Green is possibly the strongest colour to draft in the Urza's Block, and it starts in Urza's Saga with some very strong
creatures, some even stronger enhancers, and a couple kick-ass growing enchantments. Let's start at the beginning...
Albino Troll Very strong, even ion constructed play. Regeneration is good. 3/3 for 2 is good. Echo is not so good, but is excusable. Again, not really a first pick, but better than Acridian.
Argothian Wurm Everybody say it together...baaaaaaaaaaaa-roken. In this format, killing a land is amazing, and a big creature for that little mana is better. Definitely a first pick, and
broken enough to give you a damn good shot at winning whenever he comes up.
Blanchwood Armor The jury is still out on this one, but in a heavy green deck it will win you the game. Pick 5 or 6 at best, unless you know you've got a heavy green deck.
Blanchwood Treefolk Big big big boy, not too expensive either. Pick him before he's taken by someone looking for a second colour, so around 4-5.
Child of Gaea Hello baby! 7/7 for 6??? So what if 3 of them are green? He regenerates AND tramples! Broken. First pick. Hell, he's almost worth
cheating for. The upkeep may seem a little heavy unless your main colour is green, so keep that in mind. A card that will decide which colour you are playing. Did you guess I kinda like this guy?
Citanul Centaurs 6/3 for 4. Untargetable. Echo. Who cares? First pick, second at worst and only if something like a Torch Song was in the pack. Many beatings.
Cradle Guard Another fat Echo critter that tramples. Overloading on echo creatures can be troublesome, so bear that in mind. Second or third pick, maybe even first if the rare is
Elvish Herder Often overlooked, you can pick this handy little guy up quite late if you're lucky. A weenie is always good, as it can get you life advantage early on. It also can help push through those last couple of
points by giving some fattie trample. Stomps chump blockers.
Elvish Lyrist Very useful, given the number of strong enchantments in the cycle. Also another weenie to help you swarm. Middle pick.
Endless Wurm Hmmmm...believe it or not you can actually justify not taking him. If you're only running a few enchantments, it's not worth the
risk of a dead card in your hand,and 5 mana is a bit much for a blocker. But he's sooooooo big! If you can get a permachantment, then play him.
Fortitude Only really useful if you have something to use it for, as saccing a land can be painful in draft, even if it does save you a critter.
A 50-50 pick.
Gaea's Cradle Bordering on broken, but only really useful in a heavy green deck. Taking first pick first pack pretty much dedicates you to green,
and that isn't a bad thing. The only Legendary land that is actually playable in this format.
Gaea's Embrace The strongest of the Embraces, all of which are 1-2 picks anyway. Makes any critter a fat trampling
regenerating monster. It might not even be worth looking past this. Almost any pack you get this in, you should take it. Very, very strong.
Hidden Spider The only one of the sleepers worth playing in green. Fairly large, stops fliers. Not worth picking until late though.
Midsummer Revel The great thing about these growing enchantments is they are so hard to stop. Try to kill it and
I'll just sac it in response, giving me some lovely fat critters. 3 or 4 turns should be enough time to leave it there. Grab it when you see it.
Pouncing Jaguar A weenie is good. A big weenie is even better. 18 life on turn 2 is a bad start (though it could be worse).
The echo is trivial as it costs only anyway. Second or third pick is not unheard of, especially if you already chose green.
Priest of Titania Always gives at least one mana, and will probably give more. Middle pick.
Symbiosis The only reason I didn't class this as hot is that there are times you won't want to take it. You have to have
2 creatures out to play it, unless you want to beef up your opponent's creature too. Once you do have two out though, the poer bonus for
2 critters is outstanding.
Titania's Chosen Very strong. Even stronger against a green opponent. Will become very big. Early pick.
Treetop Rangers Evasion creatures are always handy, especially one as hard to block as this. Early to middle pick.
War Dance The other strong growchantment. This is a game-ender. Just drop it turn 1 and use it when necessary.
The opponent will be scared to attack because he'll always want a blocker, and scared to block with a fattie in case you kill it. Maybe not a number 1
pick, but if you get it, it will make you fearsome.
Whirlwind An excellent way to get rid of those pesky fliers, but not a card you should choose over any other in this list. Good back-up plan.
Wild Dogs Another one of those big weenies, with a negligible drawback. Can often fill in the difficult 4-5-6 slot.
Winding Wurm Fat! We like fat. Echo can be a problem, but the size makes up for it. If you managed to get a big mana producer, like
the Cradle or a Priest of Titania, then this is a must grab.
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