Roni sighed, knowing it was Chris who had made the two-way pager go off again. How was she supposed to get her paper done when Chris wouldn’t leave her alone? She typed a rude message back and hoped he would get the message. Three minutes later she found out he didn’t. She typed him another message and shut the machine off. She threw the pager into her bag and looked over the outline she had written.

”Hey,” a voice called to her across the table.

Roni looked up and wasn’t sure if she should return the smile. “Hi, Tim.”

”Having fun?”

”Loads,” she told him as he placed his bag next to the computer across from hers. “What are you doing here? You live on campus and have a computer.”

”Too many distractions.” He pulled a bag of Reese’s Pieces from the front pouch of his book bag. “Want some?”

”Umm…no thanks.”

”Why not? I know they’re your favorite. Actually,” he tossed the bag to her, “I have two bags. Take this one.”

”Are you sure?”


”Thanks.” She opened the bag and poured some in her hand. She leafed through a book but looked back up because Tim was still looking at her. “Can I help you with something?”

”How long are you going to be here, Roni?”

”As long as this paper takes.”

”I’m going to be here for a long time too. Do you think we may be able to catch dinner or something later?”

”I don’t know. Chris is expecting me.”

”Roni, please. You owe me.”

”I owe you?” she asked in shock.

”Yeah. I gave you chocolate. Plus, I’d really like to talk.”


”About us, if there is still such a thing.”

”Okay, how about this? If you’re still here when I’m done, and you can leave then, we’ll have dinner.”

”Deal.” Tim smiled as she went back to work. He pulled a notebook out and signed onto the computer. I’ll be here as long as you are. Let’s just hope you’re done before I have to type out all my notes. Boy, am I glad I had the idea to come here today. And bring your favorite candy. Tim looked at her out of the corner of his eye and smiled as her hair fell from her ponytail.


”Here let me get the door.” Tim ran ahead of Roni and pulled the library door open for her. “So where do you want to eat?”

”I don’t know.” She looked at her watch. “It’s nine. What’s still open?”

”No where we wouldn’t have to drive to. How about we go back to my place and order pizza?”

”I don’t know…”

”Come on, Ron. You’ve been to my place a million times.”

”That’s not it.”

”Then what is it? I’m not going to attack you or lock you in or something like that. I’ll sit on the other side of the room if you want. Come on.”

She sighed. “Okay.” She began walking and stopped. “Damn. Let me just let Chris know I’m not going to be home right away and I’m going to eat.”

”Sure. You want to use the phone at my place?”

”Nah,” She reached in her bag and pulled out the pager, “I’ll just page him.”

Roni told Chris she wouldn’t be home, but she left out who she was with. For some reason she didn’t want him to have that information. When she was done she and Tim went to his apartment. They waved to his roommate and went to Tim’s room to order the pizza. She kept her attention on the television until Tim shut it off when they were done eating.

”Enough TV. We’ve been sitting here for an hour and we haven’t said a damn thing. First of all, Roni, I am extremely sorry for Sunday. I don’t know what came over me. It just happened.”

”Yesterday you told me you were jealous of Chris.”

”That’s right.” He sighed and dropped his head. “I was jealous of him.”

”But why?” Roni turned to face him. “I’m going out with you, not him. True, you may not have seen us together before, but you’re my boyfriend. Chris is like a family member to me, and me him. I haven’t seen him in so long I’m sorry if I ignored you because of that. He was supposed to come in today, not Friday.”

”Ron, it’s not that you ignored me. It’s just that he seemed to be more interested in you than just a family member.”

”Oh, no. Here we go.”

”I take it you’ve got that before.”

”More times than you’d think. We’re family. That’s all we are.”

”Are you sure you both feel the same way?”


”Okay.” He took a deep breath. “Now the question is if you want try to save our relationship or just let it go because you’re graduating.”

”I don’t have anything against long-distance relationships. I’ve seen the guys have successful ones.”

”All of them are successful?”

”No.” Roni saw Tim move closer, but decided to ignore it. “Not all relationships are successful though. Are you willing to take the chance on this relationship?”

