*All right this goes for any current and future girlfriends the guys might have, not just Danielle. Right now she's a prime example of what I'm going to talk about.

Why do people hate Danielle other than the fact that she's going out with Lance? I bet if you asked some of the anti-Danielle people what they thought of her before the rumor started long ago they wouldn't have anything bad to say about her. I'd bet some would even compliment her, but not now. Why? Because she is going out with a guy who have people who at best have a slim to none chance with him obsessed with him. It's that simple.

I don't recall anything bad said about her before the rumor started. As far as I know she hasn't done anything worthy of the treatment she's getting. She is called all sorts of names and there is no foundation for them. I'm sure if you ask one of the people who hate her why they will call her names and remind you she's going out with Lance but there is no basis for them to call her those names. Since she is going out with Lance I'd hope she wouldn't be what she is called. He deserves someone good.

Okay I'll admit I might be saddened if I read thet Drew Lachey had a girlfriend but I'd be happy for him. I'm not saying I'm obsessed with Drew but that I am attracted to him and I needed someone to use as an example and he best fit. I know there's a great chance I'll never meet him and even less of a possibility that if we did meet he'd fall for me so I'm happy if he finds someone who he likes and treats him right. That's all I have the power to do. That's all I have the right to do.

In conclusion I'm going to say that I hope they find girls that treat them right and make them happy. If they find them then I'm happy for the guys. If Danielle and Lance are happy more power to them for having a relationship admist everything that comes with the territory of being famous.

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