He smiled and picked up the platter. He watched tenderly as Gina argued with herself over what strawberry to feed him. As she was making her decision JC mentally patted himself on the back for this idea. He wasn’t sure what fruit to get her and when the kitchen said they could give him a whole pint of strawberries he knew he couldn’t resist. Strawberries were her favorite fruit and he had noted her disappointment when she saw they weren’t on her waffle. She reached for her chosen piece and a knock came on the connecting door.

"Whoever that is better step away from that door before I whoop their ass."

Instead of replying to JC’s threat the intruder knocked again, this time louder. The knocking became insistent and Gina put the piece of fruit down and stared at JC until he grunted and yanked the door open.

"This had better be important."

"Love ya too, ‘C." Chris patted his friend’s cheek. He looked over at Gina. "I’m guessing someone’s a little frustrated."

"I’ll give you frustrated, old man. Now tell us what you want before I kick you out."

"Touchy, touchy." Chris sat beside Gina, ignoring JC’s glares. "Actually I came in here to talk about Justin. I’m a little worried."

JC’s hard features softened a little. "Well, this morning he took Nick’s suitcase with him and now Nick’s with Randy on her way to get it back. Will you leave now?"

"He took Nick’s suitcase with him? How did he get it?" Chris was now fully ignoring JC and talking to Gina.

"Well," she started, "Lisa and Tyler woke us up this morning to tell us that they’re coming today, not tomorrow."

"Wait a second. We? Didn’t JC sleep in here last night?"

"No. Remember Justin holed himself up in here last night. That’s why Lance slept on your couch."

"Yeah, but I figured Jace was in here since he wasn’t in our room."

"I am in the room, you guys."

"Well, he didn’t. On to the story. Justin used someone’s key to get into our room and after watching her for a few minutes she mumbled his name. After she mumbled it the second time something clicked in his brain and he took her suitcase. He then came over to us and told us to tell her to go to security to get her belongings. Since Jace and I are staying in today he asked if he could borrow Randy for the job since Mike was going to be with him."

"Oh, is that what Randy was yelling about this morning?"

Gina nodded. "Yup. So she just left about fifteen minutes ago and I guess we’ll have to see what happens from there. What he’s planning on doing I have no clue, but I just hope everything ends up happy."

"Do I fit anywhere in this conversation?" an exasperated JC interjected.

"After last night I was very worried about them both. I know how hard this must have hit Justin and I’m sure she’s in as bad shape as he is. How bad was he when you talked to him last night?" Chris started to lay on the bed.

"Oh no you don’t, Chris. We’re all worried about Justin and Nick but this conversation will have to wait until later." JC grabbed Chris’ arm and pulled him to the door. "Right now all we know is that she’s going to him and we can all hope they’ll work everything out so it can be a happily-ever-after storybook romance. Now leave us alone." JC forcefully pushed Chris into his room and locked the door. "There’s one less disturbance."

"JC, he was just worried."

"Yeah, worried I might actually be happy by getting some time alone with my girlfriend especially when he doesn’t have one. This is my time with you and no one, I repeat, no one is going to disturb us again." He flung open the door to the hall and yelled; "Right now I want to spend time with the woman I love. Yes, that’s right, I’ve admitted it. I love her. Now the next person who comes to knock on this door will be beaten so badly even their mother won’t recognize them. Anyone not get that?"

The floor was silent as Gina pulled JC away from the doorway and yelled, "Sorry about that." She slammed the door.

"I’m sorry, sweetie. I don’t know what came over me," JC apologized at her back. She wasn’t turning around and he was afraid of how mad she would be at his outburst.

Gina smiled and locked all the locks. "Well, that’s one way of doing it, JC. Not my preferred way, but it’ll do." She turned around and held out her hand. He grabbed it and she led him to the edge of the bed. She let go of his and laid down with her feet at the headboard. She reached down and picked up her original strawberry before looking up at him with mischief in her eyes. "Now where were we?"

JC smiled as he sat on the floor by her. He lifted the platter so she could dip the berry into the whipped cream. "I think we were having fun playing with our food."

