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Orlando/Kissimmee is the cheesy American tourist capital of the world, and I love it. It was the first place in Florida I really experienced when we moved here and it had an indelible effect on me. When we first came down to visit Florida we got into Tampa at 5:00pm and by 7:00am the next morning we were already at the gates of Walt Disney World. We spent the weekend there and I just absolutely fell in love with all the glitz and plastic newness of this town, and my love has grown even more since then. Even as a child I kept an orderly box full of Orlando brouchures and maps just in case. Every opportunity to go to Orlando over the past 20 years I have wholeheartedly jumped on. I never tire of this place!!!!

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St. Augustine

God's land. Brilliant, historical, beautiful. It's just perfect year round, but if you haven't been to St. Augustine on the coldest day of the year then you haven't truly experienced it. This place just makes me want to open a small bookstore with an apartment above and cats in the window. The first European church service in the "New World" was held here. There's something mystical about this town, and it's just truly amazing.

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There's something odd about Titusville. Something very odd. If you visit the town it seems like the most hip and happening places are the Wal-Mart and the bowling alley next to K-Mart. There's a beautiful drive up A-1A along the water to Searstown, with it's movie house and family owned Italian restaurant, and the Miricle City Mall, where wrestling matches are held in the old McCrory's building, (both look like they were built in the 50s or 60s and are just wonderful). The whole town seems to be very laid back and sort of trapped in the early 60s, but everyone is very friendly and kind. Just a very time capsuled place. However, if you look across that water view to the east you'll see the most advanced technology in all the world--NASA. This little at ease town is the home to some of the most brilliant minds on the face of the Earth. Go figure. This is just an amazing dichotomy of a place to be and I absolutely love it!!!!!!

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