”We’re playing a game,” Roni told him. At least that’s what he thought she said. Her words were slurring. In front of her was a glass of the punch.

Joey knelt beside her and picked up the glass. “I told you not to drink the punch. This stuff has alcohol in it. Chris is going to kill me.”

”No.” She shook her head adamantly. “Ow. Not a good idea. No, this is non-alcoholic punch. No alcohol at all.”

”Whoever told you that was lying.” He pulled her up slowly and leaned her against him. He looked at the table. “I’m going to find out who gave her alcohol and you’d better be scared.”

Joey secured her arm around his shoulder and his hand on her waist. He started toward the door but her feet weren’t moving and he felt someone else pick up her other arm. JC nodded his head and the two dragged her to the kitchen table. Joey took a deep breath and put his hand on the phone.

”Who you calling?”

”I’m going to see if my brother’s home and if neither he nor my sister are there I hope someone’s home to give me Chris’ number. I need to get her home.”

Joey tried his house and when no one picked up he hung up and sighed. He had no idea how he was going to get Roni to Chris’. There was only one way to get the number and he hoped Roni was coherent enough to remember it.

”Roni?” He knelt beside the girl. He turned her head toward him. Roni, do you know Chris’ number?”

She nodded and started mumbling. He asked her to repeat it until he had written down a number that looked familiar. As he moved his legs to stand Roni’s head rested on his shoulder and her lips grazed his neck. Joey sighed and looked at JC who shrugged. Joey pointed his eyes to the phone and the older boy handed it to him. Joey pressed the button to keep it hung up and put his free hand behind Roni’s head.

”Ron? Can you stop that for a moment? I need to make a phone call and I need you to stop that.”

Roni nodded but kept her head against her neck. Joey stroked her hair as he dialed the number and placed the receiver against his ear.



At hearing Max’s name Roni screamed it. Joey shook his head and concentrated on the phone.

”Max?” Joey asked again.

”Nope. I’ll go get him though.”

”Thanks.” Joey looked at the female collapsed on his frame.



”Yeah. Who is this?”

”It’s Joey Fatone.”

Roni nuzzled her face into Joey’s neck. “Is that Max now? He’s so hot.”

Joey blushed for her and shook his head. “Sorry about that, Max. Roni’s not really with it right now.”

”I can tell.” He paused. “Is she drunk, Joey?”

”Yeah.” Joey sighed and hung his head.

”You do know that now Chris will kill you. Why’d you let her drink? You got a death wish or something?”

”I didn’t let her drink. I actually told her to watch what she drank because I knew it wasn’t a smart thing. Hell, I didn’t even drink. I didn’t want any alcohol on my breath for Chris to smell.” Roni began kissing his neck again and they both groaned but for different reasons. “Max, I hate to ask this but she needs to get home and my ride’s not supposed to be here for a while. Do you think you might be able to pick us up?”

”I guess. I was just doing some work and need a break. Plus, Chris would kill me if I didn’t. Where are you?”

Joey gave Max directions and handed JC the phone. He brought one hand behind Roni’s neck and the other encircled her waist as he stood up. JC came around them and helped brace the young girl into a standing position.

”Do you want help bringing her up front?”

.Joey nodded. “If you wouldn’t mind.”

The two guys took her out the back door and around the house. Roni leaned on JC.

”You’re cute, Jace. When you’re older you’re going to be a heartthrob.”

JC laughed and moved his arm when she stumbled. “Yeah right. With this nose and these arms. I don’t think so.”

She laughed and tweaked his nose. “I’m sure everything will fill in fine, and I mean fine.” She burst into hysterical giggles as the guys lowered her onto the front walk. “Oh, and you’ll be a hottie too, Joey. Actually, you don’t look too bad right now.” She closed her eyes and leaned toward him but misjudged the angle between them and fell on the ground.

Joey pulled the laughing Roni off the ground as a car slowed by the curb. He looked through the open window and saw Max looking over at them. Max turned the car off and unlocked the rest of the doors. Joey opened the back door and JC helped Joey slide in.

”Hey, Max.”

”Hi, JC. Thanks for helping.”

”No problem.” He made sure Roni’s body was clear and closed the door. “She’s a nice girl. I’ll see you two around.” JC started to pull away from the car.

”Hey, JC, do you want a lift home?”

