
"In here, Winnie," Stephanie called into the hall.

Winnie walked into the room and her mouth dropped. "Oh my gosh that looks more beautiful outside of the store lights."

Stephanie picked up the hem of her skirt and looked down at her dress. "You think so?"

"Oh yeah. I only hope when I get married my dress is half as beautiful as yours."

Talking about the wedding was making Stephanie nervous. "Speaking of you. How's Brian?"

Winnie blushed. "He's good. He didn't want to let me come up here."

Stephanie laughed. "Was it because he just wanted you around or was he uncomfortable? I mean being a member of Backstreet Boys and coming to an *N SYNC wedding."

"Both. But I told him I had to come up here. Everyone in the bridal party had to come up here." Winnie looked around. "Is everyone here?"

"Almost. We just need your cousin."

Winnie held her finger up and opened the door. "Hey, Lin, separate your lips from TJ's and get your butt in here." Winnie turned to a laughing Stephanie. "She'll be here in a minute."

"So I see they're still a couple."

"I don't know if you could call them a couple. When they're together you can't tell where one ends and the other begins."

"Hey. I heard that."

"You were meant to." Winnie turned and faced her younger cousin.

Linda turned from Winnie to Stephanie. "Hey, Stephanie, I see your finally getting that order of Chris you told me you didn't want the day before I left."

Stephanie shrugged her shoulders. "What can I say? I lied. I was confused-"

"And in love."

Stephanie blushed. "Yeah. I'll admit I was head over heals."

"Head over heals for who?"

Winnie ran to the door. "Chris, you can't come in. You know it's bad luck to see the bride before the wedding."

"I know, but I wanted to tell Steph that I love her."

"I love you, too. I'll see you at the alter. I'll be the one dressed in all white."

Chris' laughter could be heard through the door. "Okay and I'll be the one in the penguin suit."

"With dreads sticking out of the top. I know. I'll see you there."

"See ya."

Winnie walked towards Stephanie, Linda and Stephanie's friends Cindy and Mandy when there was another knock on the door. "Chris, I told you you can't come in here."

"It's not Chris."

The smile on Linda's face grew and she answered the door. "Hey, handsome."

"Hey, beautiful." TJ leaned over and kissed his girlfriend.

"Ahem," Winnie cleared her throat to get their attention. "Was there any other reason for coming up here except for playing tonsil hockey with Linda?"

TJ pulled away from Linda and blushed. "Yeah. It's time to start heading downstairs." He turned to Linda. "I'll see you downstairs, Lin." TJ kissed her cheek and left the room.

"Oh my gosh, Steph, I can't believe you're about to get married."

Stephanie shook her head. "I know, Cindy, it's weird."

"Are you nervous?"

"I am, but I'm not. I'm nervous because it's my wedding but since it's to Chris I have no worries about it." Stephanie stopped and laughed.

Mandy got a confused look on her face. "What's so funny?"

"Oh, it's just that I remembered this is Chris' wedding and I'm wondering what he's going to do."

Mandy and Cindy turned as Winnie and Linda joined in on Stephanie's laughter.

"What are you guys laughing about?"

Winnie looked at the two women. "You don't know Chris well, do you?"

Both women shook their heads.

"Well, our Mr. Kirkpatrick is quite the comedian. He won't do anything in bad taste but I'm sure he has something up his sleeve."

Downstairs Chris was alone in a room pacing. He knew everything would be fine but still he was nervous. As he paced he warmed up his voice for the songs he was going to sing during the wedding. He was deep in thought and did not hear the door open and four men enter the room.


Chris turned to see his four best friends and groupmates behind him.

"Hey, guys. What's up?"

Justin walked up to Chris and put a hand on his shoulder. "Well their's a wedding that's about to happen outside and we were wondering if you were interested in attending."

Chris pretended to think about it. "Hmm...I don't know. I'll have to think about it." Chris' smiling face turned serious. "I guess you're telling me it's time to go down the aisle and marry that girl. What's her name?"

Justin laughed as he hugged the older man. "Stephanie. You'd better remember that during the ceremony or we might become a quartet."

Chris hugged Justin back. "Don't worry, man, I won't."

One by one Lance, Joey and JC hugged Chris. After hugging JC Chris pulled back and looked into his friend's blue eyes.

"You ready to play those songs?"

JC nodded. "Yup. These hands are ready to tickle the ivories."

"Yeah. Since they have nothing else to tickle," Chris muttered under his breath.

"If it weren't your wedding day I'd hit you upside the head. Maybe I'll just start playing "Send in the Clowns" or something like that."

"If you do, Chasez, I'll-" Chris was interrupted by a knock on the door. "Yes?"

TJ popped his head in. "It's time, guys. You ready to make Stephanie your ball-and-chain, Chris?"

"More than ever. Let's go."

The five other guys followed him out of the room. Chris and TJ walked down the aisle. TJ taking an aisle seat and Chris standing next to the priest.

Justin, Lance, Joey and JC stood at the bottom of the stairs and waited for the girls and whistled as they descended towards the guys.

"Are you sure I can touch your arm as we walk down the aisle, Win? You are looking hot."

