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Chyss Chess

Good day to you noble sir or gently lady. I am the old Index and though I know not why you are here I welcome you nonetheless. The date is and here in the ancient world the sun is shining. The time now is, be patient, I have it inscribed upon a shard of steel in my sack, it is . Though I am slow to load and though some of my links are dead I am still a fine index. The evil Baron Webmaster has stripped me of my guestbook but the coward fled before I was able to draw my sword and decapitate the rogue. I am, unlike the more modern index free from the chains of the webmasters adverts and bear only the mark of Angelfire, that of a true knight. If you find comfort in my old ways and do not resent my flaws then I bid you return to see me again. Be of stout heart and trust in yourself always...

Openings Thought Puzzles Quotations Games Computers Facts
Sets Endings Players Books

A simple chess page

And here are all my pages listed alphabetically, including those which are as yet unfinished.
Books common openings Computers Endings Facts Games greek gift grob help How to play chess oldpage1 oldpage2 oldpage3 Links Openings Openings2 Openings3 Players programs Puzzles Quotations reviews rubbish Sets Simple chess page storygame Thought tricks