Drew Lachey

Well, I decided that I didn't like how this page was worded so I redid it. I've been thinking about what I really like about Drew and knew what I had here didn't do my thoughts justice. Here's the new and improved look into my thoughts on this truly amazing guy.

First of all, get rid of the looks. I'll admit he's cute but nothing I've seen would classify him as 'drop-dead gorgeous.' Actually, I'm more attracted to guys who aren't perfect in the look department. The more perfect they look the less attracted to them I am.

Now that the looks are out of the way let us get to something of actual importance, Drew himself. Now I have this weird feeling that if I just met him in a casual setting and he wasn't "Drew Lachey of 98º" I'd still be as drawn to him. It's almost like a conversation. The more I find out about him the more I'm intrigued. You see something with the first impression and just keep getting amazed as you learn more.

As for having a conversation with him I'd be really happy to. I don't have a specific topic I'd like to talk to him about but I'm sure just talking to him would be an experience I'd enjoy. When you talk to someone you learn so much about them and about where they come from. I'm not limiting this to where they come from physically but where their head is at and how their thoughts are developed.

Now it's time to personalize this more and get down to Drew and out of generalities. I read what Drew has done in his 24 years on this planet and have to stand back and take it all in because I'm wowed. He's had many experiences which surpass any I'll ever have. And to think he's just a few years older than me and to accomplish so much is amazing. I might be making a mountain out of a molehill but you can't say he hasn't done things that most guys his age wouldn't dream about, and, I'm afraid to say, are too lazy to even think about attempting. I know many guys this age so I'm just not shooting off my mouth. And I'm not bad mouthing them. I'm proving my point.

What else do I respond to in Drew? When I know he has a solo coming up I shut up. I don't shout so I can't hear his voice. I'll replay the short section just to hear it again. There is this one part in the "The Hardest Thing" video that just increased my attraction to him. It lasts for a split second but it's engraved in my mind. It's when, in the boxing ring, he comes up next to Nick and kneels. He's slapping his leg to the beat and the brothers look at each other right before it cuts to another scene. It's just priceless and Drew's movements just captivate me. The little smile playing on his face just tugs at my heart and makes me smile.


My Randomness

*N SYNC Fantasies

I Do (Cherish Drew)

E-mail: littlecrazyone@netscape.net