WFT Est. 1857-1950 6 Minnie BURNS b: WFT Est. 1856-1882 d: WFT Est. 1857-1950 6 Olive BURNS b: WFT Est. 1856-1882 d: WFT Est. 1857-1950 6 Lonnie BURNS b: 8 FEB 1878 d: 16 FEB 1979 + Vesta Missouri KENNEDY b: WFT Est. 1861-1886 d: WFT Est. 1905-1956 6 Lonnie BURNS b: 8 FEB 1878 d: 16 FEB 1979 + Vesta Missouri KENNEDY b: WFT Est. 1861-1886 d: WFT Est. 1905-1956 6 Margaret BURNS b: WFT Est. 1856-1882 d: WFT Est. 1857-1950 6 Mary BURNS b: WFT Est. 1856-1882 d: WFT Est. 1857-1950 6 Minnie BURNS b: WFT Est. 1856-1882 d: WFT Est. 1857-1950 6 Olive BURNS b: WFT Est. 1856-1882 d: WFT Est. 1857-1950 6 Oliver BURNS b: WFT Est. 1856-1882 d: WFT Est. 1857-1946 + Jean WILLIAMS b: WFT Est. 1752-1772 d: WFT Est. 1773-1846

3 Sarah Searah BURNS b: 1757 d: Deceased

2 Ann BURNS b: 1718 d: Deceased
2 Martha BURNS b: 1720 d: Deceased

Franklin Co Taxables 1751: 1) Laird Burns 2) John Burns 3) Charles McGill - Guilford Twp Hamilton Twp is in Franklin Co PA.

I don't know where this James Burns belongs but since he was born abt 1757 and enlisted in Cumberland Co PA I assume he belongs to this family. If you know the exact connection please enlighten me so I can put this on the correct page.

James Burns was aged 63 years in 1820, thus born about 1757. His Revolutionary War pension papers (S35805) indicated that he enlisted for the war in Cumberland County, Pennsylvania on August 19, 1776, serving under Captain Samuel Miller in the 8th Pennsylvania Regiment commanded by Colonel McCoy and that he served as a private for 3 years and 26 days. He was discharged at Fort Pitt, was then under the command of Col. Broadhead who commanded the 8th Regiment and received his discharge from Colonel Stephen Byard. He applied for this pension in 1818 from Pendleton County, Kentucky and included among his pension papers was a request for (perhaps his lawyer?) Robert Taylor, for a Revolutionary War pension for another man, William Wharton.

The latter was involved in a circuit court case in Bourbon County, Kentucky (Bourbon County Order Book A:394) dated May 1791 in which e accused John Wilson and wife and James Burns on slander. This John Wilson in his will, written March 12, 1795, probated October 1795, names as his only heir, his son-in-law James Burn. William Wharton later appears in early Pendleton County, Kentucky records also. Thus, it appears that James Burns' wife later appears in early Pendleton County, Kentucky records also. It appears that James Burns' wife was Eleanor Wilson, daughter of John Wilson of Bourbon County, Kentucky. Her given name is found in two documents: first in a Bourbon County Court case involving Thomas McLay, dated February 24, 1792 (old case file #13--now #456 in Box #2 at the Kentucky Department for Libraries and Archives in Frankfort); and secondly in James Burns' pension files, where Eleanor is listed as age 65 years on October 16, 1820. Eleanor was apparently deceased by 1834 in that she is not named in her husband's will.

James Burns' name appears on the first tax list for Bourbon County (1787) through 1789; in 1791; and from 1796-97. In 1799, a Jean/Jane Burns and a John and Garret Burns appears; it is not known if they are related or not. A James Burns appears on the 1797-1798 tax lists for Campbell County, Kentucky, then from 1807-1809 and is on the 1810 census there (the only James Burns on the 1810 Kentucky Census) with apparently four sons and two daughters if all the children in the household are "his." He appears on the Pendleton County, Kentucky tax lists for 1801-1805 (in 1801 he is called James Burns Sr.) and again for 1814-1819 when that part of Pendleton County where he lived became Grant County. He is then on the Grant County tax lists 1820-1829 but no James Burns appears on the 1830 Kentucky Census. There is a man by that name on the Boone County, Kentucky tax lists for 1821, 1824, 1827, 1818, 1829, 1831, 1833. He does not appear on the Grant County, Kentucky deed indexes. His will was written January 14 and probated July 1834 in Boone County, Kentucky. Names his children: Thomas ("my oldest son"), "next oldest child Margaret Aydelott, "my next oldest child" Elizabeth Burns, "my next oldest child" Samuel Burns, "my next oldest child" David Burns, my daughter Polly Webster, wife of Biven Webster "who (referring to Polly) has had a great deal of trouble with me and my companion, her mother", daughter, Nancy Points, son George Burns, son William. Witnesses were U. W. Webster. T.G.P. Cunningham and Wm. Franks. (Boone County, Kentucky Will Book C:26). Additional research needs to be done in Boone County court orders and deeds. Three additional Bourbon County circuit court cases (vs. Benj. Harrison; vs. James McLay; and vs. Jno. Standeford) as listed in the index to Bourbon County "case files" did not reveal any additional genealogical information; Probable children, based on his will:

