Future Fiction

Here's a taste of what's coming up in the future on this page. I am not putting up any dates because I have no idea when these will be posted, but wanted to let you in on what the future of this page will bring.


Full Stories:

None at this time.


Short Stories:

These will be added as written. Other stories may come up and be posted before these.

All: No One
A collection of short stories.

JC: Revenge of the Birthday Boys
Sequel to "Birthday Boys"
(to be released August 8, 2003)

It's been four years since JC and Drew went on their "journey" and now it's time for paybacks. Who would expect retaliation four years later? Not the seven men who unwittingly play their roles in a scheme that's so simple they never knew what hit them.

Fiction Index
Main Page

E-mail: crazy1s_fic@yahoo.com