Today is Sunday, March 9, 2025 and the sun is shining; somewhere. If the sun isn't shining where you are, then you should be playing chess. This site is filled with everything we could think of which is chess related; chess openings, thought, puzzles, quotations, games, program reviews, facts, sets, endings, players, book reviews and more. If you have any suggestions or comments (constructive or otherwise) please put them in our guestbook. Have fun, always. Chyss Chess Contents
Featured Pages An easy to learn opening repertoire based on 1. e4 with white and 1. ... e6 with black. Difficult, complex, and highly theoretical lines are shunned in favour of simple but promising alternatives. Alternatively, if you are looking for suggestions for a repertoire based on 1. d4 with white then click here. A couple of slightly quirky alternative defences for black are suggested here. Send in your own questions (either by e-mail to chyss[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]uk or by leaving them on our messageboard) or read the answers to questions sent in by others. Find some interesting suggestions for advocates of the Caro Kann, discover what a zwischenzug is, and learn exactly when en passent is legal! Comparative reviews of both commercial and free chess software. Which is better, Fritz or Genius? How do these two famous programs compare with less well known programs like Shredder? Is Chessmaster 'only' any good as a training program or can it compete with Fritz and Genius in terms of raw playing strength? Find out what our reviewer thinks here! Reviews of chess books, mostly fairly recent, and mostly of opening books. Is Palliser's 1. d4 repertoire book better than Dunnington's "Attacking with 1. d4". Is Suba's book on the Hedgehog a repertoire book, or is it a collection of helpmate puzzles?! Is Ward's "It's Your Move" likely to help your chess? Find out what our reviewer thinks here!
Periodically, new pages are added to Chyss Chess. Feedback is always welcome, especially on these newest additions. If you have anything to say about these, or other pages at Chyss Chess then please get in touch with us either by e-mailing us at chyss[at]yahoo[dot]co[dot]uk or by leaving a message in our guestbook. Below are links to our newest pages. New Pages:
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