During the movie the dinner plates had been moved to the floor and more comfortable positions had been assumed. JC and Gina were in basically the same position but Tyler and Lisa had changed their arrangement.

"What’s the matter, Tyler?" Lisa asked when she saw him changed positions five times in two minutes.

"I’m trying to get into a more comfortable position and that doesn’t seem to be happening."

Lisa reached towards him. "Give me the pillow."

"Why would I do that? I need it to get comfortable." Tyler scrunched his eyebrows in confusion.

"Just give it to me. I promise I am not taking it for myself. Please?"

Tyler sighed. "All right. Here you go." He pulled the pillow from behind his head and handed it to her.

"Give me a second," Lisa told him as she changed how she was sitting. He watched as she laid the couch pillow on her legs and pat it. "Here you go. Lay down."

Tyler gave her a questioning look but shrugged and leaned against the pillow and made himself comfortable.


Tyler looked up and nodded. "Much. If your legs start to fall asleep or you need to move them just tell me and I’ll move."

Lisa nodded her head. "All right. I’ll let you know."

"Shhh. Some of us are trying to watch a movie so stop the flirting."

Lisa and Tyler looked over to see Gina glaring at them. Lisa took in the closer position that the other couple had assumed. By now their legs had mingled and Gina’s head rested in the crook of JC’s arm.

"Well, sorry if we’re not like you and JC with our bodies intertwined. And are you sure you’re watching the movie? Sometimes I can’t make out a face over there because you two are too busy swapping spit."

"You’re just jealous," JC added before giving his girlfriend a quick kiss.

"Jealous? I don’t think so. Kissing isn’t the only way to show someone you care. Sometimes it’s the small touches that mean the most. Now if you’d excuse me I’d like to watch the rest of this movie." Lisa turned her body to the television to signal that the conversation was over.

A few minutes later Gina stole a quick glance at the couple on the other couch section and smiled. She nudged JC and he smiled when he saw Lisa’s hand stroking his brother’s hair. JC pulled his arm tighter around her as she snuggled closer to his body.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"Heather, is that you?"

Heather closed the front door. "Yeah, mom, it’s me. Oh, Kim says hi."

"Tell her hi back next time you see her." Karen turned and continued to talk as her daughter took off her coat and shoes. "I’m trying to figure out what to do about lunch tomorrow. I was just thinking of picking up some cold cuts and bread so people could make their own sandwiches at their leisure. I have no idea what your brother’s have planned. They’re downstairs watching a movie. Will you go ask them for me?"

"No problem, mom. Maybe I can break something up like I did earlier." She made an evil grin that made her mother laugh before opening the door to the finished basement. "Yo, boneheads."

When she didn’t get an answer she walked closer to the couch and smiled. Heather quietly walked upstairs and back into the kitchen. She got out a glass and filled it with ice. Next she got a paper plate to protect herself.

"What did your brothers say?" Karen asked as she walked back into the room.

"Oh, nothing," Heather started as she balanced everything in her hands, "they’re asleep and I haven’t woken them yet."

Karen saw what her daughter was carrying and put a hand on her arm to stop her. "Leave them be."

"Mom, you do know that they’re sleeping down there with their girlfriends, right?"

"I know. Neither of them have seen them in a long time and I don’t see any harm in letting them sleep down there like they are. I’m sure whenever they wake up they’ll go to bed but leave them be for now."

"Whatever, mom. See you tomorrow." Heather gave her mom a hug and made her way to her room.

Karen continued to clean up the kitchen, but glanced at the door to the basement every few seconds. After a few minutes curiosity got the better of her and she slowly went downstairs to see the two sleeping couples. After watching them for a few minutes Karen felt a warm hand slide into hers.

"They look so peaceful, don’t they?"

Karen nodded and looked over at her husband. "They sure do. It’s sweet but eerie at the same time. Tyler looks so peaceful, and Lisa seems like a really sweet girl but…"

"But at the same time you want to run over there, take him into your arms and protect him from any possible harms she, or any other girl, could do to him."

