Leko is an exceptionally strong Hungarian Grandmaster with a good all-round game who has been in the worlds top ten for many years now. He came very close to defeating Kramnik in the match for the title of world champion in 2004. Leko only needed a draw in the last game to win the match but his nerve failed, he lost, and the match finished 7-7 allowing Kramnik to retain his title. Leko performs reasonably well in elite tournaments and never really looks outclassed by the other top players but has not been on great form since that last game in 2004. He has the talent to be world champion, but does he have the grit and the mental stamina necessary? Perhaps not, but only time will tell!
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Kramnik,V-Leko,P 2004
1. e4 c6
2. d4 d5
3. e5 Bf5
4. h4 h6
5. g4 Bd7
6. Nd2 c5
7. dxc5 e6
8. Nb3 Bxc5
9. Nxc5 Qa5+
10. c3 Qxc5
11. Nf3 Ne7
12. Bd3 Nbc6
13. Be3 Qa5
14. Qd2 Ng6
15. Bd4 Nxd4
16. cxd4 Qxd2+
17. Kxd2 Nf4
18. Rac1 h5
19. Rhg1 Bc6
20. gxh5 Nxh5
21. b4 a6
22. a4 Kd8
23. Ng5 Be8
24. b5 Nf4
25. b6 Nxd3
26. Kxd3 Rc8
27. Rxc8+ Kxc8
28. Rc1+ Bc6
29. Nxf7 Rxh4
30. Nd6+ Kd8
31. Rg1 Rh3+
32. Ke2 Ra3
33. Rxg7 Rxa4
34. f4 Ra2+
35. Kf3 Ra3+
36. Kg4 Rd3
37. f5 Rxd4+
38. Kg5 exf5
39. Kf6 Rg4
40. Rc7 Rh4
41. Nf7+
Game source: Chesslab - a fantastic online resource.