The brunette shrugged and opened the door. “Sure why not. My designated driver can’t even say driver much less designated right now. When I get back I’ll get someone else to come back or the people here will have to deal with it in the morning.”

Max looked in the rearview mirror and saw Joey move to the edge of the seat so Roni could lay with her head in his lap. By the movement of the boy’s hand he could tell Joey was lightly brushing her hair. The look on the face in the backseat was heartbreaking. Joey wore such a worried expression Max knew this drinking was not planned. Max felt bad for the guy. Chris sure was going to rip into him whenever they crossed paths again. Hopefully, it wouldn’t be tonight.

”Hmmm, I’m not feeling too good.”

JC turned and placed a hand on the female’s knee. “Max, if I’m out of the way take her home first. She needs to be out of the car and in a bathroom.”

Max nodded and the rest of the car ride was quiet except for Roni’s moans and Joey trying to soothe her so she wouldn’t get sick in the car and all over him. They quickly arrived at Max and Chris’ apartment complex and Max parked in his spot.

”I’m going to open the door. You two okay with getting her out of the car?” After getting nods from both, he ran up the stairs and unlocked the door. He looked down and saw the two younger guys struggling but knew it would be worse if he tried to help them. He saw Roni bite her bottom lip and he ran inside the apartment. “This way guys.”

Joey and JC traveled as fast as they could to the bathroom and when they were almost there Roni’s body convulsed and she threw up on the carpet right outside the door. They helped her stumble to the toilet and let her fall to her knees to repeat her actions. The guys watched from outside.

”Umm, I’ll clean this up if you give me something..” Joey pointed to the carpet.

Max nodded and went to find cleaning supplies. He came back and handed Joey a few bottles and a roll of paper towels. He turned to JC. “Do you want to go home now? I’m sure Joey can clean this up himself.”

”Sure. See you around Joey.”

Joey looked up. “Bye, JC. Thanks again. I can’t thank you enough.”

”It’s no problem. I’ll see you, man.”

Joey watched the two go out the door and returned to his task. He felt a shadow behind him and turned to see two guys standing there. He nodded his hello and returned to his task. Behind him someone whispered, “I don’t even want to know.” Joey heard a cough from the bathroom.

”How come someone turned the lights up in the bathroom? How did I get here anyway?”

Joey joined her on the floor leaning against the wall by the toilet. He ran his hand around her knee in an act of comfort. She leaned into his shoulder before straightening and leaning over the toilet. After nothing came she sat back.

”Well, JC and I carried you up here after Max drove us. Max just left with JC and I volunteered to clean up the mess.”

”What mess? Did I throw up before hitting the toilet? Oh, I’m sorry, Joey,” she apologized after he nodded.

”Don’t worry about it. As long as you’re feeling better.”

”A little bit. My stomach’s a little uneasy and I can’t keep my eyes open for long period of times. I hope I don’t get you into trouble with Chris. This is all my fault.” She burst into tears and Joey wrapped an arm around her. They sat there together for a little bit, Joey rubbing her back if she hunched over the porcelain bowl.


They both straightened as the apartment door closed and footsteps were heard in the hall.

"Max? Max, you’d better not have thrown up on the carpet. Roni’s going to be home…soon,” Chris finished as he turned into the bathroom and found the two youngsters on the floor. He ran to Roni’s side, pushing Joey back. “What happened?”

”Well…” Roni started.

”Phew.” Chris waved a hand in front of his face. “Roni, have you been drinking?” He turned to Joey. “Is she drunk and was she the one who threw up on the carpet?”

Joey nodded solemnly. “Listen, Chris, I’m sorry. This isn-“

”You’d better be sorry,” Chris yelled. “I entrust you with the one of the most important people in my life and you get her drunk? What’s crossing your mind?”

”Chris-“ both Joey and Roni started but he interrupted again.

”Maybe you were thinking of getting her into bed. She’s only 14, god damn it.”

”Chris,” Joey stood up, “if I had wanted to get her into bed would I be sitting here in your bathroom? I don’t think so. There were bathrooms and bedrooms where we were. If I wanted to get into her pants I could have- easily. As soon as I saw she was drunk I called for a ride here. Since neither my sister nor my brother was available I called Max. He just left to drop a friend off who helped us get her home and up here.”

”But why is she drunk though? What possessed you to give her alcohol? You must have known I would have been pissed.” Chris stepped into Joey’s face. “And trust me I am.”

