Dear Mom and Dad,

Well, things have changed since we last spoke. I am no longer engaged to Ben. In a couple of days I am marrying a man named Chris. You met him. He's in that group I'm working for. I know you warned me, mom, about getting involved with a musician, but with Chris I couldn't help it. I have tried life without him and I just can't do it.

Chris already promised me that if we have a son, when that time comes, that he'd be named after you, dad. He's a loving and caring man who knows how to treat me right without spoiling me, too much.

The wedding is in a few days and it's going to be beautiful. The other four guys in the group are in the wedding party as are Cindy, Mandy, this girl who worked for me, Winnie and her cousin, Linda. The guys will be in tuxes, they could all be in sweats and they'd look good. The girls are happy with me because I'm not making them wear hideous bride's maids dresses. The dresses are hunter green and are beautiful. The ceremony is going to be in the backyard of some record exec's house. The flowers are going to be roses and tiger lilies, your favorite mom.

There are so many more details I can't go into all of them. I really wish you were going to be at the wedding. I know in your own way you will be there. Dad will be there giving me away and mom will be somewhere crying like she always does at weddings. I miss you so much.

Love always,

Your daughter Stephanie


Stephanie folded the letter and stood up. She walked over to the grave and knelt. She dug a hole in the dirt and placed the letter in the hole. As she was covering the hole she felt a hand rub her hair. As she stood up the hand ran down her back and arched around her as she turned.

Chris hugged his fiance close as she cried into his shoulder. He ran his hand in slow circles over her lower back and tried to soothe her as her tears ran from her cheeks to his shirt. Chris pulled back to look at Stephanie's face.

"You going to be all right?"

She nodded. "I will be. I just miss them so much."

"I understand. They'll be there, sitting right next to my dad."

Stephanie looked up to see the pained look in his face. She reached up and touched his cheek. "Smile. In two days we're getting married."

Chris smiled. "You always know what to say to me." He reached up and wiped away a few of her tears.

Stephanie closed her eyes at his touch. Chris leaned down and just before he kissed her mouth he tilted his head up and kissed the end of her nose.

Being used to his teasing, Stephanie smiled and opened her eyes.

"So. You tell your parents all about me?"

"Why would I do a thing like that? My mom didn't want me to get involved with a performer. What am I going to tell her? 'Mom, not only am I about to marry a musician but he wears his hair in pigtails. Oh, the good thing is that he's twenty-eight.'"

Chris laughed and slung an arm around her shoulder. "Hey, there's nothing wrong with my hair!"

"Sure there isn't." Stephanie reached up and tugged his hair.

They got to the car and Chris leaned against it. "Do you want me to drive?"

"If you wouldn't mind." Stephanie handed Chris her keys then turned to walk to the passenger door when she was stopped by his hand. She turned back to him.

Chris pulled her against him and looked in her brown eyes. "I love you."

"I love you, too, Chris. I can't wait to be Mrs. Chris Kirkpatrick."

They leaned toward each other and kissed tenderly. When they parted they stayed in each other's arms for a few silent minutes.

Stephanie sighed and pulled away. They got in the car. As Chris pulled away Stephanie watched as the grave where her parents will lay together forever turned to a blur among the other gravestones in the cemetery.

Chris noticed Stephanie's lost look and grabbed her hand. "They know how much you miss and love them. They'll be at the wedding. You might not be able to see them, but they'll be there."

Stephanie smiled as Chris brought her hand to his lips and the familiar chill ran through her body as he kissed it.

"I know they will be, Chris. I know they will be."

To Be Continued...Index
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