I know some of you are staying up at night wondering, "What does Crazy1 really think of the guys?". Well fear no more. I'm going to tell you. I'm going to go one by one and explain my thoughts on these five guys of brains and brawn.

*** I do not know and have never met *N SYNC. These are just my opinions from being a fan.


Updated 10/12/00 (just Joey)

I have a place in my heart for underappreciated Italians from the East Coast. I truly think this guy is a very sweet and good individual. He lets it all out. He's not afraid to be himself, but if you don't watch you'll get the wrong impression of him. He has a good voice that I find very sweet. As for looks my views have changed as he's aged. I still think he's probably good looking but I'm not as attracted to him. I know this may sound weird as you read it, it sounds weird to me as I think it, but I am not attracted to Italian men. When I was in the ages to look for boys or guys I was immediately drawn to a good looking Italian guy but something happens as they age and they lose my appeal to them. Over the past year he has definitely developed into a man and is almost done with the transition. He'd be the third one of the group. As for brains it still stands that he is smarter than people allow themselves to believe. I hate to read the fiction that pits him as dumb as a doorknob.

Next guy on my hit list. Justin:

This is a hard one. This boy is a teenager who's been stuck in an adult world for a long time. People forget that he is a teenager. I think sometimes even he does. Being in the world he's in for so long he has matured faster in some aspects but slower in others. As for looks he ranks there below JC and Joey. I think he is very good looking. For the record, yes, I like him better with roots. His voice is incredible. So it cracks sometimes. Oh well. When I'm listening to the CD sometimes his voice can take me to a whole other place.

Next. Chris:

Some people don't know how a 27-year-old can be happy in a boy-band. I think Chris is man enough to handle it. Now I said man. I think he's the only one close enough to be called a man. Sure the others are over 18. That makes them adults, not men. I'll explain that at another time, not now. I think Chris would be a great guy to hang out with. He can make you laugh 'til you cry, but he can also be serious. As for his looks I'm surprised at all the young fans he gets. I am in no way saying he's ugly or anything like that. But I look at his face and see the face of a man, not a boy. I look past the hair and can see his real age. He does look 27.

Next victim. JC:

This guy is wild at heart. He's beginning to show his real self and I like it. As time passes he, like the rest, is figuring out what he can do in public. Frankly, I'm enjoying it. I knew he was hiding something. He's starting to come into his manhood. I saw him on Leno and was in awe. Watching the expressions on his face while he was singing I was simply hypnotized. Now as for looks I have made no attept to hide that he tops my list. His eyes, his body. I'm not going to contiue I might not be able to stop. There's no denying that this boy has talent up to Wazzu (However it's spelled. Frankly. I don't care.) He can sing, dance, write and play instruments. Ahh, he's perfect. Alright, I know he's not but it's fun to pretend.

Last, but not least. Lance:

Okay, folks, we've got another wild one an our hands. I do think he is the nice, sweet country boy we see. Look past that and you will see a guy who can be crazy. He's a lot like me personality wise so I see through his routine. I also believe he wants someone innocent so she doesn't see all that he does. I'm not saying he'll do anything bad or wrong but he likes to get away with things and with his looks, he can. That deep bass voice can definately send someone into a trance. Add those eyes to the mix and you're hooked. There's no option but to like this boy. You may not love him but you gotta like him.

Okay now on to the big one. Group:

I would love to meet these guys. I know someone who has met them and from what he said I want to meet them more. They seem like they're comfortable around each other. I don't doubt that there are rough times and rough topics between them but they seem like they know how to handle them. As for the music I don't think I would open this site if I didn't like it. The music does amazing things to me. No matter how bad a mood I'm in before I put in the album by "For the Girl..." I am in a great mood. If I need to stay up while driving *N SYNC's what's on, and if I need to go to sleep I pop it in and it helps me sleep. Before you jump to conclusions I do not go to sleep every night to it. I'm simply saying it also has the power can soothe me.

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