Episode 1 is over, 2 is on its way, and no doubt 3 is written. Where does the most famous
cult movie of all time go from here? Will there be Episodes 7, 8 and 9? And if there are, what will the storyline be?
Who will play who? Let's have a look...
My personal favourite of the Star Wars novels on the market right now would have to be The Thrawn Trilogy.
The characters introduced in it are some of the strongest ones anywhere, and are used in most of the other series out there. Mara Jade, for example, is in several other trilogies,
including Jedi Academy, and marries Luke in Zahn's latest Star Wars offering, Visions of the Future. Pellaeon features in two more books, as do the Noghri.
So let's say Lucasarts decides that this Trilogy is worthy of the Big Screen Tradition of Star Wars. We'd need new actors for everyone, because of the 5-year gap between Return of
the Jedi and the first installment of the Thrawn Trilogy, Heir to the Empire. Let's start with the good guys...
Luke presents a big problem. We need an actor with a dark, haunted look, but still showing youthful exuberance, in their late 20's. Blond. That leaves me with no obvious candidates. I refuse to
suggest Leonardo DiCaprio, because he's too damned cute. Cute doesn't belong in Star Wars. Ever. Ryan Phillipe?
Leia is a lot easier. Sandra Bullock, Nicole Kidman....they have the dark haired thing going, and they both exude power. At a push you could go to Neve Campbell or Courtney Cox, but they're too "baby doll"
and not powerful enough to put the role across right.
Han, were he 20 years older, would be crying out for some serious Bruce Willis. But he isn't. Keanu Reeves? Not rugged and scruffy enough. Brad Pitt? Mmmmmmmmmaybe...Again, too much of a
pretty boy. Don't even think Van Damme, we want actors. Cruise? Better. And good synergy with Ms Kidman too...
Lando has the reverse of Han's problem...he needs to be a black actor who looks liek a pretty boy, but all the big ones are rugged. Denzel Washingotn is probably the best bet.
Mara Jade is crying out to be played by Roma Downey...down to the hair colour even! If only she could modify the accent...and look mean and serious...
Talon Karrde needs to be shrewd-looking and intelligent. Once again, no one springs to mind...
And the bad guys. Thrawn is Christopher Walken. No doubt. Unless he's too old, of course. Gary Oldman? He is such a good bad guy!
Pellaeon is a smart, insightful captain who is taught by Thrawn. He's middle-aged and military-looking. DeNiro is a good idea, but the part may be
too small for him.
Joruus C'Boath needs to have a maniacal edge to him. He is crazy, after all. And old. Billy Connolly (Driving Miss Daisy) is a good plan.
Any comments?
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