1. Thomas Burns, apparently born between 1775-1794 (1820 census) may have been the man by that name who married Catharine Cayton on March 3, 1807 (bond) Pendleton County, Kentucky. He is on the 1820 census for Grant County with seven children. There is a Thomas Burns on the 1830 census for Gallatin County, Kentucky, it is not known if this is the same man, and research needs to be done in that county's records.

2. Margaret Burns who married first Samuel Hutchason June 12, 1804 in Pendleton County, and then John Aydelott on May 6, 1819 in pendleton County.

3. Elizabeth Burns who was unmarried in 1834.

4. Samuel Burns who married Eve Franks in Switzerland County, Indiana September 5, 1816. He had served in the War of 1813 with Childers' Company of Mounted Volunteers and was deceased by February 20, 1823 in Grant County (he is last on the 1822 Grant County tax list). He left three children for whom there is additional information.

NOTE by Beulah Wiley Franks ~ October 22, 2001: I must differ with Janet's information on Child #4. I do not think son Samuel Burns named in the will of James Burns, is the Samuel Burns who married Eve Franks, daughter of John Martin and Elizabeth (Lail) Franks, in Switzerland County, Indiana on September 5, 1816. James Burns did name a son, Samuel, in his January 14, 1834 will, probated July 1834 in Boone County, Kentucky, willing him $1, however, the Samuel Burns who married Eve Franks was deceased at the writing of James Burns' will, having died in Grant County in February 1823, with Jacob Franks being appointed administrator of his estate. Samuel Burns, husband of Eve, did serve in the War of 1812 with Captain Childers' Company of Mounted Volunteers. He and his wife, Eve, had three children: James, Elizabeth "Betsy", and David.

5. David Burns married Margaret Franks on February 28, 1816 in Fayette County, Kentucky and he is on the 1820 and 1830 census records there. He died between September 1837 and 1838 in Grant County leaving descendants; five known sons.

6. Polly Burns married Bivin Webster (perhaps this is the "Benoni" Webster marriage, 1822 in Grant County). She is mistakenly listed in the 1850 Grant County Census as being only 39 years old; by 1860, she is listed as 67 years old. Additional information is available on her children.

7. Nancy Burns married John Points June 13, 1815 Boone County, Kentucky, with Samuel Burns being bondsman with the consent of her father James Burns (the consent form is very hard to read due to smudges). This couple may have divorced or separated, with John Points going on to Schuyler County, Illinois where he married again to Mary Elizabeth in 1833. Nancy (Burns) Points may be the Nancy "PINTS" who appears on the 1840 and 1850 census for Mississippi County, Arkansas, but who then disappears from the records.

8. George Burns may be the man by that name who married Polly Richardson in 1825 in Grant County. He is on the Grant County tax lists for 1823-1827.

9. Williams Burns may be the man by that name who married Joanna Delph in 1827 Boone County, Kentucky.

Researched by Janet Pease 10310 W. 62nd Place, #202 Arvada, Colorado 80004. Used with permission. Published in Footsteps of the Past, March 23, 2000.

Home ~ Family Genealogies Beulah Wiley Franks Grant County Coordinator, KY/ALHN

From James Burn (John/Jean Hall, John/Ellen Cuthill) chr. 2/18/1639 Falkirk, Stirling, Scotland m. 10/10/1665 to Agnes Watt b. abt 1644 North Leith, Midlothian, Scotland. Only child list for Agnes Watt is Jean Burn b. 1666.

John Burn (John/Ellen Cuthill) chr 12/6/1603 Falkirk d. aft 1640 m. 8/17/1624 to Jean Hall (Hugh/Agnes Davie)chr 5/26/1606 Falkirk.

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