About Face ---------- White Creatures White Spells 4 x Angelic Protector 4 x Worthy Cause 4 x Task Force 4 x Disenchant 4 x Nomads en Kor 4 x Warrior en Kor 4 x Shaman en Kor 4 x Wall of Essence Red Creatures Red Spells 4 x Dwarven Thaumaturgist 4 x About Face 13 x Plains 4 x Plateau (or City of Brass if you can't afford dual lands) 3 x Mountain OK, this deck relies on some quirky rules interpretations that came in with Classic. Firstly, the en Kor's redirection ability now targets the creature that it redirects to, and it sets up a "send it here" shield instead of waiting for damage to be dealt. In other words, you can use it any time. Secondly, since damage prevention is now a shielded effect, it lasts until end of turn. And finally, redirected combat damage remains combat damage. So, here's the lowdown. As soon as you get a Protector or Task Force down, target it with numerous en Kor shields, which has a dual purpose. It both bluffs your opponent into thinking that you may have that game-ending About Face, and it makes sure that damage won't kill your combo engine. Even if your opponent managed a 15 point Earthquake, simply target your Protector with 15 shields from each of your en Kor. Big Angel. When you do have the About Face, save it until you've attacked, i.e the last possible moment. Splat. The Task Force won't win you many games, rather it's in there in case you a large amount of life in a hurry: Worthy Cause. The flying of the Protector makes it the killer. The Wall is there in case you don't find either killing machine...just drop 3 points of en Kor redirection on it a turn for 3 free life. Or block a Rancored elf with it. The Thaumaturgist may be too slow, but if you can find a better replacement, try it and let me know. The deck wins perfectly well without the combo, as you have 12 beatdown machines with 2cc or less. Add in a wall and you have a good WW deck base anyway.