
"We are the champions, my friends," an eleven and a twelve year-old boy sang as they walked down the street.

"Chris, go long," the twelve year-old yelled to his friend. The eleven year-old ran down the street and caught the football launched at him and ran into a nearby yard.

"Score!" Chris ran around the yard with his hands in the air. "And the winners are Kirkpatrick and Timja!" He ran back into the street.

"Hey, Chris."

Chris turned to see who called him and blushed. "Hey, Cathy."

"Nice dance you were doing in my yard. Can you come here for a moment? I have a birthday present for you."

"But my birthday’s not for a few days," Chris said in confusion.

"Then consider it an early present. Just come in for a second."

Chris shrugged his shoulders at Ryan. "I’ll be right back, Ry."

Ryan nodded and tossed the ball in the air. He continued to toss the ball until Chris emerged from the house with a smile on his face.

"Why the big smile, Chris? Where’s your present? What she give you?"

Chris stole the ball from Ryan and began walking down the street, humming.

"Where’s the present? Did you leave it there?"

"Nope." Chris shook his head.

"Come on, Chris, tell me what she gave you," Ryan pleaded.

Chris shook his head again and smiled. "Nope. I don’t kiss and tell."

Ryan’s eyes widened. "She kissed you? Of all the guys in our class she kissed you. Why?"

"Because she likes me. After the kiss I asked her to be my girlfriend and she said yes. I have a girlfriend and you don’t," Chris flaunted. "Ha ha ha ha ha."

"Oh shut up, you wuss."

"Who you calling a wuss? Just because-" Chris began but was cut off by a loud yell.

"Roni! Oh my god. Someone help!"

The boys ran to the screams and stopped at the yard fence. Chris froze at the sight in front of him. Roni was laying on the ground covered in blood and Lydia held her in her arms, crying hysterically. He was deaf to all the commotion around him. He ignored his mother’s pleas as his feet unconsciously led him in the yard and to Lydia’s side.

"Chris, what are you doing here? Go home and I’ll call your mom when I hear news. Just please go home. She’ll be all right. I promise."

"I’m not going anywhere she’s not. I’m not leaving Roni and you can’t make me."

"No, but I can. Chris, I rose you better than to talk to Lydia that way."

Chris turned and raised his face to his mom. "I’m not leaving Roni, mom." Chris bent and waved a hand over Roni’s face. He forced a smile when the four year-old looked at him. "It’s going to be all right, Roni. I’m not going to leave you."

She slightly calmed at his voice but wailed as the ambulance stopped in front of the house. Chris watched as her eyes searched the strange faces of the men bending over her. He wanted to hug her and protect her, but knew to let the emergency workers do their job. The sight of her little body on the stretcher was almost too much for him to take.

"All right, let’s get her to the hospital," a technician told his coworkers before turning to Lydia. "Would you like to ride in the ambulance or drive behind us?"

"I’m going with her. Chris, would you like to come with me?" She turned to him.

Chris looked at his mother and she nodded. "Go ahead. I’ll be a few minutes behind you, Lyd. Ryan, come here please."

"What can I do?"

Beverly sighed and looked at her son entering the ambulance before answering. "Well, I have to follow them to the hospital so I was wondering if you’d take the girls to your house and tell your mom what happened?"

Ryan nodded. "Sure."

"Thanks. Tell your mom I’ll call her later. Molly and Kate, bring Emily over here, you’re going to the Timja’s while I go to the hospital to be with your brother and Lydia."

"Okay, mom," both girls said automatically.

Molly picked up Emily and looked at the retreating ambulance. She pointed at it. "See the little girl that got put in the ambulance, Em? That’s the girl who will always be more important to your brother than us. Always. I hate her."

"Come on, Molly, I don’t want to stay here longer than we need to. Plus, dinner’s soon."

She looked up and blushed lightly. At least we’re going to Ryan’s. He’s so cute, but he only sees me as Chris’ little sister. She sighed. It’s so unfair.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"Will you stop fidgeting, Chris, I don’t have much patience and your pacing isn’t helping."

"I’m sorry, mom, but I just can’t stop."

"Chris, come here, honey." His mom patted the seat next to her. "Please sit next to me. I have something I want to ask you."

Chris sat beside his mother. "What is it, mom? Anything wrong?"

"No, honey, nothing’s wrong. I just wanted to talk to you about something."

"What, ma?"

"Well," she paused to collect her thoughts, "what is it about Roni that makes you act this way? I don’t understand. You treat her better than your sisters. And when she was first born you spent so much time with her I was worried about you."

