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KØBENHAVNS UNIVERSITET                                                                                              Njalsgade 80

Institut for Tysk og Nederlandsk

Engelsk Institut

DK-2300 København S



UNIVERSITY OF COPENHAGEN                                                          Tel: (+45) 35 32 81 62

English Department                                                                                                                                                    

Department of Germanics



Second Circular


Eleventh International Symposium on Lexicography

at the University of Copenhagen



The English Department, The Department of Germanics and the Center for Translation Studies and Lexicography thank you for your registration for the Eleventh International Symposium on Lexicography  to be held on 2-4 May, 2002, at the University of Copenhagen, Denmark.


We have accepted 64 papers representing lexicographical practices, theories and research in Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, Estonia, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan and the USA.


According to tradition, the Otto Jespersen Memorial Lecture 2002 will be given on the first day of the symposium. This year’s Otto Jespersen speaker is Jean Aitchison (Oxford). Other plenary speakers in 2002 are Gertrud Greciano (Strasbourg) and Herbert Ernst Wiegand (Heidelberg).


As we have a full programme already, we cannot accommodate any additional papers. However, please tell your friends and colleagues that there is still room for registration of participants who do not want to read a paper.


All participants are requested to pay the previously announced conference fee of DKK 800 (appoximately US$100). The conference fee of DKK 800 will cover all three conference lunches and the banquet.


As paying in advance is sometimes cumbersome and would mean added expenses to each participant of between 10 and 20 percent of the conference fee, we have decided to adhere to our tradition and ask everyone to pay on arrival. This means, however, that cancellations by registrered participants should be reported immediately to our email address: And please get back to us as well if you decide to change the title of your paper -– or if for some reason you decide not to give a paper at all.


Time allotted for each paper:  30 minutes, including 10 minutes for discussion.


Conference languages:  English and German.


The great number of papers accepted this year means that the Eleventh Symposium is expected to cover Thursday, Friday and all Saturday. Therefore, the announced excursion will be moved to Sunday, May 5, where all participants are invited to a country picnic from 12 to 4 pm.


All accepted speakers should hand in an abstract of their paper (of no more than 15 lines). Abstracts should be forwarded by email ( no later than December 1, 2001. Likewise, all participants who wish to join the Sunday picnic are kindly asked to inform us by email no later than December 1, 2001.


All lecture rooms are equipped with blackboards and overhead projectors only. Any speakers who need other technical aids (e.g. video projectors for Power Point presentations) are requested to contact the organizers.


The final circular with the conference programme, a revised list of participants, and information on accommodation etc. will be emailed to all registered participants by March 2002.


We are looking forward to seeing you all in Copenhagen in May!




Jens Erik Mogensen                                                Henrik Gottlieb

Associate Professor of Germanic Philology           Associate Professor of English

University of Copenhagen                                      Center for Translation Studies and Lexi

                                                                                University of Copenhagen


Arne Zettersten

Professor of English language and literature

University of Copenhagen




PS: Don’t forget to check the ”papers accepted” on our website we will keep you updated.