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Looke into my eyes
Tell me what you see
Behind that mask and smile
Theres pain inside of me.

Look a little deeper
Down into my soul
Theres fear there that follows me
Wherever I go.

Look over over my frustration
and try to understand
My trust dissapeared 
When he got the upper hand.

Now as you continue to look deeper
Deep down inside of me
I want you to be careful 
Of the things that you may see.

Look past the part of me taht says
I don't really care
Because if you search hard enough
You'll find theres hurt in there.

I want you to remember
That even though things are bad
Theres food inside of me
And everythings not sad.

For when you look deep enough
You'll find a little girl
Who still lives inside of me
In her own little world.

May 16th 2000

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