"I don’t know what you’re saying, mom. Of course I treat her better than Molly, Kate and Emily because they’re…they’re…they’re my sisters I guess. I don’t know what you want me to say. I don’t understand." Restless from sitting he stood up and began circling the room. "Mom?"

"Yes, sweetie."

"Do you think Roni’s going to be all right? What happened?"

"Chris, she’ll be all right. I’ve seen you do worse, it’s just that she’s more bloody. She tried to climb onto Lydia’s birdbath and stand on the edges of it."

"Why would she try something stupid like that?"

"Because she saw someone do it at the neighborhood block party a little while ago…"

Chris turned away from his mother’s pointed look, ashamed. "I did do that, didn’t I? How would I know she’d do something like that?"

"Because she’s always done what you’ve done, or try to do what you’ve done. Don’t you remember that you took your tire swing down because she tried to get onto it so many times? Remember?"

"Yeah, but-"

"Hey, Bev, Chris," Lydia sighed as she entered the waiting room.

"Is she all right? Anything broken?" Chris interrogated Lydia before she took three steps towards them.

She sat before answering. "Nothing’s broken, but they want to keep her overnight. They cleaned the blood off and gave her some stitches. I’m going to stay here and stay with her. Can you come back and pick us up tomorrow, Bev?"

Beverly nodded her head. "No proble-"

"Can I see her?" Chris cut off his mom.

"I don’t think so, honey," Lydia answered. "She’s asleep and doctors only want family in there."

"But I’m the closest thing she has to a sibling. Please?" he pleaded.

"Okay. She’s down the hall in room 1029. But don’t wake her," Lydia tried to tell Chris but he was already halfway down the hall.

Chris stopped outside the hospital room before going in. When he walked up to the bed he saw Roni tossing and turning so he reached a hand over the side bar. "Hey, Roni. Hey, Roni, it’s Chris. Wake up. You all right?"

Roni jumped at his touch and started to cry until Chris got her attention.

"Hey, Roni, how ya doin’?" He hit his hand against his head. "What a stupid question. You’re in the hospital, you’re not feeling well. Wait a second. I can barely see you."

Chris looked around the room until his eyes rested on a black chair in the corner. He pulled it next to the bed and stood on top of it. He looked at Roni, looked at what he was doing and looked at Roni again.

"Roni? See what I’m doing?" She nodded. "Well, don’t try this. You might get hurt."

"Then why you do it, Chris? You get hurt."

"I’m doing it so I can see you. Plus, I’m older." Chris saw the huffy look on her face and relented. "Okay, I won’t pull the older thing anymore, but please don’t try this, Roni. I don’t want you to get hurt."

Roni nodded innocently. "Okay, Chris."

"Good." Chris sighed in relief. "I don’t want to see you hurt so, please, don’t try any of the stunts I do. I hate to see you end up back in the hospital, especially because of me. You want to know why?"

Roni shook her head.

"Because…I got you babe." Chris reached out and squeezed her nose between two bent fingers. Roni laughed and covered her eyes with her hands.


"Yeah, sweeite?"

"Can you sing to me?"

Chris’ smile widened and he crawled beside Roni. I bet I’m going to be in trouble for being on the bed, but oh well. He looked down at the little girl beside him. I feel so bad about this. She shouldn’t have to be here. At least I can make her happy now. He cleared his throat before singing the song he quoted before.

"They say we’re young and…"


Outside the room Beverly and Lydia watched the young boy sing to the girl. Both women’s mouths involuntarily turned upward.

"It looks like your son might become a fixture in my house again."

"I guess so." Beverly shrugged. "I have no idea what it is that makes him so drawn to her and vice versa. It’s like they’re soulmates. Kismet."

"Oh, come on, Bev, it’s not fate. I can’t explain it, but it can’t be that. He’s so much older than she is. But I will admit one thing. She can’t live without him. She looks up to him so much, no matter how hard I try to deter her."

Beverly chuckled. "If Chris wasn’t Chris I’d be insulted that you said that about my son. But seeing how trouble either finds him or somehow just avoids him, I’m going to let that one slide and pretend I didn’t hear it."

"Thanks." Lydia looked at her watch. "As much as I hate to do it, Chris has got to go. Visiting hours are over." She peeked into the room. "Damn, it looks like she fell asleep in his arms. I wonder if she’ll do the same thing she used to when she did that."

"There’s only on way to find out."

