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2300 AD

2300 AD is the future in Chrono Trigger. At this point in time, the world is bleak and desolate. Food is extremely scarce and there are days when humans seem to stare starvation in the face.

Survival is the name of the game in 2300 AD, but everyone is losing hope. The robots created to serve them have turned against them with surprising brutality, and have made it their goal to wipe mankind off the face of the Earth. In the mean time, nobody can see past the famine that is ravaging the land. Machines have been created to nourish the masses, but these creations still leave you hungry. Moral is low, until a group of strange teens come wandering on to the sceen. They dstroy the robots and give the people hope. The seeds they find too give the people a shot at becoming "healthy" again.

For more information on the characters in this time period, click here.