Here at Melgin's Keep, we are the only Defenders of the True Magic Faith, that is to say, Type I. We don't like shelling out hundreds on a set, only to be told a year and a quarter down the line that we can't use those cards any more. We don't like non-sensical bannings of staple, non-broken cards. (Who said Dark Ritual?) We just want to play with our cards, and not have to worry about broken, unfair decks using power cards. So we play Type I. If you want popular decks for Type II, go here or here. If you want a fun, casual, relaxed format where you have a legitimate shot of being the best in your region, stay awhile...
The Type I environment...what's viable?
Type I Discussion. This week - exploring the viability of WW Rebel in Type I.
What to draft from what set, and each colour's best.
Building your deck...what to put in, what not to put in.
Submit your decks for review and critical analysis.
When submitting decks, please include a summary of how the deck wins, what you think it needs, how it plays, etc. Please allow a few days for reply.
Copyright 1999-2000 melginskeep@angelfire.com