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The Extended Format-Rogue Decks that win.

With the recent DCI changes to the environment, Extended is not much more in terms of card pool than Type II is. In my opinion, it is what Type II should be, with the exception of 5th Edition. Nonetheless, there are some VERY strong archetypes in the format, not least of which is...

The Uzi deck

Red                                 White
4 x Flame Jet                         3 x Swords to Plowshares
4 x Incinerate                        3 x Disenchant
4 x Shock                             
4 x Kindle
4 x Fireblast
4 x Landslide
2 x Earthquake
4 x Steam Blast
4 x Thunderbolt

Sideboard:                               Land:
3 x Thran Lens                       14 x Mountain
3 x Parch                             4 x Plateau
4 x Erase                             2 x City of Brass
2 x Pyroclasm
3 x Cursed Totem
I really don't understand why no-one has tried this deck and won with it. It's equipped to handle most problems, and the rapid damage-dealing allows you to ignore anything that won't kill you by turn 4 or 5. This deck goldfishes around there. By turn 2, your opponent WILL be under 20, maybe even at 11. It should win any damage race at all with a start like that. Not even Green weenie can boast that sort of advantage. The sideboard and the splash white deal with all of Red's traditional weaknesses...enchantment kill, avoiding protection, being outrushed. If you can manage 4 land by turn 5, you will be firmly in control. If you need to sideboard, take out a couple of the damage spells that seem least effective to you. This is a very quick, very deadly deck.


Blue                    Red               White                   Black
4 x Intuition                 4 x Pandemonium     4 x Replenish         4 x Yawgmoth's Bargain
4 x Frantic Search            2 x Fervor          4 x Opalescence
4 x Attunement                4 x Bedlam
4 x Forget

12 x Island
6 x Plains
4 x Tundra
You're probably wondering a lot of things about this deck. Like, if it's Extended, why so many new cards? Well, if you can find any more efficient card drawing engines that discard as well, feel free to use them.
The kill should be obvious...dump a load of enchants in the graveyard, icluding Opalescence and either Fervor or Pandemonium. Then Replenish. Pandemonium makes an instant kill, but with Fervor, you have to attack. Not a problem, the opponent won't be able to block anyway!
Not tested the deck yet, but its Standard variant goldfishes at 6, this should be quicker thanks to Intuition.

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