** RING **

"I'll get it." Winnie ran to answer the phone.

It was a week and a half after Linda and TJ arrived and the couple were at Winnie's apartment planning what food they wanted at their going home picnic at Joey's when the phone rang.

** RING **



"Hey, Aunt Bev, how are you?"

"Good. Oh, before I forget, everyone here says hello."

"Tell them hi from me also." Winnie heard her aunt call to the rest of the family her greetings.

"So tell me. How's my little girl? She behaving herself?"

Winnie shook her head before she realized her aunt could not see through the phone. "Yeah she's behaving herself. Actually, she's having a wonderful time. Especially since-" Winnie paused when she saw Linda trying to get her attention from the door.

"Don't tell mom about me and TJ. Please." Linda looked pleadingly at Winnie. Winnie nodded her head in agreement.

"Especially since what, Winnie?"

Winnie paused to think up a good answer. "Especially since I work with *N SYNC." She looked at Linda who mouthed "thanks" and waited for her turn to talk with her mother.

"That's right you work with that group of young men. Snag any of them yet?"

"Aunt Bev!?!"

Winnie heard her aunt giggle. "Come on you can tell me. I've seen pictures of them. I know. It's the tall one that bleaches his hair isn't it?"

"Here's your daughter." Winnie handed the phone to Linda despite her aunt's protests

"Hi mom."

"Hey honey. How's Orlando?"

"Fine. I'm having a great time. The sun's warm, the people are nice and Winnie and I are having a blast together without our parents being here."

"So you like it without us huh?"

"More than you'll ever know."

"Well, don't I just feel loved. How's that boy who drove you down?"

"TJ? TJ's good." TJ came behind Linda and wrapped his arms around her waist. She held her hand up for him to be quiet. "Since Winnie and the guys work a lot I've spent a lot of time with him. He's a nice guy."

"Anything more than friends going on?"

"No, mom, we're nothing more than friends." Linda ran her fingers along TJ's hands to signal she did not mean what she was saying. He squeezed her hand in understanding.

"Good cause if there were you'd be flying home. You know we were hesitant to even let you go with him. Eleven hours in a car with somebody can be very intimate."

"Um-hmm. I understand that. But him driving me was the cheapest."

"I don't care about money when your safety's a concern."

"Mom, don't worry about my safety with TJ. He's perfectly harmless."

"Alright. If you say so."

"I do." TJ began kissing her neck. "Listen, mom, I have to go. We're planning a good-bye party for TJ and me and if I'm not there who knows what's going to happen at the party."

"Okay. I love you, sweetie."

"Love you too, mom. Bye."


Linda hung up the phone and turned to TJ with raised eyebrows.

"So I'm harmless, huh?"

She laughed and hit his shoulder. "Normally, yes, but you're nothing compared to me."

"Nothing? What makes you so bad?"

"I don't know if I should show you. I'll have you crying for mercy in no time."

"Really? I'll be at your mercy? How are you going to accomplish that?" TJ asked. A smile playing on his lips.

An evil smirk appeared on Linda's lips. "Like this." She pulled him close and kissed him passionately. After a moment she pulled away.

"Mercy," TJ whispered. He ran his fingertips down the side of her face. "Again."

She smiled and leaned in.

"Ahem, cough cough."

The couple parted and looked at the people in the doorway.

"Do you guys ever come up for air? That can't be good for your braincells." Lance tried to be serious but a smile came through.

"Did they ever have braincells?" Winnie kidded.

"Ha ha. Very funny."

Winnie smiled "I thought so. Didn't you Lance?"

Lance shook his head. "Yup. Sure did."

"Whatever." TJ sighed. "What did you two want?"

"Oh, we're going to the store and wanted to know if you two lovebirds wanted anything else."

Linda shook her head. "Nope. This is all I want." She started to pull TJ closer.

TJ glanced at Winnie and Lance. "You heard the woman. Now scram."

Winnie and Lance laughed as the couple began kissing again.

Winnie shook her head and sighed. "See what I've been living with."

"Yeah. Does he come over a lot?" Lance opened the passenger door to Winnie's Blazer and got in.

"A lot doesn't do it justice. They spend all day together while I'm at work, except lunch when they come into the office, and as much time as I'll allow them when I am there."

"A little jealous there?" Lance was elected among the guys to talk to Winnie about Justin.

Winnie sighed. "Why would I be jealous? My little cousin has a boyfriend. I'm happy for her."

"I know you're happy for her, but that doesn't answer my question. Are you jealous of her having a boyfriend and you not having one?"