She smiled and held out the fruit to him. He gently placed his mouth over it and slowly slid back as he took all the whipped cream off the berry. She shook her head and put more cream over the seeded fruit. This time JC took the whole thing in his mouth and ate it in one big bite. Gina’s fingers felt cold as he slipped his lips away from them and the small stem.

"I guess I’ve already licked the cream off your fingers. Guess all I have to do is lick the cream off my lips and it’s time for your next one."

Gina shook her head. "Nope. Don’t you dare lick those lips. You only have a tiny bit and I can think of a better way to get rid of it than you licking it off."

"What do you propose?"

In response Gina inched forward and captured his mouth with hers. JC reached up with one hand and cupped the side of her face as he deepened the kiss.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"So, Randy, where are we going?" Nick watched the buildings go by her in blur and her stomach growled. "With all this going on I forgot to eat. I don’t do well being nervous on an empty stomach."

"That’s good because the first place we’re going is to some diner. Justin said we had to go to this one for some reason."

The man looked at her for an explanation, but Nick just shrugged. I wonder where we’re going to. Could it be…? Nah, Justin doesn’t remember stuff like that. Nick looked out as the taxi stopped. Or maybe he does, she thought to herself as she followed Randy into the diner she and Justin found on their first trip to New York after they were both old enough to go somewhere alone, and before the bodyguards were a necessity.

"This place look familiar to you, Nick?" Randy’s voice took her out of the trance of memories that were floating into her head.

"Yeah. Kinda. You know how all these places look the same in this town."

"But Justin specifically said this one. He knew the name, location, everything. Are you sure nothing’s coming back to you?"

She shrugged. "I don’t know," was her answer but in her mind she was amazed Justin would remember a place like this. They had tried to find it on past trips out here but couldn’t.

"Well, I‘ll be right back. The sky’s the limit on what you want. It’s on Justin. He’s even paying for mine so don’t order without me. I’m going to enjoy this while I can. The other guards gave me orders for what they want."

She raised her eyebrows. "Isn’t that taking advantage of a minor or something?"

"Nah," he shrugged it off. "Plus he left the offer right open. I want to get something for the others and he told me to get what I want. It’s like taking candy from a baby."

Nick laughed as the guard made his way to the restroom. She looked at the menu and a note caught her eye.

Nick, this is what you had last time that you loved.

An arrow pointed to the chocolate chip pancakes. Her eyes had to be playing tricks on her. How could he have placed a message in her menu? Almost like the hostess knew to give her this menu. She must have known which menu to give her but how did Justin do it. She was so lost in her own thoughts she didn’t notice the man watching her.

Randy had peeked around the corner at the booth. "Yeah, kid, everything’s going great. She just caught sight of the note. Damn, what did you write that she’s so taken by it?"

"Nothing special," Justin replied. "Just pointing out a dish she might like."

"Whatever. Why couldn’t you just tell the girl you like her like a normal human being?"

Justin sighed. "Because I screwed it up. Plus, have you ever known me to act like a normal human being?"

"When you’re right, you’re right. I’ll see you when we’re done here, or actually she’ll see you. I don’t want to be anywhere near that mushy scene. But, then again, I might be able to see you cry like a baby…"

"Bye, Randy, I’ve got some recording to do."

"Yeah right you’ll get anything done while you’re waiting for us, excuse me, her." Randy looked at the table again and saw a waitress approach it. "Well, I’ve got to go order now. Thanks for breakfast, Justin."

"You deserve it for doing this, man. Just bring me back my change. I know a fifty will more than cover it."

"We’ll see. Talk to you later, Justin. Tell Mike I wish him luck with you." Before the younger man could respond Randy hung up and made his way back to the table. He sat down and pulled out a list from his pocket. "Do you do take out? Good. I’m going to have a few things to go also. You order yet, Nick?"

She nodded. "Yeah. I got a short stack of chocolate chip pancakes."

"Oh, that sounds good. I’ll have a regular order of blueberry pancakes with a regular coffee please. Do you just want to take this list with you instead of writing it again?" The waitress nodded. "Here you go. Can you read it?"