"Well, he’s my baby. He’s not old enough to have a 21 year-old girlfriend, is he?"

Roy squeezed his wife’s hand. "He’s eighteen now. Legal to do most things now. If you’re planning on asking me where the time went, I don’t know. It seems like only yesterday when I was taking him to little league."

"And it seems like only yesterday when Josh came home and told me about his first crush. Those were the days in which everything was so innocent. When kids are younger they tell you more." Karen sighed as she looked at the other couple on the couch.

"Are you sure you want him to tell you everything now?"

Karen shook her head. "No. I know he’s my son but he’s a twenty-three year-old man and I know men enough to know what does run through their minds. I really don’t want to even think about could be running through his mind, especially on the topic of girls. As much as I love my son, and would like an open line of communication between us, there are just some things I just shouldn’t know about. Right now all I know is that he’s extremely happy. That relaxed smile is enough for me. It’s nice to know that he’s got someone to make him happy and that he cares a lot about."

"I understand. I bet that if you were to walk over there and try to pry his arms off her he’d just hold on tighter and you’d never be able break the protective circle he has around her. Nothing’s better than being with the one you love with all your heart and can’t imagine living without. See you upstairs, honey." Roy gave his wife a quick kiss on the cheek before walking up the stairs. Karen stood there for a few more minutes before following her husband.

After Karen closed the door behind her Tyler opened his eyes. He looked down and saw Lisa fluttering hers.

"Hey, just wake up?"

"No. I’ve been up for a few minutes." Lisa shook her head and wiped the sleep from her eyes.

"So have I. I didn’t want to open my eyes earlier because I think my parents would have made us all go upstairs to bed and I don’t think I could make those two part now." He nodded his head toward the other couple.

Lisa looked over at them. "Me neither. They look so happy to be where they are and I didn’t have the heart to make them separate. I know how much Gina has been missing him and to take her away from JC would just be torture."

"I know what you mean. JC has never taken being away from a girl this hard. I mean, it’s always hard when he has to leave someone behind, but this time I can just see it’s killing him. He loves her so much."

"She loves him back. Now if only they’d say those words to each other. I guess that’s just the next step and it’ll come when it does. You can’t push those three little words out of your mouth."

"I know," Tyler yawned as he stood up and stretched. "Need some help up?"

Lisa shook her head. "I think I can manage getting up from a couch." She stood up and began to walk but the muscles in her legs would not cooperate. "Damn it."

From the other side of the couch Tyler laughed silently. "When I offered help I did it because I’ve been leaning on your legs for a few hours and I knew your legs would give out on you."

"Very funny." Lisa hobbled to stand before him before leaning back on the couch.

"Here. Let me make it up to you." He leaned forward and kissed her softly. Tyler smiled when she let out a soft moan. He pulled back and waited until she opened her eyes.

"Hmm. I think that about makes up for it. Care doing it again just to make sure?"

"No problem." Tyler placed his hand at the back of her neck and pulled her closer as he lowered his mouth to hers.

"Thanks. I appreciate that," Lisa told him after he pulled away.

"Anytime" He placed a peck on her lips.

"I might take you up on that offer." She returned the peck.

"I’ll be right here waiting for it." Another kiss.

"Good. I have a feeling I might like another around…now." She gave him another quick kiss before wrapping her arms around his neck and kissing him deeply.

"You know you two can leave and get a room anytime now."

Lisa pulled away, looking down with a smile on her lips. Tyler kissed her forehead and laughed.

"Sorry for waking you, Jace. We’ll leave now and leave you and Gina alone."

Gina stirred in JC’s arms. "I’m up too so we might as well go up to bed ourselves."

"Gina, if you get out of JC’s arms now I’ll be kicking your petite ass all the way back to school."

"Lisa, what made you say that?" Gina asked, confused.

