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My Decks

This is a complete list of the decks that I have put together myself and that I use. You can try these decks yourself if you wish, as long as you let me know that you are using them. Also, you can email me and tell me what I can do to improve my decks or just to give me some comments about them.
Here is the decks:

Stompy Deck

What it is all about:
This Deck is Based around big, fat, mean, creatures that get out faster than usual. There are several ways this occurs; the main way is the Elvish Piper. You can put a fat creature(high power/toughness) on the table directly from your hand for 1 green mana. If these creatures stey out, you have a high chance of winning. Other ways to get creatures out are: Call of the Wild along with Worldy Tutor, Pattern of Rebirth, gamekeeper, fast mana production ect.
A summary of this deck:
Fast creatures that get bigger, stomp over the opponent, and if the need arises you can Revive or Regrowth them from the graveyard. The deck is somewhat slow, but once it gets going, it stomps over the opponent!
Deck Strategy/hints:
Get your creatures out fast and keep pumping them at your opponent every chance you can get because they are the only chance of you winning. Remember; the bigger the creature and the better the ability is the best.

Card Count: 73(Including Mana)
Speed of Deck: Medium -to- Slow

Card List:

4 Avatar of Might
1 Craw Giant
3 Thorn Elemental
2 Blastoderm
1 Aboroth
2 Thicket Elemental
1 Spirit of the Night
1 Ancient Silverback
1 Shivan Dragon
1 Rhox

1 Primal Rage
4 Rancor
2 Duel Nature
1 Dense Foliage

Creature Finders/Helpers:
4 Elvish Piper
1 Pattern of Rebirth
3 Gamekeeper
2 Call of the Wild
1 Worldy Tutor
4 Revive
1 Regrowth

Mana/Mana production:
1 Utopia Tree
4 Llanowar Elves
1 Emerald Medallion
2 Troll-horn Cameo
1 Lotus Petal
1 Vernal Bloom
22 Forest

White Speed Deck

What it is all about:
The basis of this deck is to get fast, little creatures on the table to swarm the opponent. Weenies are the best at the beginning of the game to take the opponent's life down enough so one big creature at mid/late game can kill him/her. Some spells can make this faster, or slow your opponent down so you can get enough mana to put your large creatures out. Some of these cards are:
Crusade makes all white creatures a bit bigger, Disenchant helps to get rid of unwanted artifacts and enchantments your opponent may have, and Swords to Plowshares may help your creatures get through for the finishing kill. Serra Avatar may cost alot of mana, but if you have it on the table, your opponent may use his/her last resort to kill it because of it's high power and toughness. If the opponent tries to kill Serra Avatar, you could always plowshare it yourself to double your life total!
A summary of this deck:
This deck is fast, so get creatures out quickly when you can. Slow your opponent down when you can so your bigger creatures can finish him/her off!
Deck Strategy/hints:
Sometimes you may have creature or mana problems. Just keep slowing your opponent down so when you do get lots of creatures or mana, you can kill him easily. Spells such as Orim's Chant, Story Circle, and Eye for an Eye can help you kill, and slow the opponent alot. Other spells like Armageddon and Wrath of God are last resort spells that you only use when you are in serious trouble.

Card Count: 67(Including Mana)
Speed of Deck: Medium Fast->Fast

Card List
Fast Creatures(early game):
2 Savannah Lions
2 Soltari Crusader
1 Soltari Priest
4 White Knight
1 Paladin-En Vec
1 Order of the White Sheild
1 Tundra Wolves
2 Longbow Archers
1 Knight of Dawn

Slow Creatures(Mid/Late Game):
1 Radiant Archangel
2 Voice of All
1 Blinding Angel
4 Serra Angel
2 Serra Avatar

2 Story Circle
3 Crusade
4 Disenchants
4 Swords to Plowshares
1 Balance
2 Eye for an Eye
1 Feldon's Cane
2 Orim's Chant

Mana/Mana Production:
1 Lotus Petal
1 Sol Ring
21 Plains

Black Control Deck(*My main deck*)

What it is all about:
This deck is full of surprises. It is base on fooling up your opponent as much as you can so you can kill him/her when they can't do much about it. The combo in this deck is simple: Necropotence and Yawgmoth's Bargain will let you draw cards whenever you want(usually multiple times per turn), and the Ivory Tower will let you gain life at the begining of every upkeep for the life you lost with drawing cards. Discard keeps the opponents hand size to a minimum so they can't do much against your ultimate kill spells. Obviously, the tutors are used to get ANY card you need at that certain time'; if you need a part of your combo, look for it ; if you need a kill card, look for it; and if you really need mana, look for a sol ring or even a swamp. Distruction and creatures play a big part in this deck: the distruction keeps the opponents creatures and lands to a minimum, and the Disk's whipe off the board in case you get in trouble. Creatures like Hypnotic Spector can be used to discard  cards out of the opponents hand and they may even be used to kill him/her.
A summary of this deck:
This deck can be fun, watching your opponent get frusturated while you kill him. It can be fast, or it can be slow. The deck is designed to kill your opponent faster than he/she kills you, and to get your wanted cards out of your deck so you can win the game fast, or if you like, very slowly.
Deck strategy/hints:
Keep trying to slow your opponent down with land distruction, hand distruction, and creatures. Always try to get the combo out so you can draw as many cards as you like without loosing any life. If you have a dark ritual-hypnotic spector-swamp in your hand at the begining, put it out because the sight of a first turn hippy is not very pleasant for your opponent. The Nevinyrral's Disk may save you from loosing the game when your opponent may have an overwhelming number of creatures, or a big combo on the table. It may also save you when you cant draw cards because your life total is so small(because of a necropotence or yawgmoth's bargain with no ivory tower), and you want to clear the board of all things, even if it means loosing something like a sol ring or some creatures.

Card Count:79(Including Mana)
Speed of Deck:Medium->medium-fast

Card List
1 Necropotence
1 Yawgmoth's Bargain
3 Ivory Tower

4 Durress
4 Hymn to Tourach
1 Mind Twist
1 Jester's Cap

Life Gain/Opt Kill:
4 Drain Life
3 Corrupt

1 Vamporic Tutor
1 Demonic Tutor
2 Rhystic Tutor

Distruction(land creature .ect):
4 Diabolic Edict
4 Nivenyrral's Disk
3 icequake
1 Rain of Tears

4 Hypnotic Spector
1 Phyrexian Processor

Land/Mana Production:
4 Dark Ritual
1 Sol Ring
1 Strip Mine
20 Swamp