With another nod the waitress left them alone. The silence between them was awkward. They knew each other, but not well. Randy was usually assigned to JC but sometimes covered Justin so he knew a little about her since for the past few months every non-business word out of the youngster’s mouth revolved around the red-head in front of him. He knew Justin had done something really awful if he was going to these extremes for a girl, this girl. Randy thought it was cute how the relationship had evolved from a close friendship.

He had heard Mike complain about Justin’s past relationships and the other man hoped that this one would actually last. This was one girl who he liked and who had treated Justin like he needed. She wasn’t soft on him, yet she wasn’t too hard. From what he saw these two complimented each other. Each would give and take as needed. It was rare that he thought young love would last but Randy thought this one could and would last. He knew how chaotic Justin’s life could be and something steady in his personal life would definitely bring something grounding to his overall life. Look at JC. He had found a woman and that had changed his whole persona. Maybe not that much but there was definitely a noticeable change. He had toned down a bit. He was still a whack job, but he had another purpose in life and that was with Gina. He had changed the way he reacted to the older fans. He still flirted a bit but in a way that said he wasn’t interested and that they shouldn’t try to get him. Of course some of them still tried, but JC handled them better now. He had a focus when he turned them down and it made it easier for him.

Randy had talked about this with Mike and the other guard hoped something like that would happen to his charge. Mike had even told him that once he had called Nick because something had happened to Justin and he wouldn’t talk to anyone or move from his chair in the dressing room after a show. Mike had left Justin in there with the phone and a half hour later Justin had come out a little rehabilitated and ready to go to the hotel. Randy looked at the girl in front of him and wondered if she had what it took to be Justin’s Gina.

Before he could think anymore Nick broke the silence.

"So, umm, we really haven’t talked before have we?"

"No we haven’t." Randy shook his head. "I guess you know Mike and I know Gina but we don’t really know each other. It’s just that they like to try to keep us with one guy steadily. Management sees how in tuned with each other we all have to be. I know JC’s moves before he does them and I’m sure it’s the same way with Mike and Justin. I’ve watched that boy of yours a few times but we’ve never really talked, especially about the ladies in his life."

Nick looked up and allowed the waitress to place her plate down. "That’s okay. I completely understand. It’s your job and you have to do it well to keep the guys safe. If it means we talk once a year, so be it. But now I hope we’ll talk more than that since you’re participating in this little scheme of Justin’s."

"Do you mind me asking what he did for him to go through all this trouble?’


Randy raised hand to stop her. "You don’t have to tell me. I’m just being nosy."

"Yes you are, but that’s okay. The lives of *N SYNC are your job. Let’s just say we’ve been having a big misunderstanding lately and he did something last night that made it worse."

"Oh. Okay. Let’s see. Justin seems to get caught at most everything he does. Do you have any other stories about him? Sorry, you probably don’t want to talk about him right now."

Nick sighed. "It’s okay. And you’re right, I don’t want to talk about him. Since JC seems to be the one that messes everything up for when Justin and I do something I think it’s time for some retaliation."

"Okay. I see gears going in your head, girl, and I think I’m going to like what they’re producing. You have some goods on my JC?"

"Oh yeah. You’ll be able to get him and Gina good."

Randy laughed evilly and rubbed his hands together. "Go on. This sounds good."

"Well, I guess I’ll start with what they did once when they pretended to be in the hotel room and actually weren’t…"

"Oh this is good."

"Just don’t tell them where you got this info."

"Oh I promise. You give me good stuff and I’ll protect you well."

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"Are we there yet?"

"You know, Tyler, that got old about when we were in Bowie." Lisa rubber her temples. She hated driving in traffic. She wished she knew some kind of back road so she could just drive on the open road. They were in heavy traffic and she could tell it was just rubber necking and the accident was on the other side but she wondered how much longer she’d have to sit behind the truck that wreaked of diesel gas. "Argh!"