Lisa leaned her arms on the couch back. "Because right now you have a perfectly good opportunity to stay on this couch and sleep in JC’s arms. Let me put it this way. Which of these options would you rather? Do you want to be laying cold on half a bed with me on the other half or would you rather be laying here with JC’s arms around you? Which place would you rather sleep? Your dreamy smile gives you away. Sweet dreams, even though I know what they’ll be about." She turned to Tyler and gently pulled on his hand. "Come on. Let’s leave these two lovebirds to each other. Plus, a nice bed sounds really good. Night, Gina, JC."

"Night, Li."

"Night, Lisa. You too, lil bro."

"Night, Josh, Gina."

Tyler and Lisa started to walk up the stairs.


Lisa came down the stairs and turned her head to the couch. "Yes, Jace?"

"When I come up in the morning you’d better be in the guestroom and TJ ought to be in his room or I’m going to be the one kicking asses. Got it?"

"Yes, sir. Anything you say, sir."

"As long as you do it. You hear that, Tyler? You sleep in your room and Lisa in the girls’ room."

"I heard you. I’m not that dumb. I know that would be a stupid thing to do. Now tighten your arms around Gina and go to sleep." Tyler waved Lisa up the stairs and the pair went to their respective beds.

Downstairs JC tightened his grip on Gina. "I think this time I’m going to follow my brother’s advice. I’m going to tighten my arms around you and go to sleep. Two of my favorite things. You and sleep. I think I’m in heaven. Please don’t wake me up if this is a dream."

