July 1996

Roni stepped out of the gateway and looked around the foreign airport. She couldn’t believe where she was. She was in a foreign country. She was in a foreign country because Chris had begun working there with his singing group. She didn’t know why she was there.


Roni came out of her room and sat next to her mom when Lydia patted the sofa cushion next to her.


"What would you say to spending two weeks in Germany this summer?"

Roni’s eyes widened. "What?!?"

"Well, Beverly just called and asked me if you could go."

"Beverly? What does she have to do with this?" Roni paused. "Wait. How are we going to afford us going to Germany?"

"Well," Lydia held her breath, "Chris and his group have just begun working over there and he wanted you to come over to visit him."


"Veronica, what did Chris do that was so bad that you’ve shut him out of your life for the past year and a half? I just don’t get it. You used to talk to him all the time like he was part of your family, and now? Nothing. Now, young lady, I want answers."

Roni sat and stared at her lap. Her mother was broaching on a presonal subject that Roni didn’t talk about with anyone. Over the years she had learned to keep quiet about her relationship with Chris because people alway misconstrued the feelings behind it. She continued to follow that policy and had kept quiet about why she had shut him out.

"If you can’t give me a good enough reason for you not to go to Germany you are going to go. You need to get away from Clarion and this is a great opportunity. Now do you have a reason?"

Roni hadn’t been able to explain her reasons to her mom so here she was standing in an airport in Germany. She supposed Chris was going to pick her up but he wasn’t here.

"Typical," Roni muttered to herself as she picked up a magazine, but put it back because it was in German. She paused when she thought she heard her name but continued because she couldn’t place the voice. "Guess there’s another Roni nearby."

"Roni! Roni!"

Roni stopped and sat on a bench. She pulled out a book and before she read a whole paragraph two pair of feet appeared in her vision.


Roni looked up and her mouth dropped. She stared at the smiling guy before standing up and jumping into his arms.

"Joey! What are you doing here?" She backed away from his embrace and let him and a vaguely familiar blue-eyed boy pick up her bags. She followed them through the airport. "I’m guessing you’re here to pick me up since you and your friend picked up my luggage."

Joey laughed. "Good deduction. We’re here to take you to the house the group’s staying at."

"Wait," Roni stopped in her tracks. "Are you telling me you’re in Chris’ group?"

"Why else would I be here picking you up, Veronica?"

"I don’t know."

Roni linked her arm through Joey’s and stepped back when they got to a van. At the van the other guy placed a suitcase into the back and turned to the pair and opened his arms.

"Now that that’s out of my hands, how about a hug? It’s been years."

Roni raised her eyebrows at this guy. She tried to rack her brain and had no idea who he was. The dark-haired boy laughed and stood next to her.

"Okay, I know when I left you you were drunk, but you were sober for part of that night." He paused as she tried again to place him. "It’s JC."

Her eyes widened and she looked at Joey for confirmation. Upon Joey’s nod she hugged JC’s lean frame. Joey opened the side door of the van and the three climbed in. Once as they left the airport grounds Roni shook herself out of her shock and a frown replaced her smile.

"Where’s Chris?"

Joey took a deep breath. "He’s back at the house."

"Fine." Roni huffed and crossed her arms. "Not like I’m looking forward to seeing him anyway."

"Roni," JC turned to the younger girl, "he’s nervous about seeing you."

Roni looked between both males. Joey nodded.

"He is, Roni. That’s why he isn’t here. He doesn’t know what to expect…and frankly, neither do we. All we know is that you two haven’t spoken in a long time. That would also explain you not knowing about us being in the group."

"But why didn’t Molly tell me? I’ve been talking to her."

"Not much," Joey whispered before raising his voice so she could here it. "This is Chris’ conversation to be having with you."

The threesome rode the rest of the ride in silence. When they arrived at the house the group was sharing Joey led Roni to the door.

"Now, Roni," he paused until she was looking at him, "be easy on him. He’s been worrying so much about you."


"Roni, just believe me that he has. Now please let him explain and don’t let emotions get the better of both of you. Now let’s get going in." He opened the door. "Oh, and if you need someone to talk to come to me. Anytime. He’s out back."