Lance's directness surprised Winnie. "Truth?" Lance nodded. "Of course I'm jealous. Look at how happy she is. Who wouldn't want that?"

"I don't know. I sure wouldn't mind having that. Do you have anyone in mind that you'd like to be that happy with?"

Winnie hesitated. She trusted Lance but he was one of Justin's best friends. She decided not to let him in on her feelings. "No. Not really."

"Come on. That hesitation said it all. You do have someone in mind. You can tell me. I won't tell the others." Inside Lance was smiling. He knew her hesitation was caused by Justin.

Winnie shook her head. "No, I don't. Why? You interested?"

"No. I think you're a great girl but I don't think of you in that way."

"Good. I was afraid I'd have to let you down. You're a great guy. Any girl would be crazy not to want you but..."

"You're not interested. Don't worry. You don't have to let me down."

Winnie pulled up to the food store. They walked up and down every aisle picking up things from the list and others not on it. Every once in a while Lance had to stop and sign autographs.

They headed back to Winnie's apartment in silence. Lance was thinking of a way to get Winnie to confess her feelings to him and Winnie was hoping Lance would not say anything because she was afraid she would slip. Stephanie was supposed to talk to Winnie but had relationship problems of her own to figure out.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"Stephanie, I really wish you'd reconsider. It's going to be TJ and Linda's last night here. Why won't you come to the party?" JC knew why but did not want to be the one to bring it up.

"You know why. But just in case you really are that stupid here's a hint." JC leaned it as she lowered her voice. "With out him you'd be *N YNC."

"I'd be in ink?"

Stephanie sighed in frustation. "No. You guys would be *N SYNC without the 'S.'"

"Oh, Chris, is why you don't want to come. Mind telling me why again?"

"Yes, but I'll tell you anyway. I don't want to be around the man I love. Especially when he doesn't love me back. Okay? You happy? Can I get back to work now?" Stephanie was working late. She had started to work later and later as Chris was on her mind more and more. Working usually kept her mind off of life troubles, but not this time. Not when he was part of her work.

"Okay. I'll let you get back to work. I'm expecting you to be at that party. No buts. Linda and TJ want you there. Put aside your differences with Chris for them. You never know what might happen."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Nothing. Just come. It'll be fun. Bye." JC left the office with a knowing smile on his face.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Winnie and Lance loaded their arms with grocery bags and slowly made their way to her apartment. Winnie knocked on the door for Linda or TJ to open it. She was surprised when Justin answered.

"Here let me help you with those." Justin took most of the bags out of Wiinie's hands leaving her with one.

"Hey! What about me?" Lance could barely see where he was going over the bags in his hands.

"Sorry, Lance. I only help out pretty ladies."

Lance batted his eyelashes and said in a high falsetto, "I'm not pretty. Oh, Justy, how could you say a thing like that?" Lance hit Justin in the shoulder, hard.

Justin rubbed his sore shoulder.

Winnie walked to Lance and took a few bags from him. "Now, boys, play nice. I don't want to place either of you on time out."

"Yes, ma'am." The guys answered simultaneously. Realizing what they had done Justin and Lance gave each other the evil eye.

"Now, you two, kiss and make-up." Winnie tried to conceal her laughter. It wasn't working.

"Oh, Lancey-poo, I'm so sorry. Come give me a kiss." Justin walked over to Lance and puckered his lips. Lance laughed and backed away.

"Get away from me, you freak."

Justin looked at Winnie and wiggled his eyebrows. "I just love it when he talks dirty to me."

"Well, I better be going." Lance picked his keys up from the kitchen table. "See you guys later."

"Are you sure you can't stay?"

Lance shook his head. "Nope, sorry, Winnie, I need to do something before I forget."

Winnie shrugged her shoulders. "Alright. See you." She gave Lance a hug.

"Bye, man. See ya tomorrow." Justin waved at Lance.

"Yup. Bright and early."

"Don't remind me," Justin groaned as Lance left. He turned around and watched Winnie put the food away for a moment.

"Are you just going to stand there or are you going to help me here?"

"I was thinking about just standing here." Justin laughed as Winnie glared at him. He walked over to her and took the box out of her hands. "I'll do it. Just sit and tell me where it goes."

"No need to tell me twice." Winnie hopped on the counter and started giving Justin directions.

"Alright. Where should I put these bags of chips?"

"In that cabinet over there." Winnie pointed to where she wanted them. "Oh, but not that that bag of pretzels."

"Where do these go?"

Winnie held out her hands. "I get them. They're my favorites."