Gina smiled up at him before snuggling up next to him and burying her head into his chest. She let out a content sigh before quickly falling back asleep.

~~~~~~ ~~~~~~ ~~~~~~

"Hmm," JC groaned as he awoke. He went to stretch and yawn but his arms were being held down and his chin hit something hard. "Ouch."

"Well, being on the receiving end of that yawn didn’t feel too pretty either." Gina stretched her legs out. "Even stretching my legs as far as they go yours are still longer than mine."

"That’s what makes you fit against me so well." JC kissed the top of her head. "Can I tell you how much I love waking up with you next to me? You’re so beautiful in the morning."

"Me? Beautiful in the morning? Your eyes must still be blurry."

"Nope. I can see just fine. You are beautiful no matter what time of the day it is. Even over the computer you were beautiful to me."

Gina yawned and sat up. "Your attempts to charm me are shameless."

"But do they work is the question."

"Of course they work." Gina started to stand up but JC pulled her back down.

"Where are you going? I was the most comfortable that I have been in a long time and you’re ruining it."

Gina laughed as he tightened his arms around her. "Don’t worry, I’m not going to leave your side until Sunday. What’s wrong, Jace?" she asked when his body tensed.

"Well, you may have to be out of my arms for a bit on Friday."

"And why would that be?"

JC hesitated. "Well, we’re supposed to do Rosie on Friday and I don’t think PR, or the fans, would appreciate you being on stage with me."

"That’s right. You’re doing Rosie. When were you going to say something to me about you having to leave me?"

"I was going to talk to you about it later." JC sighed. "But I guess right now is the time."

"When do you have to leave?"

"Thursday night. The show’s taped in the morning so getting there the night before is the best thing."

Gina nodded. "And when are you coming back?"

"Actually, that part’s up to you."

"What?" Gina moved her head to look at him.

"See, I was given two plane tickets, one for me and one for Tyler."

"Tyler’s going too? You two are leaving Lisa and I with your family? Maybe we should just leave on Fri-"

"No, we’re not just leaving you. If you’d let me continue you’d find everything out. What I was thinking was that you could come with me to New York. Then Tyler and Lisa will drive up on Sunday and you two continue from there and Tyler flies back with me. That way we get some time together, they get some time together and Lisa doesn’t have to drive from here to New York by herself."

"That sounds good. But won’t it look weird you boarding a plane with a girl, and what about a room for me?"

"For starters for security reasons you have to board separately from me. You’ll still be sitting next to me, but you have to get on after me. Maybe Lisa could take you or something. Get one of Tyler or Heather’s friends to go with you to show you the way to the airport. As for rooming in New York you’ll share a room with Jackie and Nick."

"Jackie and Nick? Nick is coming up with Justin then?"

JC nodded. "Yup. Didn’t think he’d be able to leave his best female friend behind did you? Plus I don’t think he wants to leave her side for that long. That boy’s got it so bad."

"I know." Gina sighed. "Why can’t he just tell her he loves her and they live happily ever after?"

"I don’t know. Ever since he figured out he was in love with her he’s been acting very strange around her. She’s even asked me about it."

"And what have you told her?"

"Well, I told her she has to speak to him about it, he’s the only one that can talk about it with her. I promised him I wouldn’t tell her and I won’t. He’s one of my closest friends."

"I know. He’s gotten to be one of mine also. He is my closest male friend, and before you get offended just remember all he helped me through last summer. Plus, I think of you as more than a friend. So Lance and Jackie are still going strong?"

JC nodded. "Yup. Even though she lives near the city she’s coming in to stay with us. That way she and Lance can have more time together and we all can hang out as a group. I know the guys can’t wait to see you, especially Justin. All I have to say is that I’m glad you’re going out with me."

"Why’s that?" Gina sat up again.

"Well," JC ran his hand down her arm and began playing with her fingers, "Justin’s really trying to get Nick to notice him and he’s told me that if he could he’d use you to make her jealous, but he won’t because of us."

Gina shook her head. "That boy needs some lessons in girl catching."

JC laughed. "Really? Do you have any suggestions for him? Seriously though. I think it’s been a long time since he’s had to go after a girl. Most are forward and he doesn’t have much to do. This time he doesn’t know how she’s feeling and there’s more to it now."

"Now he has something to loose if all doesn’t go well," Gina finished.

"Yup. I just wish I knew how she felt about him so I won’t feel bad if I tell him to go for it because I’ll know that she feels the same way."

"Then I guess it’s detective Gina out to solve the mystery." Gina stood up and stretched. "I’ll get it out of her this weekend."

"Will you do that?" JC sat up and rubbed his calves. "I don’t think my legs like the fact that I haven’t used them in a long time. See how she feels about him. That could make it a lot easier getting them together. I just hope she likes him, or that she knows she does."

"That makes it a lot easier. It’s hard to get people together when they don’t even know how they feel. Sometimes it’s right there but you don’t know it."

