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1st Album: 98º

All right. I have had this tape about a year (bought end of July 1998) and have yet to finish it despite all the times I've started it. I wanted to turn it off after the second song but I pushed past it and tried to make it all the way throught but I just can't. Never before have I wanted so badly to return a tape the day I bought it. Since I obviously wasn't positively effected by the first album something had to happen and it had a name. The...

2nd Album: 98º and Rising

This album is far better than the first one. Their voices are much stronger and sure of themselves. I held off buying this one because of the first one and found out I was missing out on one terrific album.

On to the songs themselves. It’s hard to pick a favorite but I think I’ll have to say "If She Only Knew." Maybe it’s because as soon as I heard it I knew it was perfect for one of my stories but no matter what it’s a great song from a great album. I think my second fav is "Do You Wanna Dance?" Could it be that a certain someone has a solo in it? Who knows but I can't tell you why it's my second fav. It just is. I like the range of songs on the album. They go from one that can make you dance in one second and in the next, one that make you sit and dream in a click of a song. And who doesn't dream about one of these guys when they're listening to those songs?

I would like to tell you the differences in each voice from album to album but I’ve never completely listened to the first one so I can’t. The only thing I can say is that this one is a stronger album that raised their stock for me and a few others who couldn’t bear listening to the first one.

Random Fact- Drew's favorite song on this album is "She's Out My Life." (I read it in a mag I bought that I am way to old to be buying.)

Coming soon...This Christmas & Revelation


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