"Here you go. Do I get some?" Justin stuck out his bottom lip.

"If you're good." Winnie loved to tease him. "Now back to work, slave."

"Eye eye, Capt'n." Justin saluted as he picked up the salsa and waved it in the air.

"That goes in the fridge. Middle shelf on the door."

Justin opened the door and placed the salsa on the shelf. As he pulled his hand out something snagged it. "Oww."

"What happened?" Winnie put her hands down to get off the counter but Justin waved his hand to stop her.

"I just scraped myself on something. Don't worry about it." Justin walked to the sink and ran it under the water. After drying it with a towel he inspected his hand.

"Is it bad?"

Justin shook his head. "Nah. Here look." He stuck his hand towards her.

"Not bad."

"Do I get a pretzel since I hurt myself?"

Winnie sighed. "I guess." She turned the bag to face him but he did not reach into it. "What? I thought you wanted some?"

"I do but pretzels have salt and I don't want salt in my cut."

Winnie shook her head. "Here you go you big baby." She pulled two pretzels out and held them out for him.

Justin then did something that surprised her. He took one of the pretzels out of her hand with his mouth. She looked at him in shock. He just smiled and ate the pretzel.

"You going to eat this one the same way?"

Justin shook his head and grabbed the other pretzel in his mouth. He looked to see what her reaction was and froze. Justin noticed how close they had become.

Winnie watched as Justin got closer. When he looked up the pretzel was inches away from her mouth. Winnie, what are you doing? I don't know, but I know I don't want to stop. Winnie leaned in and took a bite out of the pretzel hanging in his mouth.

Justin opened his eyes in shock but just rolled the rest of the pretzel into his mouth with his tongue. Neither of them could tear their gazes away from one another.

"Remember last time we were this close in here?" Justin's whisper was barely audible.

Winnie shook her head. She could not speak.

"Do you want to try it again?" As he spoke his lips neared hers.

Winnie nodded as his lips touched hers. She lifted her hand to deepen the kiss when the door opened.

"Winnie, you here?"

Winnie pulled away from Justin. "Yeah, Linda, in here." She looked Justin in the eye.

He laughed and shook his head. "That girl has impecable timing." He stepped away from her as Linda stepped into the room.

"Am I interupting something?"

"Nope. I was just leaving." Justin picked up his keys and Winnie walked him to the door.


"I'll see you tomorrow. Agh. No. That's wrong. We have a photo shoot and recording tomorrow. Guess I'll see you at the party." Justin hugged Winnie and whispered, "Someday."

Winnie watched Justin leave. "Yeah. Someday." She smiled and turned to talk to her cousin.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"So care to tell me what that was about?"

"What what was about?"

"Oh, come on, Winnie. Something was going on with you and Justin. Now tell."

Winnie sighed. "Alright. You dragged it out of me. You always do this to me."

"And that's why I'm your favorite cousin," Linda replied with a smile.

Winnie smiled. "Yup. We can talk about anything."

Linda sat on a chair in the kitchen and waved for Winnie to join her.

"So, what's up with you and Justin?"

Winnie sat. "Well, we've been flirting since I got here and we started to kiss twice."

"And what happened?"

"You interupted us." Winnie looked at her cousin pointedly.

"Me? What did I do? As far as I know this is the first time I've walked in on you two doing anything."

"The first time was when you called to tell me you wanted to come down. Remember? You asked who the guy was in my apartment at seven in the morning."

Linda thought about that day. Her face brightened at the memory. "Oh yeah. I interupted you guys then?" Winnie shook her head. "Ooops. Sorry about that."

"Don't worry. You didn't have any way of knowing."

"Speaking of him being here at seven in the morning. Why was he here?"

"Oh. Stephanie and I met the guys at the airport. He decided to get off here I guess to talk."

"And to kiss you. You two just need to talk and get together. Speaking of getting together. What's going on with Stephanie and Chris? They both seem miserable. Did something happen?"

Winnie sighed and thought about whether to tell her cousin what had happened. It would get dragged out of her anyway so she opened up.

"Well, do you want the short version or the long?"

"Short. There's a movie I wanted to see and it starts soon."

"When is TJ picking you up?"

"He's not. I'm here to visit you and I've spent most of my time with him. That's not fair."

Winnie smiled. "Thanks. Okay, on to Stephanie and Chris. They met, they fell in love, Stephanie got engaged, Chris told her he loved her..."

"Wait a sec. Stephanie got engaged? To who if not Chris?"

