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One of the three Gurus of the ancient kingdom of Zeal, Belthasar is a genius in his time. He is known to all of that era as the Guru of Reason, and he is the creator of the the airship, the Blackbird, and has created many other fantastic mechanical wonders. He was a lonely guru, who lived in solitude, working on his inventions. On that faithful day of the destruction of the Ocean Palace and the Fall of Kingdom of Zeal, Belthasar travelled to the Ocean Palace with the other gurus, to try to stop the queen from awaking Lavos. The queen was beyond reason at this point so when Lavos was summonded, time portals were created, sucking each of the gurus in. Belthasar ended up in the future. There, he continued his lonely existance at the Keeper's Dome, far away from everyone else. This time, however, he was filled with a new purpose, to stop Lavos. He put the last of his energies and sanity into his ultimate creation to help stop Lavos, the Epoch or Wings of Time. He finally passed away, but left his memories copied onto a Nu, to pass on his last help and requests to Crono and friends.