”I think I am.” Tim picked Roni up and put her in his lap. He laid his forehead against hers. “Are you? And with me? Do you accept my apology for being stupid?”

”Yeah, I do.”

Tim smiled and closed the distance between them. Roni let out a sigh as their lips touched. She raised her arms to his neck and felt him pull her closer.


Chris tossed on the bed and opened one eye. One o’clock in the morning and Roni still wasn’t home. He had watched television to wait for her, but there was nothing on. Anyone he could call was either busy or asleep. He pulled out a song he had started but still had writer’s block. Finally he decided to try to get some sleep, but it was avoiding him. He raised his head slightly when he thought he heard the front door open.

”Chris?” Roni whispered.

”In bed,” he whispered back.

”Oh.” Roni opened the door slightly, letting the light from the bathroom seep in. “Did I wake you?”

”No. I was just laying here thinking…and worrying.”

”I’m sorry, Chris.” She took her shoes off and tossed them in a corner. “After dinner we all just decided to hang. I know I should have told you I was going to be later than originally planned but-“

”It’s okay, Ron.” Chris sat and ran a hand down his face. “This is your last week here. I understand if you need to spend some time with your friends. No matter what I will be seeing you after Saturday, some of these people may not.”

”Well, let me get changed and I’ll be right back.”

Chris nodded. He yawned and looked at the clock again. He really couldn’t blame her for wanting to spend more time with her friends. They had a long drive on Saturday after the graduation back to Clarion. They could really talk some more then. He looked up when she reentered the room.

”I am so tired. Being in front of a computer screen all day strains your eyes.”

”I know.” He moved over so she could get under the covers. He reached down and rubbed her shoulders. “Every once in a while when I get home that happens to me. Or when we have a long bus ride and we play video games.”

”I just can’t wait to hand that paper in tomorrow and then I’m done.”

”We’ll celebrate after you hand it in.”



”I promised someone in my class we’d meet afterward. Is that okay?”

He sighed. “Of course it’s okay.”

”Are you sure?”

”Ron,” he laid down and faced her, “I said I understand your need to spend time with these people. I’ll be seeing you the rest of my life. You’re not making me feel bad.”



She sighed. “Thank you. I don’t know how late I’ll be tomorrow. We might go somewhere.”

”Don’t worry. I have things I do have to do. I am still running a clothing line.”

”Cool.” She turned away from him.

”So tomorrow go have some fun. I’ll be fine.” He wrapped an arm around her and kissed behind her ear. “This is the song that never ends. It just goes on and on my friends. Some people started singing it, not knowing what it was, and they’ll continue singing it forever just because it is…”

Chris sang until Roni’s breath evened. He closed his eyes and dropped his head back. All of a sudden the tiredness that had started to overcome him was gone. He bit his lip, as the urge to move grew stronger. He knew Roni needed her sleep and he also knew that if he moved she’d wake up. He moved his toes to a rhythm in his head, trying to will the nervous energy away. He placed his head on the pillow and began singing again. As he sang softly he watched Roni sleep.


”And you’re done.”

Roni screamed as a pair of arms grabbed her from behind and swung her around. She hit the strong arms. “Tim!”

”Sorry, I couldn’t help it. You’re done with everything. All you need is graduation. Sorry if I’m happy for you.”

Roni grinned. “I’m happy too. Thank god that class is over.”

”Actually it was my favorite class.”

”What are you smoking?” She raised her eyebrows. “The professor was horrible, the assignments were busy work and the room was always way too hot.”

”It was my favorite because,” he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her close, “I met you in the class. If we hadn’t complained to each other that one day we would never have gone out.”

”Okay. I’ll take that. What do you want to do?”

”I don’t know.” He eyed her. “What are you doing?”

She took the pager from her pocket. “I’m just paging Chris. He wanted me to after I handed in the paper.”

”Oh. So now I guess you have to go home and see him first.”

”Nope. He already knows I’m going out. I’m just letting him know the paper’s in.” She shrugged. “Guess he just wants to know that I’m done.”