"Relax, babe, I think the traffic’s moving more. There’s a rest stop ahead so we can pull off, relax and call Josh and Gina." He placed his hand over her one that rested on the gear shift. "I still don’t get it. You don’t know how to drive a stick shift yet you always place your right hand on the automatic shift."

She shrugged. "I guess I’m just weird like that." She looked over her shoulder. "Now that we’re moving let’s just see who’ll let me in so I can get off."

Tyler held on and let Lisa drive. A few minutes later they pulled into the rest stop and got out. They both went to the restroom before finding a pay phone to call JC’s phone.

"Hello, JC’s phone, not JC speaking."

"Hey, Lance, it’s Tyler. Is my brother around?" Tyler placed his arm around Lisa as she moved closer to him for warmth.

"Well, actually, TJ, he’s in his room with Gina…"

"Well, can I talk to him?"

"Umm," Lance stammered, "I don’t think bothering him right now is something I want to do. Earlier he yelled into the hallway that if anyone else was to bother him and Gina he’d do some serious bodily harm to whoever it was. You know how I feel about you, Tyler, but I’m not going to risk my life for you."

"Aww, and here I was waiting for you to propose, Lance. Actually it’s okay. Lisa and I are on our way and just wanted to check in. We just got out of a major traffic jam."

"Oh, you two are coming tonight? I didn’t know that. Did you guys know that?" Mumbles came over the phone. "I guess the lovebirds decided not to tell anyone else about that one but we’ll be waiting for you I guess."

"Okay, we’ve got to get back on the road. See you guys later."

"Bye, Tyler. Say hi to Lisa for me."

"Will do." Tyler hung up the phone and kissed the top of Lisa’s head. "I guess a lot of people were bothering Gina and Jace because my brother threatened bodily harm to anyone who came near the room they’re in."

Lisa laughed into Tyler’s chest. "Come on. Let’s get going. I’m sure there’s more traffic in our near future."

"You know, I could always drive." Tyler arched his eyebrows in anticipation.

"I do want a roommate when I go back to school. So take that as a no. Let’s get going."

The couple reentered the car and Lisa sighed as she got back on the highway. Gina is so driving tomorrow.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"Thanks, Randy. I’m glad we had time to talk."

Nick and Randy left the diner, each carrying two take-out boxes.

"Me too. I thought I knew everything worth knowing about JC, but you proved me wrong. Now I’ll have that boy at my mercy." The tall man raised his arm to hail a cab. He opened the door and let Nick in first. "Battery Studios please."

Nick tensed at where they were going. Going to the studios meant seeing Justin. She knew this was coming but let her conversation with Randy over their brunch block it out of her mind. She stared mindlessly out the cab window before a delivery guy on a bike weaving through traffic almost hit her window. She snapped back to attention and saw the man next to her stifle a laugh. A large hand rested on her arm.

"Relax, girl, you’re just going to see Justin. You’ve known him forever."


"But nothing," Randy cut her off. "This is your best friend for a long time. I don’t care how deep your feelings run but this is your old friend who’s seen you at your worst and has loved you no matter what you’ve said or done. There is no need to be this nervous. You two have seen each other through a lot, according to Mike, so I don’t think there is a need to be nervous Nellies like you two have been about seeing each other today."

"What do you mean you two? I just see one of me right now."

"I’m talking about you and the kid. I bet the producers are going crazy because he hasn’t been able to record anything decent yet today. Now let’s go into that studio and get ‘em. You can do it, girl."

Randy paid the driver and the two exited the taxi. Nick began walking slow but Randy lightly urged her along. They walked into the opening foyer and Nick stopped. Randy nudged her arm.

"You’ve come too far to give up." He walked up to receptionist. "Hi. I’m one of the guards for *N SYNC. Can you tell me where Mike is?"

"Hold on a second sir." She pushed a few buttons and spoke into her headset. "Hi. I have someone here who says he’s a fellow guard of yours and is asking where you are." She paused and looked at the two people in front of her. "Yes, that describes them. Should I tell them how to get to you? Okay. Thank you." She pressed another button and smiled at the man. "You’ll find Mike in the cafeteria down the hall." She pointed behind her. "Oh, miss?"