Roni kissed Joey’s cheek and took a deep breath. She walked to the back door. Outside Chris was pacing the length of the yard, muttering to himself. She watched him for a moment before opening the door. She took a few steps into the yard.


Chris’ back stiffened. He blinked his eyes a few times and turned around. He had to blink again in shock. It had been a long time since he’d seen Roni and she looked older, but it was still her. He bit his bottom lip as she stared back at him. Without thinking he ran to her and bunched her up in his arms. He felt her freeze in his arms and remembered that she hadn’t talked to him for over a year. Chris set her down and walked to the table in the yard and sat down. Roni followed him and sat across from him.

"So…" Chris started.


"It’s so good to see you, Ron." Chris reached across and placed his hand over hers.

Roni stared at their hands but didn’t move. "It’s been a long time, Chris."

There was a long silence before Chris stood. He shook his hands in nervousness.

"Why has it been so long, Ron? Why did you shut me out that day and ever since then?"


Chris ran his hands through his hair. He started pacing again.

"Roni, I don’t know what I did wrong. Hell, no one does. Not even Molly which, by the way, I’m glad you decided to at least talk to her. But, Ron…why?"

Roni took a deep breath and ran her hands against her theighs. She looked away from his still moving figure and looked down. When Chris’ feet appeared in her view she looked up and froze. Chris was standing in front of her with tears in his eyes. She looked the other way and Chris moved to the other side. They kept this up until Chris grabbed her wrists and pulled her up in front of him.

"Stop avoiding me, Ron. It seems that you think that I did something wrong, but I have no clue as to what it could be. Please talk to me. I don’t know if I can live without you in my life anymore. You’re my Roni."

Roni stared at him Despite Molly’s words she had assumed Chris had almost forgotten about her. He had formed a group and had been transferred to Europe. Where in there did it leave time for a seventeen year-old girl? Chris was holding her tight and his eyes were burning into her. Even though her thoughts were on Chris she heard the back door slide open.


The look in Chris’ eyes softened and he loosened his hold on her. He let go of one of her arms and turned them both to the blonde woman walking toward them. Roni watched as he smiled and started to lightly blush.

"Hey, Kat."

The blonde kissed his cheek and turned to Roni. She extended a perfectly manicured hand.

"You must be Roni. I’m Kat."

Roni shook the offered hand. Chris let go of her arm and took Kat’s hand. Chris then led Kat to a corner of the backyard.

"What are you doing here?"

"Well," she began in her German accent, "I thought that since this Roni was so important to you I’d come and meet her. Plus, it’s time for our daily German lessons and I thought that maybe Roni might like to learn some of the basics."

"That’s an excellent idea, Kat. Let’s go ask her."

The couple walked back to Roni.

"Hey, Ron, Kat has been teaching me some German and we were wondering if you might like to learn the basics while you’re here."

Roni looked between the two. "Are you two going out, Chris?"

Chris looked at Kat and squeezed her hand. He then turned to Roni and nodded. "Yeah. She’s our translator and we just…clicked."

"How nice." Roni held back the urge to roll her eyes. "Does Joey know the basics?"

"Yeah. We were all taught some. Why?"

"Because I think I’ll have him help me if I need to. Thanks anyway."

Roni turned on her heel and stormed into the house. Once inside the door she peered out the door and saw Chris sitting at the table, looking miserable. Kat began rubbing his back and Chris’ shoulders slumped. Roni looked away from the door and walked to where her luggage had been. She looked around the foyer when she saw her bags had been moved.

"Joey?" she yelled.

Footsteps ran down the upstairs hall and turned at the top of the stairs.

"Yeah, Roni?"

"Where’s my stuff?" she asked as she raised her head to see him.

"Oh, it’s up in your room. Let me show you." He waved his hand and tunred to lead her as she reached the top of the stairs. "It’s this way. You’re staying in Chris’ room." He opened the door to a small room. "Here you go. And I’m right across the hall if you need anything."

"All right. Thank you." She began closing the door. "Where’s Chris sleeping?"

"Downstairs on the couch."