”Chris, Joey, not so loud please. God, I want to go to sleep.”

”Here.” Chris offered his hand and helped her stand. He led her into his room and sat her on the bed. “You want to change out of those clothes?”

She nodded. “Yeah. They kind of smell like liquor.”

”Okay. I’ll be in the hallway.” He closed the door and stood next to it. Joey stood across the hall and the two stared at each other before looking away. Chris decided to break the silence. “I’ll ask this again. Why is she drunk?”

Joey shrugged. “I really don’t know. I told her to stay away from the punch and watch what she drank because I didn’t want her to have any alcohol. I did warn her about the punch but someone found me after I went to help someone else and when I saw her she had a cup of punch. Please believe me I told her to stay away from it.”

The door opened beside Chris and a haggard looking Roni came into view.

”Joey, that was my first glass of punch. I only had a couple of sips so why I am drunk is past me too.”

Joey ran a hand through his hair and hung his head. He closed his eyes and sighed. “Did you have anything else to drink?”

”Nothing but soda. You and JC were there next to me most of the night, except when others pulled you two away that last hour or so. I don’t know what it could have been. All I had was soda. Oh…and some Jell-O.”

Joey froze. He opened his eyes and lifted his head. “Jell-O?”

”Yeah. Why?”

He looked at Chris who was biting his bottom lip. “I think we’ve got our suspect.”

”The Jell-O?” Roni asked.

”Jell-O shots,” Chris stated simply.

”Yup.” Joey turned to Roni. “Ron, the Jell-O had vodka and other stuff in it. How many of them did you have?”

”I don’t know.” She shrugged and walked back to the bed. “Someone suggested that I try all the flavors and I didn’t see any harm in it.”

”Who?” Joey crossed the room and sat beside her.

”I don’t know. I honestly don’t. I just remember you going to help your friend and then someone called JC and then a tray of Jell-O landed on the coffee table in front of me. From there I’m blank. Sorry, Joey. And I’m sorry Chris.” She leaned against Joey’s shoulder.

”Oh, it’s okay, honey.” Chris sat on the other side of Roni and pulled her into a hug. “You had no idea. It’s okay. Just lay down.”

Roni slid behind the guys and laid on the bed. Chris kissed her forehead. Joey squeezed her hand, knowing Chris wouldn’t like him kissing her cheek. He said good-bye and let Chris walk him to the living room where Max was sitting on the couch.

”So how is she doing?”

”Okay,” Joey and Chris said simultaneously. Joey saw Chris’ face and let the older male answer.

”She’s doing better. She’s trying to sleep right now. Do you mind taking Joey home or do you want me to?”

Max smiled. He knew Chris wanted to stay with Roni. He wasn’t blind. Roni was very important to his roommate and now that he saw them interact he knew he was just as important to her. They had a tight bond no one could understand, not even themselves. Max nodded and pulled his keys out of his pockets.

”Thanks, man. Bye, Joey.” Chris turned his shoulder coldly. “Oh, and one more thing, Joey.”


”Are you sure this guy JC didn’t have anything to do with Roni tonight?”

Joey shook his head. “Nah. I’m pretty sure. I don’t know him very well but he’s trustworthy.”

”He is,” Max interjected. “I know him too and he wouldn’t pull a stunt like getting a girl drunk. Go check on Roni and I’ll take Joey home.”

”Bye, Chris,” Joey got out before Chris opened the bedroom door.

Max shook his head and walked out the door.


Chris waited until the front door closed before walking into his room. He grabbed some clothes to change into. He was still dressed from his date with Caroline and was tired. He quickly changed in the bathroom before reentering his room and sitting on the bed. Roni curled tighter into a ball and her knees hit his side. He sighed when he saw the tears on her face. His hand quickly reached down and softly wiped them off her young face.

He sighed and thought back on the night. He was glad he could do something special for his girlfriend. All night he had gotten uneasy feelings in his stomach so some of the romance was blown. Caroline didn’t notice. He was still really romantic in everything. He fed her and put on her favorite slow songs for them to dance to. He even had her friends tell him what she had hoped the night would be like and incorporated some of the ideas into the night. It was nice having a quiet night to themselves. He was glad his friend allowed him to use his apartment while he was out of town. He didn’t like the idea of a restaurant. It was too impersonal.