”Whatever.” Tim pulled his car keys from his pocket. “So lunch down the street and then whatever comes our way?”

”Sounds good.” Roni sat in the passenger side and shut the door. She paged Chris and smiled at his answer. “All done.”

”So what is Chris doing while you’re out?”

”Working. He basically took the last few days off and he has to touch base with everyone.”

”It’s not easy being a pop star.”

”Nope.” Roni looked out the window and thought of when she was going to go back down to Orlando, missing the sarcastic tone in Tim’s voice.


Chris sighed and threw his phone on the couch. So far one major crisis had been solved and another one almost created. Running your own business was stressful, but he was enjoying it. He trusted his employees enough and they took care of minor problems, but the major ones he had to deal with. Guilt entered his mind because the crisis that was solved would have never had been a crisis had he called yesterday. Oh well. That’s the way life goes. He turned on the television and flipped until he stopped at an old movie. He smiled and picked up the phone. He dialed his sister’s number and waited for her to pick up.


”Hey, Mol.”

”Hey, Chris, how’s college life treating you?”

”Okay.” He laid on the couch. “Roni’s all done. Right now she’s out with some friends and I’ve been working.”


”Yeah.” He looked at the television and smiled. “Turn on the TV to channel 34.”


”Just do it.”

”Okay, okay.” She paused as she walked to the television and turned it to the channel he told her. “Oh my god.”


”I haven’t watched this movie in so long.”

”I know. That’s why I had to call you. Remember how we used to say we’d like to do all this?”

”Yup. You’d be Christian Slater and I’d be Helen Slater. God this movie’s old.”

”Yup. So how’s things over there? How’s the little one?”

”We’re all good. Ryan’s fighting a cold, but it seems to be going away.”

”That’s good.” Chris scratched an itch on his leg. “You doing anything?”

”Aside from watching this movie and talking to you? No.”

”Want to watch this movie together?”

”I’d love to, but that would be expensive on your phone. And don’t give me you have more money than you need speech again.”

”Yes, Molly. How about we hang up and I call you from Roni’s phone? That would be cheaper.”

”All right. Talk to you in a minute.”

Chris hung up the phone and tossed it on the floor. He grabbed Roni’s cordless phone from her bedroom and returned to the couch. He dialed Molly’s number.



”Cool. Oh, I love this part. They put I.O.U.s for the stuff they take.”

”Yeah. The sleeping at the miniature golf course is classic. What’s the name of this movie?”

”I don’t know. The Legend of Billie Joe?”

”Maybe. Something like that.”


Chris turned and caught himself before he fell off the couch. He rubbed his eyes and opened them. The apartment was dark and he was on the couch. He guessed he fell asleep watching television. Roni must be home because the television was off and he was covered with a blanket. But why hadn’t she woken him to move to the bed? He shrugged and stood. He stretched and made his way to the bedroom door. He entered the bedroom, leaving a sliver of light in the room. He picked up his bag and turned to look at Roni in the bed. He froze.

Roni wasn’t alone. The outline of an arm around her waist was visible and a slight snore could be heard. Chris crept closer. It was dark but he could tell it was most likely Tim. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He let the situation sink in for a moment before he walked to the door and left the room. He walked to the bathroom and closed the door behind him. He dropped his bag and looked in the mirror. He stared at his reflection in shock. He didn’t know how to react to what he saw.

Chris changed and brushed his teeth. He stopped in the middle of brushing and stared in the mirror again. He thought Tim was gone. Guess not. He looked closely at his eyes. Why were tears in their corners? He shook his head and finished getting ready for bed. Once back in the living room he pulled out the bed and put sheets back on it. He hadn’t slept on it since Saturday night. The last time Tim was there.

Chris slid under the covers and gathered them under his chin. He had an urge to run into the bedroom and make Tim move from his spot beside Roni, but he knew he had no claim to that spot. One day Roni would be married and her husband would be sleeping next to her, not him. He took a deep breath and tried to block out the image of Roni and Tim in bed together.