Roni nodded and closed the door. Inside she saw her bags sitting next to the bed. She picked up the largest one and dropped it the bed. She unzippered it and began looking for her brush. A few papers fell and she bent to pick them up. A picture dropped out of the pile. Roni stared at where the picture fell to the ground. She dropped the rest on the bed and picked the picture up. She held it to her chest as she walked to the window. The view was of the back yard and she could see Chris and Kat sitting close to each other over a book. She saw them kiss and turned away. She looked at the picture again and tears began running down her face.

She forgot she had packed this picture. The picture had been taken one weekend when she, Jamie and her friends had gone to a local park and hung out all day. She had turned away from watching a football game everyone else was involved in when Jamie had picked her up and swung her around. She had glared at him when he stopped and that’s when someone had snapped this picture. She had a pissed look on her face while he was trying not to laugh. That was taken just a few weeks before…before the break up. She shook her head. It was now the summer and she wasn’t even in the same country as Jamie. But the tears still came.

Roni moved to tear the picture but something stopped her and she couldn’t. Instead she threw it down and ran across the hall. She banged on the door and ran in the room when Joey opened the door. She flopped on the bed and began sobbing. Joey ran to her side.

"Roni? What’s wrong?"

She simply shook her head, unable to speak.

"Roni, are you hurt?" He paused until she shook her head no. "Then what is it? Let me get Chris."

At the mention of Chris Roni bolted upright. She fell to her knees on the floor and pleadingly looked up at Joey.

"Please don’t get Chris. I’m begging you."

Joey nodded. He closed his bedroom door and helped her back to the bed. He sat next to her and let her cry. When she was almost done he laid her on his bed. He was about to get up when she pulled him to lay next to her. Joey pulled her against him. He let her sniffle for a few minutes before her breath evened. He softly pushed her hair off her face. He kissed her forehead before making his way off the bed. He walked to the door and looked at the young girl.


"I just can’t get this, Kat."

Chris hung his head. Kat reached for the back of his neck and started stroking the patch of hair there.

"It’s okay, Christopher." She leaned over and kissed the side of his neck. "Have I told you how sexy your American accent is?"

"Yeah, you have, and you can do it as much as you like. But my accent is nothing like yours."

Chris leaned in and kissed Kat. While they were kissing Chris missed the back door opening and closing. Chris continued to kiss Kat as a presence was felt near the table. He waved the figure away until the other person closed the book on his other hand and pressed. Hard. Chris tore his head up and his brown eyes met Joey’s.

"What do you want, Joe?"

"I just thought I’d let you know Roni just cried herself to sleep on my bed. She didn’t want me to tell you but I thought you should know." Joey turned and walked away.

"Wait," Chris ran to Joey’s side, "why did she cry herself to sleep?"

’I don’t know, Chris. She fell asleep before telling me." Joey slid open the door. "I have to go to the studio right now. I think Roni needs someone there when she wakes up. I suggest you two work out whatever happened tonight, before it ruins the next two weeks. Bye, Chris."

Chris watched the younger male walk through the house and heard the front door open and close. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath before turning and smiling slightly. "Kat?"

"Yes, Chris?"

"I…I have to go talk to Roni. Is that okay?"

"Of course." Kat stood and kissed Chris’ cheek. "I understand. We still on for tonight?"

Chris shook his head. "I don’t think it’s a good idea. How about tomorrow?"

"I guess." Kat pouted her full lips. "I’ll see you later."

Chris escorted his girlfriend to her car in the driveway. After she pulled out he looked to Joey’s window and sighed. He made his way back into the house and up the stairs. He quietly opened Joey’s door and slowly entered. His heart tore at the red face on the pillow. Chris walked over to her and had this overwhelming urge to touch her, so he did.

He sat next to her and stroked her face. She rolled to him and trapped his hand beneath her face. Chris looked around and didn’t know what to do. After watching her for a few minutes he slowly climbed over her, his hand still stuck beneath her head. Chris tried to get himself comfortable without waking the brunette next to him. He moved his arm slightly so that his hand was lying so it ran down her face instead of up across Roni’s cheek. Roni reached up and put her hand beneath his. Chris held his breath as she moved and turned his head the other way when he blew it out. Chris brushed her hair back and leaned forward to kiss Roni behind the ear.