"She had a long time boyfriend, Ben. Anyway. Chris told her he loved her and kissed her, Stephanie broke off her engagement soon after and they both think the other doesn't have feelings for them." Winnie let out a deep breath.

"So they both love each other but don't believe their love is requited?"

"Uh-huh. How sad is that?"

Linda shook her head. "Very. I'm very glad I have TJ. Thanks by the way."

"What did I do?"

"If you didn't know JC then TJ wouldn't have picked me up and I wouldn't be this-this..."

"This happy? This elated? This," Winnie batted her eyelashes, "in love?"

Linda blushed. "Yes. I have to remember to thank JC since it was his idea for TJ to pick me up."

An idea formed in Winnie's head. "What is TJ doing tonight if he's not attached to your lips?"

"Funny. He's spending time with JC. He felt guilty about coming to see his brother and not spending any time with him. Why?"

"No real reason. Unless we have time."

Linda knew the smile on Winnie's face well. She flashed one to match. "Time to what?"

"You'll see."

"Girl I know that look and from my experiences with you..." Linda paused, "I like what ever you're thinking of."

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Justin drove around for a while and decided to go to his favorite place to think. He pulled into the parking lot and walked toward the water. He hopped from rock to rock until he found "his rock." He sat down and started to think about what happened between him and Winnie.

It frustrated him. He knew he liked her and could sense that she liked him but he was not sure. He needed to find out for sure.

I'll talk to her at the party.

Justin continued to sit there and think about everything in his life.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"That movie was awesome."

Winnie and Linda walked out of the movie theater into the brisk night air. Winnie looked at her watch and smiled.

"Hey, cuz, remember earlier I said we'd do something if we have time?"

"Yeah," Linda said slowly. Not knowing what her older cousin was planning.

"Well, we have time. Want to know what I think we should do?"

Linda shook her head. "Is Justin a natural brunette?"

"Hey. No making fun of my man. Come here. Here's my plan."

Linda listened to Winnie and a wide smile spread across her face. "You are pure evil." She paused. "It's perfect. Those Chasez boys have no idea what's coming."

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"So what happened, Justin?" Justin had called JC to tell him what happened with Winnie.

"I was helping her put the food away for the party and cut my hand. I didn't want to reach in the pretzel bag and get salt into my cut."

"Was there anything wrong with your other hand?"

Justin paused. "No."

"Then why didn't you use that one."

"Because I hurt my dominant hand and was holding it with my other one."

"Uh-huh. I believe you."

"JC, I'm telling the truth."

"Justin, I know you are. You never plan things like that. Then what happened?"

Justin got nervous and was glad no one could see him blush. "Well, I took a pretzel out of her hand with my mouth and ate it. Then I took the other one with my mouth and looked up. I realized how close we were and froze."

"Then what did you do?"

"Actually, she made the next move. She took a bite of the pretzel."

JC was bewildered. "The pretzel in your mouth!"

"Yup. I just stared at her and finished the rest of the pretzel. Then..."

"Then what, man? You've got me at the edge of my seat. Tell me."

"Then I moved in to kiss her."

"Alright, Justin."

"But-" Justin continued.

"Did I just here a 'but' there?"

"But just as our lips touched Linda came in and interrupted. Again." Justin sighed.

"Again? What do you mean again?"

"I mean we almost kissed once before and were interrupted when Linda called and asked Winnie if she could come down."

JC remembered about when Justin was talking about. "You mean after she picked us up from the airport something happened at her place."

"Yup. That's why I got off. I wanted to talk to her. You gave me two weeks and I thought I'd get it over with then."

JC laughed. "Yeah. And now it's been almost three weeks."

Justin fidgeted in his seat. "Well, her cousin's been here. Anyway I decided to talk to her at the party."


"I have to go, but one last thing."


"When I go to talk to Winnie can you make sure your brother keeps his girlfriend occupied?"

JC laughed. "Sure, man. I don't think we have any problems there. I'm sure TJ can think of ways to keep Linda occupied."

TJ looked up from the paper he was reading at the mention of his name and mouthed, "What?"

JC held up his finger signaling for him to wait. "Alright, Justin. I'll see you tomorrow."



JC hung up the phone and turned to his brother.

TJ put the paper down. "Did I hear my name in there somewhere?"

"Yup. Yours and the name of your beloved." JC watched TJ blush and laughed. He walked over to his younger brother and puched him lightly in the arm. "You know I'm just teasing you."

"I know, big bro. It's just so weird. I came here to visit you and you make me pick up this chick-"

"Which I remember you didn't want to do."