Roni tossed for the fourth time that night. The last time she thought she heard the door open and close. She guessed it was Chris. That was an hour ago. She squeezed Tim’s hand before removing it from her side. She slid off the bed and made her way to the bathroom.


Roni caught herself and froze to see if anyone heard her. After a minute she moved and turned on the light to see what she tripped over. Chris’ bag. She shook her head and pushed it to the side. She went to the bathroom and after washing her hands studied her complexion. She needed more sleep. Her eyes had black lines under them. She sighed and made her way back to bed.



Roni stirred at the voice and the hand shaking her leg.


She went to wave Tim off but found her arm held against her body. She opened one eye and froze. She wasn’t in her room. She looked over her shoulder and was even more confused. She was on the couch bed and Chris had his arm around her. She looked up and saw Tim at the foot of the bed.

”Huh? What am I doing here?”

”That’s what I was wondering.” He crossed his arms, a deep frown across his face.

”I don’t know. Last thing I remember I went to the bathroom and went back to bed.” She looked at Chris again.

”You didn’t come back to that bed.” He jerked his thumb to the bedroom.

”I didn’t?”


Roni bit her lip and closed her eyes. She removed Chris’ arm from her torso. “I have no idea how I got out here.”

”Me neither but one minute I have you tossing and turning next to me and the next thing I know I’m waking up in bed alone.” By the end of the sentence Tim was yelling.

”Be quiet,” she hissed, “you’ll wake Chris.”

”I don’t care at this moment.”

Tim’s first sentence didn’t wake Chris, but the second one did. He shook the sleep away and turned to face the couple. “What are you two doing out here and why are some of my covers pushed to the side?”

”Because for the last four or five hours you’ve had Roni cuddling up next to you,” Tim told him curtly.

”What?” Chris looked between the two. He saw the tenseness in both of them. He stood. “I think you two need to talk. I’m going down to the food store and grabbing some breakfast and other food.”

”Chris, you don’t have to leave.” Roni was talking to Chris but her eyes never left Tim.

”Sure, Chris, why don’t you stay. I’m sure you’d find this entertaining.”

”I’m out of here.” Chris grabbed the keys to his rental car and his wallet before exiting the apartment.

Roni jumped as the door slammed. “What’s wrong with you?”

”I’m sorry. I woke up wondering where my girlfriend was and found her in the arms of another man. Should I smile?” He shot her a fake smile. “Like this?”

”Tim. Somehow I ended up out here sleeping with Chris. He is not another man. He-“

”I’m sure he has the same anatomy as me. That means he’s a man.”

”That’s not what I mean.” Roni sat at the table. “I meant that he’s not a threat. Of course he’s a male, but he’s just Chris.”

”Chris, the man who you woke up next to. Chris, the man who you trust explicitly. Chris, the man who would do anything for you, and you him. Chris, the man who looks at you like you’re the only woman in the world. Damn, I was right.”

”Right about what?”

”About what?” He stood before the table and placed his hands palm down. “About the fact that we wouldn’t work.”

”Why won’t we work?” She ran her hands through her hair. “Tell me your thoughts on this.”

”We won’t work when one of us is in love with someone else.”

”What?” She stared at him and ran to his side. “Who are you in love with?”

”I thought with you.”

”Wait a second. You just said you were in love with someone else.”

”No, I didn’t. I said one of us was in love with someone else. Did I say me?”

Roni’s jaw dropped. She closed it, trying to get her thoughts together.

”You want to know with who, don’t you?”

She placed her hands on her hips. “That would be nice. I have no clue what you’re talking about.”

”Of course you wouldn’t. I wonder how long you’ve been denying the truth,” he said bitterly.

”What truth?”

”The truth that you’re in love with Chris and he’s in love with you.”


Tim raised an eyebrow.

”You must be kidding me.” She hit him in the arm. “Do I need to go over our relationship again?”

”No. I’ve finally got it. I finally got why you won’t give all of you to me. I thought it could have been your mother’s death, but it’s not that. You’ve already given yourself to someone. Chris.”

