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"Treasure hunter and trail worn traveler, searching the world over for relics of the past..."


Name: Locke Cole
Age: 25
Height: 5' 9"
Weight: 147 lbs
Special Ability: Steal/Capture (Steal items from enemies with the steal command and when equipped with the Thief Glove, this ability becomes Capture, whic allows you to steal from enemies and attack at the same time)
Race: Human
Near-Death Attack: Mirager (Rush in and attack an enemy)

Locke is a self concious thief who dislikes being called a thief. He prefers the term treasure hunter. Although, most don't believe his excuse, most people respect his wishes and call him just that. Locke is also a member of the Returners, an underground orginization dedicated to stopping the recent evils of the Empire. When travelling near the town of Narshe, the an old man asks him to help Terra, who just recently was freed of the Slave Crown, and was being chased by Narshe's troops, as they though she was an Empire Ally and had just attacked them. They didn't realize that she was being controlled. Locke saves Terra with the help of the Moogles. After that moment, he vows to keep her safe till she regains her memory. Later on in the game, he meets Celes, and as it seems, develops a love for her, complicated by his feelings for his lost love. Locke is a cool character and he is a strong attacker, an asset to any team.