Both women sighed and walked quietly into the room. Roni was asleep on the bed, with a content smile on her face and Chris’ arm wrapped around her waist. Chris laid behind her, with one arm around her waist, and the other dangling above them, twirling her hair. The happiness shined on his face as he twirled it one way before changing directions. His eyes were cast on her angelic face. His mother hated to disturb him, but knew she had to.

"Chris?" She waited for a response and didn’t get one. "Chris, it’s time to go."

Chris snapped out of his daze. "Go? But she just got asleep. Can’t I stay with her tonight? I can’t imagine her waking up with no one here, especially since she fell asleep next to me." He tightened his arm around her and snuggled her closer.

"Chris, you are getting up and coming home with me right now. You can see Roni after school tomorrow. She’s coming home in the morning. And don’t even think about arguing with me on this. You are going home now and you are going to school tomorrow. No excuses. Now get off that bed right now," Beverly scolded her son in a whisper.

Chris nodded and started sliding off the bed. He stopped as Roni started to stir.

"Chris, now!"

"But mom-" he started to whine.


He sighed and finished getting off the bed. As soon as he did Roni began whimpering. Chris shot his mom a ‘this is your fault’ look. Beverly took his hand and dragged him out of the room. Lydia bent above her daughter.

"It’s okay, Roni. Just go back to sleep."

Roni looked up at her with wide eyes. "Chris?"

Lydia sighed. "Chris had to go home. You’ll see him tomorrow."

"I want Chris, mommy. Where’s Chris?"

"Chris had to go home with his mother. He’ll stop by after school tomorrow. I’m sure of it. Now just go back to sleep. The sooner you sleep, the sooner tomorrow comes and you can see him again."

Roni crossed her arms, but kept her mouth shut. Down the hall Chris pulled against his mother’s grasp.

"But Roni just asked for me, ma. I have to go back."

Beverly held her ground. "No, son. You’ll see her tomorrow. Come home now." She pointed into the open elevator and followed him in.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Chris looked up at the classroom clock. Five minutes before the bell. I can’t wait to go home and see Roni. He looked at the clock again. I feel so bad about her getting hurt. I should never had done that stunt in front of her. He looked at the clock again. Four minutes.

The next four minutes and the twenty minute bus ride home dragged on for Chris. The clock seemed to tick in half time and the bus seemed to go five miles an hour. As soon as the bus stopped at his stop he pushed his way off the bus and ran to Roni’s house, ignoring calls from Ryan. As he neared his and Roni’s houses he found Cathy sitting on the curb in front of his house.

"Hey, Chris." She waited until he sat beside her. "How ya doin’?"

He shrugged. "Okay. You?"

She shyly grabbed his hand. "I’m doing good. How’s that little girl you went to the hospital with?"

"Last night she seemed all right, but I was about to go check on her. She was supposed to come home this morning and I wanted to see her."

"Well, I wanted to know if you wanted to walk to the mall or something."

Chris looked at Roni’s house before turning back to Cathy. "Can you come back later? I really want to check in on her. I promised her," he continued when she started to frown. "I don’t back down on a promise."

She sighed. "All right. Call me later. See ya." She quickly leaned in and kissed his cheek before walking down the street.

Chris ran in house and dropped his books on the floor. "I’ll pick these up when I come back, mom. Oh, can I walk with Cathy to the mall later? Answer later. I want to see Roni." He ran out the back door and stopped at Roni’s.

"Yes?" he heard Lydia call after he knocked.

"Hi, Lydia, it’s me. Is Roni home yet?"

"Yeah, she is Chris. She’s in the living room…" She barely had the words out before she heard her daughter’s laugh come through the connecting door. She tilted her head out the door and saw the giant smile on Roni’s face and decided to leave them alone.

Chris had walked into the room and sneaked up behind Roni and began tickling her. "Gotcha!"

Roni made a surprised sound before erupting into giggles. Chris stopped tickling her and sat beside her on the floor.

"How you feeling today, girlie?"

"My head hurts." She pointed to the bandage on her scalp.

"It’ll feel better soon. Want me to kiss it and make it better?" She nodded and he lightly kissed the gauze. "There you go. Now what were you playing with?"

She picked up a piece from in front of her. "Legos."

"Mind if I join you?"

She shook her head and they began building a small town. Chris got so caught up in spending time with Roni that he didn’t realize it had gotten dark out. Lydia’s call from the other room broke the shield around the two friends.

"Chris? Your mom is on the phone. Were you supposed to do something with Cathy Abrahms earlier?"