”Chris and I have never slept together.”

”Really? You seemed to have slept together in the same bed this morning.”

”I meant we’ve never had sex or make love of whatever you want to call it. We’ve never kissed either so I haven’t given myself to him.”

”Roni, you’re being naive. I meant you’ve given yourself mentally and emotionally to him. You two have such a bond no one will ever break it.”

”You know what? I’m sorry if you’re jealous of my friendship with Chris, but I don’t need this. I’m graduating and I don’t need to see you again in my life. At this point that option sounds appealing.”

”Well,” he looked around, his gaze stopping at the pulled out bed, “I think that would be for the best. Seeming as you want to be with someone else, and I don’t need to try to change someone so they’d want to be with me.”

”Get out. Throw your bull at someone else. My arms are tired from the shovel I’ve been using these past ten minutes.”

”Let me get my stuff from the bedroom and I’ll be out of your hair and your life.”

Roni crossed her arms and waited for Tim to reappear with his belongings. She stared at him and followed him to the front door. He threw open the door and stopped to stare at Chris across the hall. He stopped so short Roni ran into him.

”I thought you were leaving, Tim?”

”I was,” he snapped back, “but the love of your life is here and I have to tell him congratulations, he won the girl. So,” he shook Chris’ hand, “congratulations. Get your head out of your ass and treat her well.”

”Huh?” Chris squinted his eyebrows in confusion at Tim’s retreating back. “Did I miss something?”

”Yeah. Come on in.” Roni waved him in and shut the door behind him. “Tim and I are officially through.”


”What have we fought my whole life it seems?”

”What?” Chris put the groceries on the kitchen counter.

”Tim seems to be under the impression we’re in love with each other.”

”Oh god. Not again.”

”Yeah. Again.” She took some boxes to the high cabinet and began putting them away. “Why does everyone think we’re in love or something? Why can’t we just be the friends and family we are?”

”I don’t know.” Chris looked away. Some of Roni’s stomach showed as she reached up. God, Tim’s got to your mind. You were looking that time. At least he’s gone now. Now maybe Roni can find someone worth while.


Chris shook his head. “What? Sorry, I didn’t hear you.”

”That’s evident.” She laughed. “So it seems I now have today completely free. What do you want to do?”

”I don’t know. Have you seen Gary since Saturday?”

”No. Let’s give them a call.”

She left the room to get the cordless phone. Chris shook his head and opened the refrigerator. This has already been a long day and it’s only 11am.


”Veronica Michelle Da’ Cord.”

Chris stood and clapped. He took Roni’s picture as she was handed her diploma. He continued shooting as she walked off the stage toward him. He waved goofily and took another picture when she laughed at him. He impatiently waited until the ceremony was over and followed the crowd outside where the new graduates were. He heard Gary’s voice and followed it until he found Roni.

”Hey, graduate.” He swept her into his arms and spun her twice. “How does it feel to be officially done?”

She smiled widely. ”Well, as I just told Gary – it feels great. No more professors, no more exams, no more having to go to the library.”

”So, all in all, it’s a wonderful feeling?”

”Yup.” She launched herself into his arms for another hug. “It’s the best feeling in the world.”

”I think I may have to disagree with that,” Gary inputted as he grabbed Josh’s hand. “I think no matter how great it’ll be to have that diploma, it’ll be no match for falling in love.”

”Aww,” Roni cooed at the couple. She was happy for them, but at the same time she was extremely jealous. She longed to have someone say things like that about her. Oh well. It’ll come one day. “So, do you guys have time to stop by my place now?”

Josh looked at his watch. “I guess so. You have that thing to give Gary.”

”Yeah. It’s something to remember me by.”

”I won’t forget you, Roni.” Gary hugged her tightly.

”Enough. Let me finish up here and we’ll meet you there in about half an hour?”

The two men nodded. Roni smiled and went to get her actual diploma. When she was done Chris drove them back to her apartment. They got out of the car and Gary and Josh followed them to the apartment. She dropped her keys where a table usually was.