"Thanks, Justin. You are looking mighty good yourself."

"Aww, shucks, Miss Brooks, you-" Justin cut off as Stephanie came into view. "Wow. Chris is one lucky man."

Everyone followed Justin's gaze and stared at Stephanie.

All the eyes made Stephanie nervous. "What? Do I have something on my dress?"

"No, Stephanie, you just look so beautiful we are speechless." Joey walked up to help Stephanie down the stairs.

"Aww, Joey, what a nice thing to say." Stephanie blushed at his words.

Lance grabbed Stephanie's other hand as she neared the bottom of the stairs. "He's telling the truth. You look smashing. We are very glad you are coming into our family."

Stephanie looked at the other females. "That's right. I'm marrying into this family. What was I thinking?"

"That you are going to spend time with a great group of guys. If you make some snide comment I will think of some revenge."

The sound of an organ caught everyone's attention.

"You're saved for now, JC. Everybody get with your partner."

Everyone lined up in front of Stephanie. Justin and Winnie, Joey and Cindy, Lance and Mandy, and JC and Linda. In front of them were the flower girl, Chris' sister Taylor, and the ring bearer, his dog Busta.

As the processional song started the couples started to walk through the house and into the back yard. Taylor and Busta made it most of the way without any trouble until Busta saw a rabbit and decided to chase it.

"Busta! No don't chase the animal." Being next in line JC ran after Busta. "Stop dog!"

The rest of the procession walked down the aisle not knowing what to do but not wanting to stop the flow.

At the sound of the wedding march everyone's head turned towards the back door of the house.

Chris' breath got caught in the back of his throat as the two most important women in his life walked towards him. His bride and his mother. Since both their dads and her mother had passed away they thought it would be sweet if Chris' mom walked Stephanie down the aisle.

Stephanie smiled nervously at Chris' mother before stepping out of the house. As soon as she saw Chris her nerves calmed. It did not matter to her that one of the guys was running after her ring bearer who was chasing a chipmunk or whatever animal he was after now. All that mattered was the man at the end of the aisle.

Chris walked a few step back, kissed his mom's cheek and helped her sit beside his other sisters. He then took Stephanie's arm and led her to where the priest was standing.

The priest began the wedding and Stephanie and Chris looked at each other out of the corner of their eyes and thought the same thing. They almost started to laugh as the priest kept on speaking. JC could be heard in the background trying not to curse at the dog.

The wedding was going smoothly despite the fact that the ring bearer could not be caught. When it came time to exchange rings everybody looked around for JC.

"Here are the rings and your pretty dog too."

Chris chuckled. "Thank you, Wicked Witch of the West."

Stephanie shook as she took the ring out of the satin pouch on Busta's back and placed it on Chris' finger. "With this ring I thee wed."

Chris looked into Stephanie's eyes and started to pull out the ring but placed it back into it's spot. Stephanie's face fell. "Wait a minute. There's something I want to do first. These songs remind me of Stephanie every time I hear them." He turned to JC. "Ready?"

JC nodded and looked at the other guys. "Who's going to take this beast for me?"

"Hey, JC, that's my dog you're talking about."

"Watch out, Chris, she's already laying claim to your dog. Who knows what she'll claim next," JC joked as Lance took Busta from his arms.

Chris turned to Stephanie and smiled. He liked the sound of her saying something of his was hers also.

JC sat down in front of the piano as Joey stood beside him as a page turner. As JC started to play Busta decided to make another interruption and bark at the music. Lance held Busta's mouth closed as Chris smirked and JC played the introduction again.

Chris put the microphone to his mouth, looked in Stephanie's eyes and began to sing.

You are so beautiful to me.

You are so beautiful to me.

Can't you see.

You're everything I hope for.

Everything I need.

You are so beautiful to me.

Stephanie's eyes got blurry as Chris continued to sing. She could feel his hand gently squeeze hers.

You are so beautiful to me

People thought Chris was done and started to clap but were silenced as JC continued to play but changed to an upbeat melody.

You are my sunshine.

My only sunshine.

You make me happy.

When skies are gray.

Stephanie looked up in surprise when Chris began to sing the song he sung before and after he proposed. Chris smiled into her eyes as he finished the song.

Please don't take my sunshine away.

Chris handed the microphone to Justin and took Busta from Lance's arms. He reached into the pouch on his dog's back and pulled out a ring. He held Stephanie's hand in his and slid the ring on her finger. "With this ring I thee wed." He lifted her hand to his lips and kissed it.

Stephanie and Chris gazed into each other's eyes. They blocked out everything until the priest said to Chris he could now kiss the bride.

Chris leaned in and placed a soft kiss on Stephanie's lips. Before it could last any longer Busta wiggled in Chris' arms and started to whine. Chris and Stephanie pulled away laughing.

Chris looked from Stephanie to Busta to Stephanie again and shrugged. "Love me, love my dog?"

"Geez, I don't know." Stephanie smiled and placed a kiss on Busta's head. "If he's as cute as his owner I'm sure it'll be fine."

"Ladies and gentlemen I now show you Mr. and Mrs. Chris Kirkpatrick."

To Be Continued...Index
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