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Janus is the young prince of the Kingdom of Zeal. A solitary figure, who appears to be spoiled rotten, Janus' only friends are his pet cat, Alfador, and his half-sister Schala. He is moody and hard to get along with. Most of the Enlightened Ones, think that Janus is a brat with no powers, but the Earthbound Ones know different. Janus, we learn from them, has more power than even the Queen and Schala. When Schala gets kidnapped later in the game, Janus rushes off to the Ocean Palace to save her. However things don't go as planned and Janus ends up getting sucked into a gate with the three gurus of Zeal. Janus ends up in the year 600 AD, where he meets the evil Ozzie. Ozzie ends up adopting Janus an fills his heart with hate. Janus masters the black arts till "Janus" is no more. Magus is all that remains of the once innocent child, a dark being bent on revenge against Lavos for what he did to him. Thus Magus takes up command of the Mystic Army and a new, terrifying chapter in his life begins.