Next the vision of Roni hunched over the toilet crept into his mind. His blood boiled when he thought of her drunk. That was one thing he would surely not tell her mother. No matter how much he reassured himself that Joey was a good kid he just had something against him. He knew Joey didn’t intentionally get Roni drunk. He knew that much by her words. He knew when Roni lied to him and she wasn’t when she didn’t deny that Joey had warned her about the drinks at the party. At least it confirmed that she wasn’t knowledgeable about alcohol or she would have heard of Jell-O shots before.

Her knees pushed him again and Chris stood to let them go where they wanted. He took another look at her and made a decision. He walked to the foot of the bed and slid up beside her small frame. He didn’t feel comfortable leaving her alone in this condition. Even to sleep in the living room. He wanted to make sure she would be all right through the night and when she woke up the next morning, probably with a hangover. He kissed behind her ear.

”I love you, Ron. As much as I love having you here I’m glad you’re going home soon. You’ll never see Joey again if I have anything to do with it.”

He kissed behind her ear again and let himself fall asleep.


Roni groaned and held her stomach. She curled her legs to her and felt her toes brush something. She glanced behind her and saw Chris sleeping on his stomach next to her. She started to turn around but the pain in her body overtook her and she ran to the bathroom. She leaned over the toilet but nothing came up. She sighed in relief and decided to use the bathroom for it’s intended purpose. She was sitting on the toilet when she realized something.

”Oh, crap.” She looked down and saw the slight stain on her clothing. “Damn, when I packed I didn’t think of this. What can I do?” She sifted carefully through the bathroom with no luck in finding anything that could help her. She didn’t think she would but the guys had girlfriends and though maybe she’d run into some luck. “Guess I’ll have to wake Chris then.”

She sat in the bathroom for twenty minutes gathering her courage to talk to Chris. She rationalized that he grew up with his mother and sisters so he’d had to deal with this before but it was just embarrassing. She finally got herself together and opened the bathroom door. She let the light enter Chris’ room and saw him sleeping peacefully. She carefully knelt next to the bed and shook his arm.


Chris shifted but didn’t wake up. She tried again and this time she said his name louder.

”Huh?” Chris squinted and when he focused on Roni he threw her a concerned look. “Are you okay, Ron?”

She shook her head.

"What’s wrong? Did you throw up again?”

She shook her head and opened her mouth. It took her a couple of times before sound started coming out.

”Ron? Talk to me. What’s wrong?” Now Chris was starting to sit up.

”I have my period,” she muttered.


”I have my period and I forgot to pack…umm…supplies with me. I need you to go to the store for me.”

Chris stared at her. Was she old enough to have her period? He remembered him hearing his sister talking about it with his mother and quickly deducting his sister’s age he realized Roni was old enough. He closed his eyes tightly before looking at her again. “All right. What do I need to get?”

”Thanks, Chris. Here let me write it down so you get the right stuff. This should last me.” She took a pen from the bedside table and a piece of paper. She wrote down the information. “Thanks. I’ve got to get back in the bathroom. I’m sorry for this, Chris.”

”No problem. I’ll be right back.” He sat for a minute after she ran from the room. Roni’s trip was turning into an interesting time. He stood and ran a hand through his hair. He didn’t really care what he looked like at two o’clock in the morning. Looking at the clock again he realized he needed to drive further because of the lateness. He shoved his feet into a pair of sandals and grabbed his keys from the dresser.

He drove to the store and had to pass each aisle at least twice before finding what he had come for. He’d have to go for this particular type of item once when he was home but his mom usually took care of it. After he got his license he had to do the household shopping but this was usually left off the list. He looked at the note Roni had written and tried to find the box matching the description she gave him. He found the box and made his way to the front of the store. He quickly paid for the item and rushed home. The bathroom door was still closed.


”You back?”

”Yeah. What do you want me to do with this?”

The door opened and all Chris could see was a small hand. He placed the bag in the hand.


”I’ll…I’ll be in my room.’


Chris sat on his bed and flipped his sandals near the closet and threw his keys on the dresser. He was about to lay down when a thought crossed his mind. He turned on the light and pulled the covers back of the sheets and made sure they weren’t stained. He sighed and laid back on the bed. Never in a million years did he think he’d have to deal with Roni and her feminine activities. He put his hands behind his head and waited for Roni to come out. She did a minute later and blushed.

