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Masa and Mune

Masa and Mune are two odd beings orginating from 12 000 BC, although they also play an important part of the story in the year 600 AD. These two are brothers, Masa, the one with the green collar, the being the oldest and Mune, the one in purple, being younger. They are also believed to be twins, but that much is only speculated. They also have an older sister, Doreen who seems to have disappeared after the Zeal. Doreen was fascinated by dreams and spent a great deal of time in Enhasa, the City of Dreams in Zeal. Masa and Mune on the other hand, prefered the wind and its power to dreams, and enjoyed playing on its gusts. These two spent their time in the City of Zeal, the region's capital. When the Ocean Palace was finished and its dangers were realized by the Gurus, Melchior, the Guru of Life, fashioned a knife to destroy the Machine, made from dreamstone, which is the same red rock they made the Mammon Machine from. Masa and Mune accompanied the knife to the Ocean Palace and upon the releasing of the Red Knife to destroy the Machine, the two used the power of the wind to hurl it into the machine with themselves. The energy of the Mammon Machine was at its peak and the knife was not enough to destroy it. Instead, the great quantity of energy changed the knife to a sword and in doing so, fused Masa and Mune to it, making them a part of the sword. When this happened, not only did the already powerful knife become a even more powerful sword though the energy of the Mammon Machine, but the characteristics and magic of Masa and Mune went into the sword. The characteristics, Masa's bravery and Mune's wisdom, came together to form the ultimate weapon. Masa and Mune were also said to have gained power from the Mammon Machine's discharge.

The Masamune!!

Many centuries later, in the year 600 AD, the Masamune's reputation had grown. Masa and Mune, thanks to the Mammon Machine, were immortals, and the power of the sword the Masamune, was legendary. It was believed to be the only weapon powerful enough to destroy the evil wizard Magus, who was at war with Guardia. Of course, such a weapon could not be used by just anyone, one had to prove his/her worth to the two guardians of the sword, Masa and Mune. If you were sucessful enough to defeat them in their strongest form, the sword was yours. Only two ever passed the test, one of which was Cyrus, legendary hero of Guardia. It was when Cyrus was attacking Magus that the Masamune was broken in to two pieces. Glenn, Cyrus' best friend, was changed into a Frog then, by Magus. The blade of the Masamune returned to its sleeping state on top of the Denadore Mountains, while Glenn took the hilt with him. The others that manged to pass the test were your party, who managed to claim the sword for Glenn, the new hero of the kingdom. It ws then used, as legend dictates, to defeat Magus at the hands of the true hero. The Masamune finally gained its true power in the hands of Glenn when Cyrus' ghost was put to rest, and Masa and Mune finally put the power of mind over matter to the test, powering up the sword into its ultimate form.