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Chapter 55 Notes

Conservation Biology

The Biodiversity Crisis

o Extinction is a natural process, but current RATE is not

--- Rate expressed as the # or % of species expected to disappear within a given area in a unit of time

--- Know most about birds - use as indicator

--- With a 90% loss of habitat, 50% of species will become extinct

--- 11% of known bird species are endangred

--- 3% of plant species, 2% of fishes have become extinct

o Major threats:

--- Habitat destruction

--- Over-exploitation

--- Competition by exotics

o Biodiversity is vital to human welfare

--- 25% of prescriptions contain plant substances

--- Loss of species, loss of genes

--- Ecosystem "services"

o Conservation Biology

--- Preservation

--- Select areas set aside

o Resource conservation

--- Balancing multiple uses

o Evolutionary/ecological view

--- Result of evolution

o To preserve individuals, species, and ecosystems

o Geographic Diversity

--- Gradual variation in biodiversity correlates with geographical gradients

o Clines

--- Bird species increases from Arctic to tropics

--- Benthic species increase with depth

Four hypothesis

o Energy availability: solar radiation greatest in tropics, resource base greatest

o Habitat heterogeneity: tropical regions = more local disturbances = greater patchiness = greater diversity

o Niche Specialization:tropics allows more specialization (more resources)

o Population interactions: diversity is self-propagating because population interactions coevolve. Value of predator-prey, symbiotic interactions

o Hot Spots:

--- Biodiversity Hot Spot = relatively sm. Area with exceptional concentration of species

--- Endemic = found no where else

--- 18 vascular plant hot spots

--- Island bird extinction hot spots

o Migratory Species

--- Complicated by life history

o Monarchs, songbirds, sea turtles, marine mammals

--- Requires international cooperation

o Conservation at population & species level

--- Endangered

--- Threatened

--- Goal: sustain genetic diversity & areas for evolution

o Efforts often lag behind

o Crisis management

o Subdivided populations:

--- Caused by habitat degradation

--- Metapopulation+ subdivided population or network of subpopulations

o Separated into habitat patches

--- Dispersal critical

o Source Habitat

--- Where a population’s reproductive success exceeds mortality

--- To distinguish:

o Analysis of birth & death rates

o Identification of dispersal factors

o Identification of habitat factors

o Sink Habitat

--- Where population’s mortality exceeds reproductive success

Population viability analysis (PVA)

o Method of predicting whether or not a particular given will persist in a specific environment

--- Computer simulation

--- Genetic variability & life history

--- Response to environmental factors

--- Response to human activities

o Predicts long-term viability

o Designed to predict a species’ minimum viable population size (MVP) & minimum dynamic area

o MVP need effective population size (Ne)

o (Ne) - based on # of adults that successfully breed

o Ne= (4Nm x Nf), (Nm+Nf)

o Life history traits can effect

o Low (Ne) = many prone to inbreeding (not all: grizzly bear, cheetah)

o Analyzing selected species viability may help others

o Conserving species involves weighing conflicting demands

--- Habitat use

o Which do we save?

o Why?

Conservation at the Community, Ecosystem, Landscape Level

o Landscape ecology - application of ecological principles to land use patterns

o Edges & corridors influence landscape diversity

o Nature reserves must be functional

o Restoring degraded areas is an increasingly important conservation effort

--- Mining, oil spills

o Restoration ecology = to find ways to restore degraded ecosystems to near original state

--- Bioremediation

--- Augmenting ecosystem processes

The goal of sustainable biosphere initiative is to acquire the basic ecological information needed for intelligent development, management, and conservation of the Earth’s resources.

o Global change

o Biological diversity

o Sustainihng natural productivity