Nick turned around.


"He said you could go down to studio 8 which is on the second floor. He also mentioned you might want to make sure she gets there, sir, before finding him."

"That sounds like a good idea. The studio is on the second floor?"

"Yes," the receptionist nodded, "go either up the elevator or stairs and it’s down the hall to your right."

"Thank you." He nodded his head and steered the young woman to the elevators. "We’ve taking the elevator because I’m afraid you’d fall down the stairs and break your neck before you get to Justin and I know I’ll get blamed somehow."

"Come on, Randy, you’ve done your job, you got me to the studios now you can go find Mike and talk about whatever you guards talk about."

"Uh-uh. Don’t think so. Don’t forget the five guys I have to deal with on a daily basis. You’re nothing compared to them so don’t even try to pull a fast one." He pushed the second floor button and watched her play with the end of her sleeves until the elevator car stopped. "Here we are. Now I’m not going to walk you all the way down. When you and the kid see each other you should be alone but I’ll be here making sure you get to him. Now go."

Nick nodded slowly at the guard and turned to walk down the hall. She could here music out of one of the studios and her heart started beating faster.

"Go," the deep voice of Randy commanded from behind her.

"I’m going," she whispered. Upon nearing the studio she stopped to take a few deep breaths before actually allowing herself to look in on Justin. She heard the song that was playing and stopped breathing for a moment. It was a song she knew was going to be on the new album. It was one that the guys had been singing for years but only now could they put it on an album. The lyrics took on a new meaning for her as Justin joined in on the last verse.


She was my once in a lifetime.
Happy ending come true.
Woah, I guess I should have told her
But I thought she knew (I thought she knew)
Oh, I thought she knew, yeah (I thought she knew)

I thought she knew (I thought she knew)


I thought that she knew


Nick slowly turned to see into the studio. Justin had his back to her and his right index finger was tracing the outline of a circular button on the board in front of him. His eyes were focused on the circles his finger made. His right knee was bouncing nervously as he pressed the button he fingered.

"Just one more time," he whispered to himself as the opening of the song he just listened to came out of the speakers.



She was my once in a lifetime
Happy ending come true
Oh, I guess I should’ve told her
I thought she knew

She said I took her for granted
That’s the last thing I would do
Woah, I’ll never understand it
I thought she knew

I thought she knew my world revolved around her
My love light burned for her alone
But she couldn’t see the flame,
Only myself to blame
I should have known
I should have known

A heart full of words left unspoken
Now that we’re through
I’d sell my soul to have this silence broken
Ooh, I thought she knew
I thought she knew

I thought she knew my world revolved around her
My love light burned for her alone
But she couldn’t see the flame,
Only myself to blame
I should have known
I should have known

She was my once in a lifetime.
Happy ending come true.
Woah, I guess I should have told her
But I thought she knew (I thought she knew)
Oh, I thought she knew, yeah (I thought she knew)

I thought she knew (I thought she knew)


I thought that she knew

I Thought She Knew -- *N SYNC


Justin pressed the round button again and the tape stopped. He ran a hand down his tired face and sighed. He knew Nick was on her way but he had little patience and still had no idea of what he was going to say to her when she showed up. He knew what he wanted to say but what words he was going to use were lost to him. Every minute he waited words tossed around his head and he got more anxious that he would completely mess up the chance he got himself when he took her bag this morning.

After he heard she and Randy were on their way to the studios the producers gave up on trying to get him to concentrate and gave themselves a lunch break. Instead of getting food Justin stayed in the studio with his thoughts. While he waited he paced and came upon a copy of another song the group had recorded at that studio. Without really knowing what he was doing he took the tape out and started playing it. The direct meaning of the words to his life amazed him. He had listened to the song a dozen times already. He reached for the round button again but his hand was stopped by a smaller one.

"No more times, Justin."

He froze at the voice. It was the one that was vibrating in his mind since last night and had haunted the few dreams he had the night before. He pulled his hand back and turned it to hold the hand that still rested on his.