”Thanks again, Chris. I’m sorry for making you go out, especially for this.” She quickly took the box and stuffed it in her suitcase.

”It’s okay. Don’t be embarrassed. I’m trying not to be so you do the same.” He scooted back and patted the bed next to him. “Come on. I’ll sing you to sleep.”

She nodded and crawled next to him. “You know what? I’m not used to you being on that side. You’re usually on my left side.”

”That’s easily correctable.” He lifted his body and let her slide to the other side of the bed. “There we go.” He turned the light off and turned behind her.



”Do you think you can not put your arm around my stomach? I don’t think I need any pressure there after all that has happened tonight.”

”Okay. Now just relax.” He stretched his neck before beginning to sing. “This is the song that never ends…”


Roni woke up and looked at the clock. Or at least she tried to. Keeping her eyes open wasn’t easy. She knew it was definitely morning and that Chris was up. She smelled food being cooked and smiled. Other than cookies pancakes were another food Chris was good at making. The door creaked open and Chris’ head popped in.


”At least you didn’t say good morning. Right now there’s nothing good about it. Oh crap. Be right back.” She grabbed her bag and bee-lined for the bathroom. She walked out a few minutes later looking a little better. Chris was sitting on the bed with a phone to his ear.

”Aww, does our little Veronica have a hangover.” He laughed into the phone. “Yeah, she drank last night. It’s a long story. Do you want to talk to her? Sure.” He held the phone to her. “It’s Molly.”


”Hey. What’s up?”

”Nothing much. Hold a second.” Chris caught her attention.

”I’m making breakfast whenever you’re ready.”

”Thanks.” She closed the door behind him. “Okay, I’m back.”

”So what’s this about you drinking last night?”

”Like Chris said- it’s a long story.”

”Well, it’s on Chris’ dime. Go ahead.”

Roni laughed. “How about the abbreviated version? I can give you the details when I get home.”

”All right. Spill. I’ve got some news for you too.”

Roni told her quickly on meting Joey and how going to the party got to be. Then she told what she could of leaving the party and the rest of the night. She finished with Chris’ late night journey.

”Oh god. I had to send him once and he had to call from the store. But I am sorry for all that happened. I know how bad the first full days of your periods are. Cramps and a hangover aren’t a good mix.”

”No they’re not Not at all. Last night after the tampon fiasco I felt so bad. Chris did sing me to sleep so it helped me go to sleep but I tried not to writhe in pain while I was trying to relax.”

”How many nights has Chris sang you to sleep?”

”I don’t know.” She stood and searched her bag for clean clothes. “Only a few.”

”Oh.” There was a pause. “So how is my brother doing?”

”He’s doing good. His girlfriend is really nice.”

”So is Max as hot as I said?”

”Even hotter.” The two laughed as Roni got the rest of her outfit out of the bag. ”Listen, I’ve got to go. I’m smelling breakfast and I’m sure I should eat something.”

”Okay. See you in a few days and tell my brother bye for me.”

”All right. Bye.” Roni hung up the phone and walked to the kitchen. “What’s cookin’, Chris lookin’.”

”You do know that it goes ‘good lookin’’ don’t you?”

”Yeah, but you’re Chris and I don’t think of you like that.” She kissed his cheek “Don’t worry. I love ya anyway.”

”Oh, don’t I feel special. Have a seat. I’ll bring breakfast over.”

Roni sat and waited for her food. While they were eating Max came out of his room. Roni went to the bathroom.

”So how’s she really feeling this morning?”

Chris shrugged. “Okay, I guess. She has some hangover side effects but she seems more awake now.”

”I head you go somewhere late last night. Where’d you go?” Max stood and brought his dishes to the sink.

”The store.”

”Late night craving?”

”No. Roni needed something.” Chris walked into the kitchen. “Oh, Geoff left a note. He and David went to the beach.”

”Cool. So what did she need? I know we’ve got aspirin and that kind of things.”

”Umm, she needed stuff we don’t use.”


”She got her period last night and I had to go out to buy her things.”

Max shook his head. “She’s more grown up than you’d like, isn’t she?”

Chris thought of everything that has happened since he saw her at the airport. “She’s definitely getting older. When did this happen? Where’s my little Roni?”

”She’s not so little anymore.”


