Kino is Ayla's second in command of the Ioka tribe in 65 000 000 BC. He really likes Ayla and you get the hint that their is a relationship going there, especially in the main ending. When Ayla meets Crono and friends during their first visit to 65 000 000 BC, Kino is jealous. Ayla is throwing parties for strangers, and it makes him feel like there is something between Ayla and Crono. He steals the Gatekey, which is in turn stolen from him by Reptites. Ayla is upset by Kino's actions, and punishes him for it, because she loves Kino and wants him to stop committing bad acts. Kino then realizes that Ayla always liked him better than Crono and that he shouldn't have been jealous. He then establishes a friendship with your group. Later in the game, after Ayla goes with your group to help fight Lavos, Kino takes over as chief of the tribe.