”Oops. Forgot everything is all packed up for the drive home.”

”I still see your TV and VCR though.” Gary walked to the objects. “Why are these still here?”

”Oh,” Roni sat in front of the machines, “the rest of the guys made me a tape and the last part was to be watched after graduation.” She looked at Chris. “Is the end viewable by other people?”

Chris laughed. “Yeah, it is. Let’s put it in. We’ve got to get on the road here soon. We still have to drop the rental off at the airport.”

”Yes, captain.”

Roni turned the television and VCR on and pressed play. On the screen all five guys appeared. JC snapped his fingers a few times and they tested their pitch.

”Happy graduation to you. Happy graduation to you. Happy graduation dear Roni. Happy graduation to you. There’ll be no mooooore…”

Roni laughed at the impromptu song. Chris stood to the side as the others wished her well. At the end all five blew kisses to the camera, and Steve, not wanting to be left out again, ended the tape by kissing the lens. She shook her head in amusement.

”Those clowns.” She saw Gary’s mouth open. “What’s wrong, Gar?”

”Nothing. Nothing. Just never thought I’d hear *N SYNC that raw a capella. I’m just in shock a little.”

”Okay. Well, get ready for another shock.” She reached behind the television and picked up a CD case.

”Roni, you know I already have that CD. Hello, Joey was in the movie.”

Roni laughed. “I know you have the On the Line soundtrack, but you don’t have an autographed copy.”

”Autographed?” He grabbed the case. “How come I’ve never seen this before?”

”Because I didn’t want you to know I knew them. I didn’t want you to ask, which I know you would have.”

”You’re so lucky.” He handed it back to Roni but she shook her head. “Take your CD back.”

”It’s yours now. I can get their autographs anytime I want. I want you to have it.”

”Thanks, Ron.” He hugged her. “I still can’t believe you actually know Joey. Hell, you even kissed him. Many times I might add.”

”I know you'll add that part.”

Chris laughed as Gary continued on about Joey. He saw Josh slink away from his happy boyfriend. Chris pulled Josh aside.

”What’s wrong, Josh?”

”I don’t know. I know Gary loves me but he just won’t shut up about Joey. I can usually take it. It’s just that since he’s found out about Roni’s past and present with him, he will not shut up about him. I feel like Joey’s my competition.” Josh looked at Gary, who was still rambling.

”Don’t worry about it. I’ve seen you two together and you’re perfect for each other. Plus, what did I tell you? Joey’s in a serious relationship, serious heterosexual relationship. There’s no actual competition.”

”I know, but sometimes the competition in your mind is so great it overthrows the reality.”

”I understand, man. Tim broke up with Roni because he thought I was a threat. Me and Ron? No way. She’s another sister to me. Let’s go join Gary and Roni again.”

Josh raised an eyebrow as Chris walked back across the room. This man was how old and still lying to himself?


Chris pulled the U-Haul into his mom’s driveway. He nudged his passenger before shutting the truck off and climbing down. He waited until Roni walked around the truck before making his way to the door. The door was unlocked and Chris stepped in.

”Hello? We’re home.”

Pairs of feet came down the hall and the stairs. Everyone opened their arms and hugged Roni at once.

”Sure,” Chris crossed his arms, “nobody loves me. I haven’t been here in months either.”

”Oh grow up, Chris,” Katie told her brother, “you didn’t just graduate from college. If you’d be patient we’d get to you. Sheesh.”

”Ignore her, son, it’s good to see you.”

Chris hugged his mom. ”I knew my mom had to love me.”

Chris hugged all his family and realized Roni was no longer in the foyer. He searched the first floor and found her in the living room, staring at her old house. He quietly walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. She fell against him and sighed deeply. He kissed the top of her head.

”It’ll be okay. All of us will help you get through this.” Roni turned into him and started to sob. Chris rubbed her back slowly and let her get all her emotions out. “It’ll be okay. I love you, Veronica.”

Roni cried more. “I love you too, Chris.”

Chapter 22
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