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willingate is one of Newfoundland's oldest sea-port towns. The year 1700 is supposed to mark the first settlement of Twillingate and the port is designated on a map by a French cartographer about 1720 as "Toulinguet" (later anglicised into Twillingate) but there is every reason to believe that between the years 1650 and 1690 the harbour was much frequented by fishing vessels from France and England. The French word "Toulinguet" was obviously derived from a group of rocks off the harbour of Brest, France, to which from a certain angle or position from the sea, the configuration of twillingate, with its several coves and inlets undoubtedly bore a striking resemblance. There is, or was at that time. a fort guarding the entrance to Brest Harbour also called "Toulinguet" and conjointly with Twillingate rocks the early Breton fishermen gave the place this name, perhaps as more of a reminiscence of home than because of indentical physical features.

Twillingate, Newfoundland

Some Twillingate links:

Town of Twillingate
Twillingate Page at J.M. Olds
Twillingate Page at MUN
Hutchingsons 1864 - 65 Directory - Twillingate