"Nick," he said quietly without turning around.

"I heard you swiped my suitcase this morning." She tried her best to keep her voice from quivering but it had a mind of its own. "I came to get it back. I see it’s in the corner I’ll just go get it and be on my way." She began to walk away but he tightened his hold on her hand and she couldn’t take a full step. She tried to shake her hand free but his grasp was firm. "Justin."

Justin simply shook his head and finally looked up at her. His eyes were red and he bit his bottom lip as he tried to read her expression. When he wasn’t getting any emotion from her he began rubbing the palm of her hand with his thumb and said his second word since she came up to him.


She gulped. "Why what, J?"

"Why did you end our friendship?" He pulled another chair next to him and waited as she sat. "What did I do that was so wrong that you wanted to end everything we had, everything we could have?"

"Everything we could have?" she asked as she looked at their hands. She closed her eyes as Justin reached out and pushed some loose hair behind her ear. His hand left her and she looked back at him.

"Yeah. But why did you end it?"

"Because… Because… Because you wouldn’t…" she trailed off as she couldn’t finish the sentence. Finishing the sentence was admitting her feelings, letting him know she wanted him to kiss her.

"Because I wouldn’t what? Kiss you? Nick, you’re my best friend. Best friends aren’t supposed to kiss. You’re my best friend, Nick." He looked away and leaned his head on the wood edge of the equipment. He took a deep breath to calm himself down. That seemed useless when she placed a hand on his shoulder and gave it a light squeeze.

"What’s been going on with you lately, Justin? You’ve been out of it for a while, not just this weekend. What is bothering you so much that you’ve let yourself get this rundown?"

The word "you" slipped out of his mouth before he could stop it. The hurt look on her face made him feel guilty. His emotions were running so high he was surprised he wasn’t crying nonstop and begging her to take him back into her life. This was the one girl who he knew he couldn’t live without but yet he constantly threatened his happiness with being stupid. He had to make it better this time. He didn’t know if there would be another time.

"Nick, don’t take it like that," he pleaded.

"Take it as what? The fact that my best friend just told me I’m what’s bothering him into an unhealthy state of duress? The fact that his gorgeous blue eyes are a terrible shade of red and have dark circles because of me? How am I supposed to react when the guy who has been my savior through all my problems now tells me I’m the cause of his? Just tell me how I’m supposed to take what you just told me?"

Justin rubbed his temples. "Not like that. I didn’t mean that you’re the sole purpose of all my problems."

"So I’m just a side cause of your disarray?" She abruptly stood up. "Are you done making me feel like crap, Justin? Because I really could have done without this today. Rejected twice this weekend is really topping off this holiday weekend. Thanks for the memories. Now if you’d excuse me I’m going to grab my bag and catch a cab to the airport. I already said good bye to everyone but send them my well wishes. I guess I’ll be not seeing you around, Justin." She picked up her suitcase.

"Nick, wait.

She felt his presence behind her. She didn’t want to turn around. Her eyes were filled with tears and the sooner she got out of that room the sooner she could let them fall. Come on, Nick, be strong. All you have to do is make it to that door and you’re home free. That’s it. Take it one step at a time. Do not look at him. You know how weak you are to him. Almost there. Damn, Mike and Randy are in front of the elevator and I know they won’t let me past them without an explanation. She stopped at the door and asked the one question she needed a true answer to.

"Why didn’t you kiss me last night, Justin?"

"I told you earlier. You’re my best friend and best friends aren’t supposed to kiss." He stared at her back, wishing her to turn around.

"Justin, is that the only reason you’re going to give me? That seems so weak to me. You know that best friends have kissed in the past. Hell, they tell you to marry your best friend."

"Are you saying you want to marry me, Nick?"

She turned around and stared at him and his serious face. "Aren’t we a little too young to be considering marriage, Justin? Plus, you’re straying off topic of why you didn’t kiss me last night. It was just mistletoe, Jus. It didn’t have to mean anything. Just a friendly kiss under the little plant and everyone’s happy."

"Except me," he whispered to himself.


Chapter 12
Story Index