"And everyone’s telling you how you feel but you just can’t see it. That can get on your nerves."

Gina nodded in agreement. "Yes it can. Talking from experience, JC?"

"You know I am, as are you." He stood up and poked her side. "I just wonder how long I had liked you before I realized how far I had fallen. Everyone says it was when I first saw you, or even before. I kinda would like to know when it was when I fell for you."

"You were told it was before we even met face to face too? Lisa and Kristen swear up and down that it started when I first really saw your picture. When I first paid attention to a picture of you guys. I’d seen pictures before but never really paid attention."

"Really?" JC grabbed her hand. "The guys say it was when I stated that you were going to cause trouble on the tour, before we even met you. And Lance claims to have known it was going to happen, not to who, but knew you were going to end up with someone. I laughed at him when he told me and…"

"And he was right." Gina smiled and began walking up the stairs ahead of JC.

"Yes, he was. Let me get the door." JC walked past her and opened the door. "He certainly was. But remember at the time I was going out with Heidi so I thought it was preposterous that you were going to end up with me. If I only knew." He closed the door behind them.

"That I would be the best thing to come into your life?"

"Not too modest are we?" JC asked as he pulled out her chair.

Gina reached for his hand. "Oh, honey, I only say that because it goes both ways. All summer I never could have guessed what a huge impact you would have had on my life. Especially not a positive one. I couldn’t stand to be around you. One of us always started a fight, namely you. Ahem." Gina pretended to cough.

"Excuse me. You started your fare share of the fights, missy. I am so not completely at fault here. You fought just as hard as I did, you were just as scared about your feelings."

"Yup." Gina nodded. "And your crazy about me."

"More than I ever thought possible." JC began to lean over to kiss her.

"Did I wake up or am I having a nightmare?" Lisa rubbed her eyes and pinched her arm. "Damn, I’m awake. Where is everyone else?"

JC pulled back from Gina. "Work or school."

"That’s right. Tyler has a half day of school today. Can you believe I’m going out with a high schooler? How did all this happen?" She placed her head on the table.

"I don’t know, Li," Gina placed a comforting hand on her friend’s back, "but just think about where you are in your life and see if you can picture yourself anywhere else. Can you?"

Lisa thought for a moment and nodded. "Nope. I like where I am."

"Good. I’m glad to hear that because this is my brother you’re talking about," JC said as he got up from the table. "I’m just glad that if he had to pick an older woman it would be one of my girlfriend’s friends so that I could trust them. It’s weird to see your younger brother go out with someone the same age as the person you’re going out with. Sometimes I just can’t think about it."

"I understand, JC, and I can promise you this. Whatever happens between us we won’t have a messy break-up. That would just put you two in a awkward position. You two have enough on your shoulders. But it’s not like we’re having problems or anything. Now let me just grab an apple and I’m good for now. You two continue to do what I interrupted." Lisa winked at Gina before leaving the room and stopped at the bottom of the stairs. "Oh, and, JC?"

JC broke his gaze on Gina. "Yeah, Lisa?"

"If you come up here and look at your brother’s bed and the one I’m sleeping in you’ll see they were both slept on last night, each with one occupant."

"Thanks, Lisa. I knew I could count on you two." JC laughed and waited for the guestroom door to close before opening the refrigerator. "Now what do you want for breakfast?" JC asked before yawning.

Gina stood up and walked toward JC. "I’m thinking I want a little bit of a ‘sleepygoof’," Gina said seductively before slipping her arms around his waist.

"Why is it getting hot in here and the refrigerator’s still open? Now that either means that it’s not working or…"

"Or what, JC?" Gina asked as she kissed every inch of his face she could reach.

"Or you just have an amazing effect on my senses." JC bent his head and captured her lips with his. "Like ridding me of them."

"I don’t see anything wrong with that. Do you?"

JC kissed her again. "Nope. Nothing."

"Good." Gina rested her hands on the waist of his pants and raised her heals to meet his lips. "Now can we close this fridge? We’re letting the cold out and wasting the power."

"Good idea." JC pushed her body back with his and closed the refrigerator. "Plus, we don’t want to melt the food."

Gina wanted to respond to his comment but JC pushed her against the refrigerator and crushed her lips with his. She gave into her body’s desires for a few minutes before abruptly pushing him away.

"What was that for?"

"As much as I love feeling your lips on mine we have to remember where we are. We are in your parents’ house. Plus Lisa’s upstairs and your brother is coming home soon." Gina sighed and looked into his eyes. "Have I told you lately how lucky I am?"