TJ shook his head. "I go to pick her up and she ends up being the girl of my dreams. So before you point it out that you brought us together I just want to thank you. Thank you for being so persuasive that you made me pick Linda up."

"No problem, little brother. All in a days work." JC smiled proudly and TJ shoved him playfully.

"Now before your head gets any bigger. Why did our names come up in your conversation with Justin?"

"Well you know how Justin and Winnie like each other?" TJ shook his head. "Well, it seems like they have been close to kissing twice and keep on getting interrupted, by your girl. Justin wants to talk to Winnie at the party and wants you to keep Linda busy why he's doing it."

TJ laughed. "So I have to keep her busy while Justin and Winnie talk and who knows what else?" JC nodded his head. "I think I can do that."

JC looked at his brother sarcastically. "Yeah. I'm sure it's going to be hard to keep her occupied. She's been attached to your lips since you met her." JC laughed at the expression on his brother's face.

"That was uncalled for."

"What? The truth? You guys have been inseperable since you got here. Don't even try to deny it."

TJ sighed. "Alright. So we've been spending a lot of time together. You've been busy yourself."

"I know, but that's my job. You knew about that. Meanwhile you came here to visit me and the only time I see you is when you come back from seeing Linda or Linda is by your side."

"I know. I feel guilty enough. I'm sorry about that. Both Linda and I decided that we need to spend more time with you and Winnie."

"I know you're feeling guilty. I don't mean to make it worse. Okay. Now what are we going to do?"

As if it were planned the doorbell rang. TJ walked over to the door to look through the peephole.

"Who is it?"

"I don't know," TJ replied while still looking outside.

JC looked through the curtains and nodded his head. "Probably just some fans." He sat down as the phone began to ring. "Hello?"

"Hey, JC?"

"Linda, what's wrong?" TJ's head snapped up.

"Nothing really. Can I talk to TJ?" Linda sounded distraught.

"Yeah. Sure. Here he is." JC handed the phone to TJ and wondered what was wrong.

TJ grabbed the phone from his brother. "Linda, what's wrong?"

"Oh, TJ. *sniff* I just had an awful fight with Winnie. *sniff* Can you come over?"

"Sure. Let me just grab my keys and I'll be right over. Anything else I can do? Anything I can get on my way over?"

*sniff* "Can you ask JC to find Winnie? She said something about going to a park near the office and I don't want her to be alone in the park at this time of night."

TJ nodded his head. "Alright. JC grab your keys. I'll be right over."

"Okay, I'll be waiting for you. Bye." Linda blew a kiss into the phone.

"Bye. See ya in a few." Hesitantly TJ blew one back at her.

"Ooh, little TJ getting all soft."

"Knock it off. We have to go."

"What's up?" JC turned off a few lights.

"Linda and Winnie had a fight and I'm going over to comfort Linda."

"And where am I going?"

"Linda wants you to make sure Winnie's okay. She went to a park by the office and Linda doesn't want her to be there alone at night."

JC shook his head. "Understandable. Maybe we can settle this tonight."

"Hopefully we can. I don't want this vacation to end on a bad note." TJ paused for a moment. "And I hope I wasn't part of the reason they were fighting."

"For all it's worth. I hope you aren't either." JC closed the door behind them and locked it.

Both guys started to walk towards their cars when they felt water hit their backs. They turned around to see Winnie and Linda standing there with two huge water guns and smiles just as big.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

Stephanie closed the file in front of her and sighed. She needed sleep. It was just that she was working late she also was not sleeping very well in bed. Her mind and her dreams always focused on one topic. On one person.

She straightened her desk and put aside what she needed to take home. She glanced around the office, memories flooding her brain. Most of them involving *N SYNC, and Chris.

Do I really want to give this up? Some of the happiest times of my life have been here.

Stephanie forced those thoughts out of her mind as she made her way out the door and locked it. She unlocked her car, dumped the stuff on the passenger seat and got in the car. She backed out of her spot and pulled out of the parking lot. Her mind was still contemplating her employment problems and did not notice the person behind her watching her every move.

She pulled into her driveway and stopped her car. Stephanie gathered what she needed and made her way to her house. Once inside she turned on the hallway light and played her messages. The last two were silence. She could tell someone was on the line but they didn't talk. A chill went up her spine and she went to make herself something to eat.

Outside the figure in the car watched as Stephanie turned on her lights and walk to the answering machine. He knew her house and her routine so he knew that's where she was going.

He watched Stephanie's house for a few minutes and then Chris pulled away.

Chapter 7
Story Index
