Blue is traditionally the colour of big fat fliers and bounce. Counters don't see much play in the format, unless
you can get a lot, because they take up valuable creature space. Urza's Saga doesn't break that mould.
Barrin, Master Wizard A good, not great card, in Limited. It would be great if it could bounce permanents,
but creatures will do. The problem is the saccing of a permanent to do it. Extra land and the like are expendable of course,
but when do you have them in Limited? It will probably come around again.
Cloak of Mists Evasion is good. Therefore, this is good. It guarantees you some damage, but be careful not
to take this too early or if you have only a few creatures.
Coral Merfolk Blue doesn't have many weenies available in this set, so 2 for a 2/1 isn't a bad deal. Still, he'll be there until late,
so don't rush for him.
Curfew I love this card, in combination with Raven Familiar. Bouncing one of his critts is good, as is bouncing one of yours
if they have a useful comes into play ability. It too will come around again.
Disruptive Student Having said that counters don't see much play in Limited, this guy should almost certainly go early. Tapping
to Force Spike is even stronger in Limited than in Constructed, cos most people will be tapping out to cast fatties. This makes them wait a turn longer. Even if they
pay the 1, you've made them spend more mana than they wanted to, which stops them using it for something else.
Drifting DjinnFlying is good. Fat is good. Flying fat, therefore, deserves the Hot! tag. Definitely
a number 1 pick, even over most Embraces. Strong.
Enchantment Alteration If you're going to be playing Blue/Red or Blue/Black, this is possibly the best way to deal with Rancor and Embraces.
Smile broadly when you take his Gaea's Embrace and drop it on your Zephid, then laugh when you attack. Loudly.
Exhaustion This is one nasty card. It basically negates your opponent's turn in Limited, since the chances of him having any
artifact mana are slim, and the chances of him playing a land and casting a spell are too.
Fog Bank Would you like a card that will shut down your opponent's best non-trample creature turn after turn and never need to be revived? Fog Bank's
your wall. If you get one around 3 or 4, take it.
Great WhaleI'm sure you're tired of seeing this, but it has to be said...fat is good! And when that fat costs you 0 mana,
it's even better. Untapping seven lands means you can cast your Whale and your Gaea's Embrace on it on the same turn. That's commonly known as beatdown.
Hermetic Study Turn any creature into a Tim. This is a good thing. Direct damage is very strong in Limited, and if you
manage to draft a Horseshoe Crab as well, you have a ready-made combo.
Horseshoe Crab A walking combo, this card goes so well with so many others. Opposition,Hermetic addition to being a great blocker.
Don't jump at it, but don't leave it too late. If you already have a Study, take this ASAP.
Launch Giving a creature flying is nothing to be sniffed at. Giving a creature flying and returning to your hand when it is destroyed is just plain
strong. Still, the fact that it doesn't boost the creature at all makes it a middling pick.
Lilting Refrain I don't know that I'd take this card unless I was sure I needed to counter stuff. But it does sit there discouraging your opponent from playing stuff.
Personally I'd wait to see if it comes back, but I know some who grab it on sight. Personal taste, I feel...
Morphling The card that benefits the most from the Classic rules, and it was already strong to start with. The sheer range of abilities, and that fact
that with enough mana he's going nowhere, makes it blue's best card in this set. It's a close call with this and Zephid, but I'd go with Morphy every time.
Pendrell Drake I normally hate overcosted cards that have the set's new concept, but when they fly and cycle, they're not too bad. Of course, there's a lot of
cards I'd rather take than this, but a flier is never a bad thing.
Pendrell Flux Not really creature suppression for blue, as in this format if you can cast it once, yopu can pay for it again normally. But it does tie up mana turn after turn, unless
they decide they don't want the creature that much, in which case you kill a creature. Fun trick: Play it on a freshly cast echo critter for guaranteed headaches. If you open it, you may be able to gamble on it coming
back around, but otherwise it probably won't.
Peregrine DrakeOh good, another overcosted flier. But is it? It gives you the lands back, making it better than the Pendrell Drake. Take it early.
Power Sink This is always a good counter in Limited, because it ties up mana. Although it loses strength under Classic rules, it still taps the opponent out. That can
never hurt.
Rescind OK, so it's no Capsize, but this is worth picking up if it's still there late on. It cycles if you're winning, and if you're not it takes care of some fatty that's killing you.
Also handy for resetting echo and growing enchantments.
Rewind Free countering is something that blue players have been missing since Force of Will. OK, so this is nowhere near as good, and you still need to have 4 lands free
to use it, but you can then counter something else that turn. Pick 6 or 7.
Sandbar Serpent It may be pricy, but it's fat and it cycles.
Somnophore Oh yeah. Tie down those fatties. Flying. And you don't need to keep it tapped or anything to keep the fattie tied. Wonderful. Game winner. Take it very early.
Spire Owl A nice little flier that lets you manipulate your next four draws, making sure you get the fattie or land or creature kill you need. Remember, byt the time this guy comes up, 4 cards is at the least a eighth
of your library. Nice, eh?
The Veiled Stuff I'm too lazy to type them all out. Birds are a bargain bin card...the kind you get 13th or 14th and feel happy about. Sentry rocks. Rocks, I say. only to cast
and it's as big as your opponent wants it to be. While he's on the table, you can pretty much be sure that no fatties will come into play over there. The others are average at best.
Zephid Flying, untargettable fat? What are you waiting for? TAKE IT!!!
Zephid's Embrace And this turns things into flying, untargettable fat. Do I really have to repeat myself?
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