Chris hugged Roni tightly to him.

”You call me when you get home.”

”I will.” She looked around the airport. It seems like she was just here but it had almost been two weeks. Now she was leaving. She returned Chris’ hug. She laid her cheek on his shoulder. “I’m going to miss you.”

”Me too. I can’t believe you’re leaving already.”

”I know. With everything that has happened it feels like I’ve been here forever, but at the same time it feels like I’ve just gotten here. Say bye to Max and Mandy. Oh and don’t forget Caroline. I like her. You’ve done good.”

”Thanks.” He tightened his arms around her again as her flight was called. “Talk to you soon.”

”Bye, Chris. Love you.”

Chris watched her board the plane. He thought about the whole visit. The sight of her head resting on Joey’s shoulder at the miniature golf course kept coming up.

She’s definitely getting older.

He sighed at the plane pulled away. He counted the money in his wallet and left the airport.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

two weeks later

Chris wiped his forehead with a towel. He had just finished his last performance of the night and was walking toward his car. A couple of rows over he heard yelling.

”How could you not know she was my girlfriend?”

”I’m sorry,” he heard Joey’s voice plead, “I didn’t know. How should I? We haven’t talked in over two weeks. You two weren’t going out then.”

”But we got together at the party we last saw each other at. That’s right. You didn’t stay long. Had to take that little girl home before her overprotective friend got home. It was fun watching her get trashed.”

Chris took a few deep breaths and started walking towards the two guys. He knew this guy was talking about Roni and he was about to find out how overprotective of her he was. Words were forming in his head and he found that Joey was starting to say those words to his friend.

”What do you mean it was fun watching her get drunk? You knew she shouldn’t be drinking and yet you let her have those Jell-O shots, in which she didn’t know there was any alcohol in them. Please explain this to me.”

Chris hunched down and watched Joey lean against a car. His lips in a straight line and his arms crossed. Anyone could tell he was angry.

”You could tell she’d never really had a drink before. Hell, she even admitted to it. It’s always fun watching newbies become lushes. The fact that she was now away from her two fathers, you and JC, made it even more enjoyable. It was easy. She didn’t know there was any alcohol in them so when she said they tasted funny Heidi suggested that maybe she hadn’t had one in a while, which she agreed, and she should taste them all to find one she liked. It was all in fun.”

”She’s fourteen, god damn it. And you knew I didn’t want her to drink. Why go behind my back like that?”

”Like when you just went behind my back and hit on Heidi?”

”How many times do I have to apologize for that. I didn’t know you two were going out. Though now that you told me the little story about the party I don’t want her. You can keep her.”

Joey started to walk away when he felt a hand grip his arm. He swung around and pulled the arm behind its owner. “What?”

”Come on, Joe, were the same size and the same class belt in karate. We’re an even match here.”

”No you’re not.”

The two guys turned to see where the third voice was coming from. Joey smirked when he saw who it was. The other guy had no clue so he just started running his mouth.

”This doesn’t concern you.”

”Oh I think it does. Joey, want to hold him?” Chris ran his hands up his arms and wiggled his fingers.

”No problem.” Joey tightened his hold on the squirming male.

”Just watch out.” Joey nodded and Chris balled his fist.

”What has him hitting on my girlfriend have anything to do with you?”

”Absolutely nothing.”

”Then why are you gunning to hit me?”

”Because it’s illegal to kill you.”

”But why, man?”

”Pleading will get you nowhere. Oh, and I’m not just over protective of Roni, I’m very overprotective of her. Right, Joey?”

Joey nodded and while the guy in his grasp was distracted with the gesture Chris took the opportunity to punch the guy in the jaw. He then quickly took a hold of him and faced Joey.

”Want to give him a matching bruise?”

”With pleasure.” With not being distracted Joey’s old friend felt the full force of a fist on the other side of his jaw. Chris let go of the hurt boy.

”This should teach you not to mess in other people’s business.” He turned to Joey. “Need a lift home?”

Joey nodded and the two left, not looking back at the boy steadying himself on a car and rubbing his whole jaw.

”You’ve got a mean left hook, Joey.”

”I could say the same for your right one.”

Chris pulled Joey close by his shirt collar. “Just remember that.” He let go. “Oh, and Roni says hi.”


Chapter 8
Story Index

E-mail: crazy1s_fic@yahoo.com