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Chess Endgames

Some Chess Endings

King and pawn endings are the most basic type of chess position worthy of study and yet many games are lost because of a lack of practical knowledge on the subject. They are therefore our focus here.

This first example is of a position which is often the end result of a long calculation.

With black to play the position is a win for white. 1. ... Kd7, 2. Kf7 Kd6, 3. Pe8 = Q .
Conversely, with white to play it is a draw. 1. Ke6 and it is stalemate; the black king cannot move.
This next example shows an earlier situation, with white to play.

Here Pg6+ leads to a draw as follows; 1. Pg6 Kh8, 2. Kf7 stalemate.
Or, 1. Pg6 Kh8, 2. Pg7 Kg8, 3. Kg6 stalemate
The correct move is Kf7; 1. Kf7 Kh8, 2. Kg6 Kg8, 3. Kh6 and now

  1. 3. ... Kh8, 4. Pg6 Kg8, 5. Pg7 Kf7, 6. Kh7 Kf6, 7. Pg8 = Q.
  2. 3. ... Kf8 4. Kh7 Kf7, 5. Pg6 Kf8, 6. Pg7 Kf7, 7. Pg8 = Q.
  3. 3. ... Kf7, 4. Kh7 Kf8, 5. Pg6 Ke7, 6. Pg7 Ke8 7. Pg8 = Q.

This position is with a rooks pawn and can be quite unexpected the first time you see it.

With black to play the position is a draw because the white king cannot escape from in front of the pawn and if it advances then stale mate is reached; 1. ... Kf7! 2. Ph7 Kf8, stalemate, or 2. Kh7 Kf8, 3. Kg6 Kg8, 4. h7+ Kh8, 5. Kh6 stalemate.
Naturally, with white to play it is an easy win after 1. Kg7.
This position is also an important one.

Whoever it is to move the position is a win for white.
e.g. White to play 1. Ke6 Ke8, 2. Pd6 Kd8, 3. Pd7 Kc7, 4. Ke7 Kc6, 5. Pd8 = Q
Black to play 1. Ke8 Kc7, 2. Ke7 Pd6, 3. Ke8 Pd7, 4. Ke7 Pd8 = Q

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