JC shook his head and smiled. "No, but I’m the lucky one. Out of all the guys in the world you decided to let me into your heart. You’re willing to go through all this nonsense that comes with my lifestyle. Not many girls are as patient as you are and they don’t let us guys go about the media how we should. You understand that I have to play with the media and know how absolutely absurd they can be." JC grabbed her hands. "You have no idea how blessed I feel when I think about how you’re in my life. I can’t imagine not thinking about you every second of every day. I don’t care about how we used to fight all the time. All I care about is how much we care for each other. Now I’m sorry about before. It’s just that we never have any time alone and I know this weekend is no exception."

"But at least we’re together. Now you have me physically next to you. You know I’m always here emotionally, but now I get to actually touch you."

JC raised his hand and ran it along her hair. "And me you. I can’t tell you how much I needed to see you and touch you. It’s just the simple things I miss. If I didn’t get to hear your voice, your laugh over the phone I think I would go absolutely crazy."

"Always remember you carry a piece of my heart where ever you go. I know it’s even harder since I’m in school and not in Orlando, but this is the way it’s got to be. I wish it could be easier." Gina sighed and sat at the table.

JC sat beside her and grabbed her hand. "Me too, but, as you said, this is the way it has to be right now. When you’re finished we’ll work with whatever comes our way. By then I’ll be in my own house and out of the Harless’."

"JC?" She looked at him through the corner of her eye. "Was that an invitation to move in together after I graduate?"

"No." He paused. "Not really. We’ll discuss that when it’s necessary. Right now there’s something else important that we need to discuss."

"What?" Gina asked carefully.

"Well," he enveloped her hand in both of his, "I think we should-"

"Excuse me." Lisa rushed past them. "I just wanted to throw away this apple core and thought the kitchen would be the best place. It looks like I interrupted something again, but not what I did before, which I can see that you finished. The swollen lips look is good for both of you. Now I’ll get out of your hair. When Tyler comes home just tell him I’m upstairs. Bye."

"Bye, Lisa." Gina waved to her friend and turned back to JC. "Now what was it you were trying to say."

"Well," JC took a deep breath, "I think it’s time for me to tell the world I have a girlfriend. Now we don’t have to say who it is, but I want to let it be known that I’m taken," he rushed out before she could answer. He met her eyes. "What do you think?"

"What do I think? Well…"

Before she collected her thoughts the front door opened. The two turned to see Tyler rubbing his hands together for warmth.

"I think I really need to get the heater fixed in the car. It’s just getting colder and colder. Well, by the looks on your faces I just interrupted something big so I’ll leave. Do you guys know if Lisa’s up yet?"

Gina nodded. "Yeah, she is. She told us to tell you she’s in our room."

"Thanks." Tyler took a few cookies from the cookie jar and left the room.

Gina looked back at JC and sighed. "Right now I’m thinking that since Tyler’s home now those two will be noisier and that we should not talk about this here."

JC nodded. "All right. How about we go for a drive? Now that it’s light out I can show you the places I wanted to last night. Then we can talk."

"Sounds good. Then maybe we can eat. I loved the sweetness I tasted from your lips but that didn’t reach my stomach."

"Okay. Actually I think my mom left us some coldcuts so why don’t we make ourselves sandwiches and we’ll go to this nice place I know and talk and eat."

"Okay. Now let’s get ready. I’m not going out in these clothes."

"Yes, ma’am." They walked up the stairs. "I’ll see you in a bit." JC gave her a quick kiss.

"See ya." Gina walked to the door to the room she and Lisa were sharing and placed a hand on the knob and smiled. "Okay, you two, I’m coming in. I’m giving you fifteen seconds to straighten, or put back on, any clothes that seemed to have strayed."

A loud noise followed by an "ouch" came from inside the room before the door opened and Tyler walked out. "All yours."

"Thanks." Gina pinched his cheeks and closed the door behind her. "Having fun, Lisa?"

"A blast but I think you’re having a much better time. You and JC are inseparable. Anything you’d like to share?"

Gina threw a pillow at the next bed and smiled. "Nope. But JC did just tell me he wants to go public."

"He what?" Lisa placed the pillow Gina threw on her lap.

"He wants to let it be known that he’s taken." Gina sighed and laid on her back. "He said he doesn’t have to give a name or anything but he wants to be able to say that he has a girlfriend."

"Wow. That’s a big step."

"I know. I also know that from the moment he says it the media will be hounding him until they find out who it is."

"Well, it’s a big scoop. Hot boyband member not being available for the fans. And then they’ll find out that his brother is going out with your roommate and I’ll be famous as well. We’re going to be famous in some respect because of our boyfriends…and mine’s not even really famous. The joy and hypocrisy of the world. What did you tell him?"

"Well, that’s when TJ came home and I said we needed to talk about it somewhere else so we’re going to the places he wants to show me and talk about it over lunch." Gina sat up and picked up a pile of clothes.

"What are you going to tell him?"

"Seriously? I don’t know. We’ll just see what becomes of the situation. I have to get ready. Talk to you later. Try not to confuse Tyler too much. Remember he’s only eighteen." Gina winked before walking down the hall.


Chapter 4
Story Index