"I love you, Ron. Please talk to me. I miss you." He kissed her behind her ear again. "You’re a part of my family. I love you."

He laid his head on the pillow and closed his eyes. He bit his lip before singing.

"This is the song that never ends…"


"I’ll be right back down," Joey called down to Lance and Justin as he ran up the stairs. Joey walked to his room and threw open the door. He quickly grabbed it before it hit the wall when he saw Chris and Roni asleep on his bed. He picked up the shirt he went in to get and quietly shut the bedroom door. He shook his head and smiled.


Roni fluttered her eyes before shutting them again, hoping for sleep to overcome her again. She realized she was going to get back to sleep so just laid there. She felt the arms around her and bit her bottom lip. She ran in her head back to earlier in the day and remembered barging into Joey’s room and pulling him next to her. She tried to block out the reason she was crying but couldn’t. As the memories were coming back she pulled the arm around her closer. She felt comfort in the warmth of the body, who she assumed was Joey. When the hand that held hers tightened she bit back the tears.

"It’s all right, Ron."

Roni’s eyes flew open. "Chris?"


Roni pulled her hand out of his and sat up. She stared at the figure next to her and her jaw dropped open. "What are you doing here?"

"Well," Chris rubbed his tired eyes, "Joey told me about you crying yourself to sleep and I thought I’d come up to see what it was about."

"Couldn’t you wait downstairs?"

"I wanted to be here when you woke up, Ron." Chris pulled himself into a sitting position. "I knew that unless I was in here already you’d never let me in."

"You were right."

Roni moved to stand up but Chris had a firm grip on her wrist. She tried to shake him off but he pulled her closer and pinned her to the bed. Her eyes flew to his and she grew nervous.

"Roni, I’d really like to know what I did to get you so pissed at me."

"Like you care." She turned her head away from him, which he promptly turned back.

"I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t care."

They stayed there staring at each other for a few minutes in silence, each daring the other to speak first. Chris saw Roni’s eyes begin to tear and pulled back.

"Damn, Ron, why won’t you just speak to me?"

"You want to talk to me?"

"Of course I do."

Roni stood and walked to the window. "Why?"

"Why what?" Chris asked from the bed.

"Why would you want to talk to me? Seventeen year-old me?"

"Roni, whether you believe it or not I care about you. I always have. I have no idea where you’ve gotten this idea that I don’t." He walked in front of the door. "And we’re not leaving here until you tell me why you haven’t spoken to me in over a year."

Roni stared at him. She left the window and tried to get around Chris, but he wasn’t budging. She yelled in frustration and sat on the bed.

"Why do you have to be such a pain in the butt?"

Chris smiled. "Because I learned from the best."

"And who would that be?"


Roni glared at Chris but had to laugh when he contorted his face at her. He began walking toward her but her stare stopped him. He backed up and sat against the door. Another silence came over them.

"So you want to know why I haven’t talked to you in over a year and a half?"

"That would be nice."

"Well, I thought that I was too young for you."

Chris watched her fiddle with her hands. "Too young for me? Now you’re starting to sound like the people back in Clarion, but you know better."

"Chris, that’s not what I meant and you know it. I just meant that you have your own life, you’ve been starting this group and you don’t need me to hold you back. I’m just this little girl from your past and you don’t need to think of that."

"Think of what? Where I came from?"

She nodded. She laid on the bed and bit her lip. He watched her with interest and saw how serious she was.

"Ron, look at me." He waited for her to look at him. "From that fateful day in the hospital that I first saw you you’ve been a part of my family. Ron, you and your mother are family to me. Sometimes family isn’t just by blood. It’s by heart. And, Ron, you’re in my heart." He placed a fist over his chest. "You’re my fifth sister."

"But I’m not your sister. I'm ju-"

"Roni, you are my sister." He crawled to the bed. "Roni, you are a part of my family. And if you must know Justin and Lance are younger than you. Okay, Lance by like a month but he’s still younger than you. Now stop with this young crap. So if I’m willing to spend all this time with them then I think spending time with little ol’ you from Clarion would be okay for my reputation. Got that?"

