Inspired by the tremendous response I received for the background to my Dungeons and Dragons Wyrm Ryder prestige class for 3rd Edition, I began wondering how I could turn my newly-discovered talent to further use. While writing a page on Magic for Beginners, I realised that Magic conceptually is very much like a fantasy novel, and therefore is just crying out for some sort of story based on it.
So here's what I decided to do. As far as I know, this is a unique idea that is not duplicated anywhere on the web. If it is, tell me and I will give you credit here, but please be assured that I have not stolen this from you! I plan to write up Magic games as adventures of a planeswalker. How will be revealed soon, as well as several other things.
The system I plan on using is bascially the Magic system. Two ultra-powerful demigods facing off over a deserted world, manipulating denizens and magics to defeat the other. Think of it in much the same way as you would a tabletop wargame. The decks involved would be represented by D&D-style spell memorising. Diminishing life totals will be represented by the worsening physical appearance of the planeswalker. Matches are 2 out of 3, to the knockout. Hey, if it was to the death, then the first time I lost this column would die too! Enough idle chatter. On to the background!
The Multiverse of Dominaria is ruled over by many deities, but none so enigmatic as the planeswalkers. Until now, the ways and airs of this ultra-powerful group have been shrouded in mystery. However, recent rumours have suggested that they face each other in combat, using the creatures, spells and lands we know and love, to further their own causes with Mathrax, God of Magic. This never-ending tournament of destruction carries on, day in and day out. The current front-runner is Dulanis, an evil planeswalker with a preference to black magic. The accounts of battle we have involve Mystar, somewhat of a rookie to the Planeswalker Wars, but a very talented one. Time and experience will tell what he can do, and if he will ascend to Mathrax's side.