This is my page all about my friends!

The people shown on this page are the friends that I actually spend time with, so don't be offended if you aren't here!( it's in alphabetical order )

Pictures of all these people will be posted soon!!

Nick Boyd

What to say about my friend Nick?¿? Well I can start by saying thats he's a good friend, and a fairly funny one at that. He likes to laugh at his own jokes, and also like to cut and abbriviate names of his favorite bands. IE: 3EB= Third Eye Blind, and GBS= Great Big Sea. Nick also plays guitar for a band called "Radius". Nick's good too. Two other friends of mine are also in the group.

Jon Branton

The boyfriend Of Sarah, John's a super nice guy. He liks to play hockey, like almost all the guys in the group and he's good at it. We did science fair together for a couple of years, and did it quite well I must say! I've known Branton for some time now, and ever since I've first met him he's been the same ol' sweet guy, I know now!

Ryan Decker

Ryan Decker, Gander's biggest joker....or razzer, if you want to call it that. He'll make fun of you all day everyday, if you let him! But, even I have to admit, "MOST" of his jokes are really funny, and he has me laughing a good part of my day. If its not his funny face expressions, its the noises he makes while doing them. Even though, he's usually not serious, when he is he's a real nice guy!! Also, one of my best friends.

Mike Dyke

Now here's a weirdo! No, I'm just joking. Now is this a cute pic or what? He looks like a mafia man in this photo. Mikes one of the sweetest guys I know. I've known him ever since I've been like 3, and I've grown up with him. He also likes to play hockey all the time, and he's really good at it. Like we need another joker, but he's definetly in that category! Mikes an all around good friend.

Ryan Gosse

Another one of my friends since I've been born, he's been my good friend for a long time now. Growing up together in an all Catholic school, but the funny thing is he's not Catholic! When we used to go to the church for confessions, he used to go in and talk to father Ryan about something different like baseball! Ryan's another guy who plays hockey, and he's also good at it! Ryan's the drummer for the band "Radius", whcih I mentioned earlier with Nick. He also likes to play air drums a lot. Hahahaha.He's a good friend.

Doug Hardiman

Well, first things first, Doug is my boyfriend and the one thats helpin me out with this page! I love him to death and we've been going out for like ever now! He enjoys(too much) everything that has to do with wrestling, and plays a lot of hockey! He's my baby!!!

Lyndsay Haynes

Well hello......Lynds!!! Or Lanso, I like to call her! Even though she hates it, I do it anyways!!! Lyndsay's one of my closest friends, and I also love her to death! She likes a lot of things that I think are weird....IE: Tori Amous, but maybe I'm just weird for not likeing her.....? Hey lynds? Hahaha!!!! But in my opinion shes an all around cool girl!! *Smooch*

Sarah Kelly

Skelly, Skelly, Skelly!! Sarah's her own unique person, thats for sure! No, I'm only kidding, she's also one of my best friends. She goes out with Jon, and plays a lot of hockey! She's good at it, and plays with the guys and the girls. She's my watching hockey buddy, and I love her!!

Dwayne Noseworthy

My boyfriend likes to call him "Deep Larnex" but I'll just stick to Dwayne. He was also gay when I was trying to get his picture, but there will be a new one posted soon! He's a really nice guy, and one of the easiest people to talk to in the world! He has the coolest room on the planet, it has neon lights, siren things and everything! He also has very cool porno music! Hahahahaha!!! He also plays guitar for the band "Radius". He's good at it too.

Adam Pitcher (Pitché)

Finally an actual pic of the boy!He's a real joker! If you want to hear a crappy, not funny joke, go to him! No, once again I'm kidding, he's a cool guy, that likes to GRAB my rearend!!! The worst thing is my boyfriend didn't care!! Oh well! I forgive you Adam! He has a nickname that mostly evryone calls him, it's Pitché! All in all, I suppose he's a pretty cool guy!

Amanda Pollett

This girl, I have a lot to say about!!! For starters, when we were youger, we were inseperable, but as we got older we kinda drifted apart. We hung around with different groups, but she was always there for me. Recently, she left our group to go hang around with diferent people, but shes still there for me, so I have no hard feelings, and I still love her!

Krista Randell

Where do I start with good Ol'Randell?¿? Well, shes a very shy girl to mst people,but not at all to me! Ever since she moved here in grade 6, we've been best friends! We only live across the street from each other, so we're always at each others houses!! I love ya, my little corn chip!!!

I can't forget about you either Steve!!! You know your one of my good friends!!!!!

This is me and my friends: from left to right: Kristen Peddle, Krista Randell, Lyndsay Haynes, me, and Amanda Pollett

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