Roni nodded. Before her head bobbed two times Chris had her in his arms. Roni awkwardly wrapped her arms around his shoulders and allowed him to hug her. Roni felt his face near her neck and was suprised when she felt some wetness drip onto her from his cheek. Chris pulled back quickly and wiped his eyes, hoping she didn’t notice the few tears that had decided to fall. He took a few deep breaths and turned back to her.

"Are we okay now?"

Roni nodded. She moved her legs over the edge of the bed and stood. She stretched and let out a shout of surprise as Chris embraced her in a giant bear hug. He twirled her around and laughed as she stunmbled out of his arms. She smiled as he continued to laugh.

"So where are Justin and Lance who are younger than me?"

Chris stopped. "You haven’t met them yet?"

She shook her head and Chris grabbed her hand. He pulled her down the hall and almost sprinted down the steps.

"Chris, you’re going to pull my arm out of the socket."

Chris stopped behind a couch and dropped her arm. "Sorry, Ron."

"Guess you really wanted me to meet Justin and Lance." She looked at the four guys lounging in the living room. "Since I know JC and Joey already I’ll guess that you two are Justin and Lance, but who’s who?"

Chris pulled her around the couch. He pointed to a boy with curly hair. "That’s Justin."

Roni extended her hand and shook Justin’s hand. She then turned to the other boy she hadn’t met yet. "I guess that means you’re Lance."

"Yes, ma’am."

"A gentleman. Be sure to stay away from Chris if you want to stay that way."

JC, Joey, Justin and Lance laughed as Chris raised his eyebrows and smiled wickedly.

"I think I’m just going to save the running around this time and just stand in front of Roni," Joey said as he stood and blocked Roni from Chris’ advancing arms. Chris processed Joey’s words and Joey laughed at his confused look. "Do you remember, Chris? Miniature golf?"

Chris smiled at the memory. "Yeah, I do but these are different circumstances. You and Roni aren’t on a date and I’m not picturing how I could hurt you if you try to kiss her. But you kissed her anyway."

Joey’s jaw dropped. "What? How?"

Chris laughed. Joey wiggled his eyebrows.

"How do you know I won’t try to kiss her tonight?"

Roni’s eyes widened, but not as large as Chris’. She stood still until Lance grabbed her and pulled her out of the way as Chris grabbed Joey’s head and tried to give him a noogie, but Joey was faster and turned in circles as Chris hung off his back.


Roni stood up and stretched. "Well, I’m tired."

"Yeah, jet lag sucks." Chris tood and followed her to the doorway. "I’ll walk you up."

"You don’t need to, Chris. Night, guys." She waved back to the four guys int he living room and turned to go up the stairs. "Chris, you don’t need to follow me. I know where I’m going."

"I know but I need to get something from my room and once as you’re asleep I don’t want to risk waking you up."

"Chris, I’m so tired I’ll be out right away. Don’t worry about waking me." She followed him into the room and watched as he opened his drawers and pulled out a pair of pants. Chris?"


"I’m sorry for going to bed so early. I tried but-"

"Ron, it’s the middle of the night back home. I’m sure it’s been a long time since your body has been up this late. Go to bed." He kissed her forehead. "Do you want me to sing you to sleep tonight?"

"No that’s okay. Thanks anyway, Chris."

Chris nodded and stood in front of her. He waited a minute before patting his cheek and smiled when she laughed and kissed his left cheek. He then turned his face the other way and she kissed his right cheek. He gave her a peck on the forehead and left the room.

"Good night, Roni, don’t let the bed bugs bite."

Roni waited until his footsteps started decending the stairs before she exhaled loudly and sat on the bed. She looked aorund the room in amazement. She still couldn’t believe she was in Germany. She couldn’t believe Chris was the reason she was here. She couldn’t believe Joey was here, and JC too. She was still in shock. And Chris sing her to sleep? No way, buddy. She was still mad at him.

Chapter 10

E-mail: crazy1s_fic@yahoo.com