Chris looked outside. Oops. "Yeah, I was. I guess I’ll go home and call her." He turned to Roni. "I have to go home, Roni. I’ll come back tomorrow to see you. All right?"

She nodded and he left. He got to his back door but his mom stopped him outside.

"Christopher, you’d better stay on that back porch. Don’t come in."

Chris sat down confused. What did I do? I don’t remember doing anything wrong? Unless she knows about my stack of baseball cards in Emily’s room I was hiding from Ryan. What if my teacher called? But I haven’t done anything to get into trouble. What did I do? He continued to think until his mother turned on the porch light and inspected his face.

"What are you doing, mom?" He squirmed in her embrace.

"Sit still. I just got off the phone with Mrs. Abrahms, and not only did she tell me you and Cathy are going out, but that Cathy has the chicken pox. Ryan has them also."

"Everyone at school as been getting them. It’s like an epidemic."

"Well, it’s spread to this household. Now, I don’t know if your sisters have been infected but by the look of these marks on you you have them. Now you stay out here. You’re not allowed in this house while you’re contagious. I’ll be right back." She went inside to answer the phone. A few minutes later she came back.

"Well, it seems like Roni has them too. That was Lydia. Now what am I going to do with you? I guess I’ll call Kelly and see if you can stay with them." She stood to leave.


"Yeah, honey?"

Chris looked up at his mom. "Do you think that maybe I can stay at the Da’ Cord’s? With Roni hurt and sick Lydia will have her hands full. I can help out by staying with Roni if she needs me to."

Beverly eyed her son wearily. "I guess. You’d rather be at Lydia’s than with Ryan?"

"Well, if you think about it the Timja’s also have a little kid to worry about. From what kids have been telling me, little kids getting chicken pox isn’t good. I’m sure they’ll be keeping Ryan in his room. What could we do? On the other hand I can help with Roni."

She sighed. "Let me call Lydia and then we’ll go from there. All right?"

Chris nodded and waited patiently. His mother came out to tell him it was okay and for him to wait for her to get some clothes for him. He took the bag and walked over to the Da’ Cords.

"Hey, Chris," Lydia greeted him, "you ready to spend a few days here? Are you sure you want to stay here and help with Veronica?"

Chris nodded. "Yup. And I promise to try to be good. Kids tell me the chicken pox isn’t fun, but I’m going to try and not get in your way. Plus, playing with Roni will give us both something to do. I can keep her distracted while you work."

Lydia knelt down and hugged Chris. "Thanks for offering to do this, Chris. I was worried about how I’d get to do everything with Roni hurt, much less sick with the chicken pox. Now is the couch okay for you? I wish I had another bed, but I don’t."

Chris shrugged. "Whatever. Where’s Roni?"

"She’s asleep and, no, you can’t go in there. Why don’t we make some dinner and then watch TV?"

Chris agreed and followed her into the kitchen. They ate dinner, watched TV and Lydia told Chris what she had to do, and when she would be gone. After that Chris went to sleep on the living room couch. One of the times Chris turned in the night a flash of yellow caught his eye. By the size and shape of the figure he knew who it was.


He stood up and knelt beside her. "Roni?" He looked at her closer. She’s sleepwalking. Should I direct her back to bed? What would be the best thing to do?

Roni decided to make things easy for him. She promptly laid down on the floor. He looked at her for a minute before picking her up and placing her on the couch. He then slid behind her and held her against him protectively so she couldn’t fall.

"It’s okay, Roni," he soothed her as she began tossing. "It’s okay. You’re next to me and I’ve got you. Nothing can hurt you while I’m here. You won’t fall. I love you." He leaned down and placed a quick kiss behind her lower ear. He studied her face before starting to softly sing "Endless Love" to calm her completely.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

March 17

"Happy Birthday, dear Roni. Happy Birthday to you."

"Now blow out the candles," one of the fifth grade girls commanded.

Roni looked around at all her friends and smiled. This sleepover is a blast so far. I wish it was my real birthday, though. Three more days. I’m so glad Katie could come. She blew out the candles and waited for her mother to cut the ice cream cake and place a slice in front of all nine girls.

"Okay, you know the rules," a blonde haired girl named Amanda told them, "hands behind your backs and the first one to finish their piece wins. On your mark. Get set. Go."

All nine girls lowered their faces into the ice cream and began eating while holding their hands behind their backs, or siting on them.


Eight groans came up as the other girls lifted their faces to see who won. Katie smiled for the camera and she and Roni picked their plates up to show their accomplishment. The rest of the girls had decided to just slurp the rest of their slices off the plates, rather than dirtying any utensils. After posing for more pictures the girls went downstairs and put a New Kids On The Block tape in the VCR. Roni, Amanda and Dana stood up and danced to the music.

Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
The right stuff
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh
Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh
The right stuff

"Damn, Jordan is so hot. I swear if I don’t marry him I’ll just die. I’ll stick a knife through my chest and kill myself in front of him," the red-headed Dana proclaimed. "He’s meant for me. I am going to be Mrs. Jordan Knight."

"And I’m going to marry Jon, so we’ll be sister-in-laws. Can you just imagine it?" Amanda and Dana squealed.

"They are way to old for you guys. And Jon? Come on. Set your sights realistically." Roni shook her head.

"What and settle for Joe McIntyre like you did?"

Roni’s face went serious, she had to protect ‘her man.’ "Well, think about it. He is the youngest and by far the best looking. And his voice. Please don’t go girl," she began to sing. "Now that’s marriage material." She began singing the rest of the song. The other girls either joined in or ignored her.

"Well, personally, I’m glad you all like those guys. I prefer Donnie myself. That boy’s smile just shoots the word trouble. I’d love to go on some adventures with him." Katie raised her eyebrows. "If you know what I mean."

"Katie!" a few of the girls scolded.

"Not now. When I’m old enough. I love him. I don’t want him to go to jail because of me and ruin his whole life. We can start off as friends. Then we’ll get to know each other and by the time I’m old enough he’ll be under my spell."

Roni laughed and threw her arm around her best friend. "I love ya, Kat. You’re so quiet, but yet you say things like you just said. But I still say Joe."

"Speaking of guys born in the early seventies, how’s Chris doing?" Amanda asked Roni as she sat on her sleeping bag and crossed her legs.

"Chris? He’s doing okay, I guess. Why?"

"Umm, hello in there." Amanda pretended to knock on Roni’s head. "He’s like totally hot. Does he have a girlfriend?"

Roni took a deep breath. "First of all, yes, he does have a girlfriend. He and Liz are doing great. Secondly, how can you think that about him? He’s…he’s Chris."

"Well, you might be blind to the hunk that’s called Chris Kirkpatrick, but I’m not. He’s mi-ghty fine. And you don’t even see it. Are you blind or something?"

"No, I’m not. Chris is like an older brother to me. There’s no way I could see him like that. I don’t find him ‘hot’ as you say he is. Far from it." She swatted away Dana’s hand waving in front of her face.

"I agree with Amanda here. He is a fine looking guy. I wouldn’t mind him putting his arms around me."

"Well, I’ve had his arms around me and it’s nothing special."

"Oh la la. Is there something about this friendship that you’re leaving out, dear Roni?" Amanda elbowed her friend.

Roni sighed and placed her hand in front of her eyes. "What I meant is that he’s hugged me, like he’s done a few of you, and it’s nothing special."

"But we’ve never slept in his arms, like you have."

"What are you talking about?" Her eyes grew wide.

"Your eyes are telling us I said something correct. Plus, when you were sick the other week and I brought your homework home your mom told me you were upstairs and to put the work on the desk if you were asleep. You were asleep all right…with Chris’ arms around you. Care to explain that one? Sure you don’t see him as anything more that a big brotherly type." Amanda smirked.

"Listen, he had come over to see how I was doing and I was trying to sleep, but I couldn’t. He just sang me to sleep, like he’s done thousands of times before and fell asleep next to me. Nothing more, nothing less. Now I wonder what he’ll think of this picture?" She quickly shot a picture of Dana with her hair pulled through a high pony tail and painting hot pink nail polish on her toes.

Dana shot her head up. "You are not showing him that picture. Give me the film."

Roni shook her head and ran from the growing group of girls.

"Why didn’t you tell us Chris would be seeing the pictures? I would have done my hair or something to make him notice me."

"Oh, he’ll notice you all right." Roni giggled as she ran into the living room and gave her mother the camera. "I think we’re done with this for now. I just finished the roll too. Night, mom." She planted a kiss on her mother’s cheek and retreated downstairs. The others had no choice but to wish Lydia a good night and follow her down.

"I’m going to get those pictures before they reach Chris if it’s the last thing I do," Amanda threatened.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

The next morning the girls woke up to a flash in their faces. Each woke up in a daze until the light cleared and Lydia came into view.

"Rise and shine girls. Your parents come in a few hours and breakfast is almost ready." She walked into the kitchen and waited for the girls to wander in.


Chapter 3
Story Index

E-mail: crazy1s_fic@yahoo.com