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65 000 000 BC

65 000 000 BC is known as the prehistoric era in Chrono Trigger. In this time period, a war exists between the advanced Reptites (evolved dinos) and the Apes (human's ancestors). The Reptites believed the Apes to be inferior to their species and wished to exterminate all of them. Their leader, Azala, had no use for them, nor any desire to share the earth with their kind. The Apes lived in two separate tribes, both of which had two different opinions on the problems with the Reptites. The Labura Tribe believed that it was best to leave the Reptites alone, so they wouldn't provoke them any futher. They liked to hide from the danger. The Ioka Tribe, on the other hand, believed in standing up to and fighting the Reptites. They were headed by the spirited young warrior, Ayla.

The war with the Reptites was heated and continued on for many years, until finally, the Labura hiding place was discovered and many of both tribes were abducted by the Reptites. Ayla had finally had enough, and with the help of the Labura Tribe and their loan of the necessary transportation, Ayla ventured to the Tyrano Lair, to put an end to the fighting, for better or worse.

Ayla managed to defeat Azala, just as the Red Star (Actually Lavos), fell from the sky, and destroyed all traces of the Reptite civilization. Ayla then, accompagnied your party to save all time from this new threat, leaving her tribe (who were now united with the Labura) to rebuild, under the rule of her boyfriend, Kino. The people still weren't in the clear, however. The climate was changing...

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