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You know you're a gamer when...

A Gamer's Biggest Fear roll a die to see what game to play that night. tap your pop tarts before you eat them. can't find one bit of your clothing in the dark. have a store card for the military surplus store.
..."easy listening" to you is anything lighter than Metallica. set off airport metal detectors...naked. list your next of kin as "my gold marble-effect d20" or "my Beta Black Lotus"
...your idea of a night out is playing at someone else's house.

Gamer's Republic ID Card

Name: Frances Andrews
Alias: Gothboy
Sex: What are you kidding? I'm a gamer! Oh right. Male.
Age: Magical or natural?
Address: My Parents' Basement
Occuptaion: Gamer. Duh.
Identifying Marks: Too many to list here

Top 10 Reasons Gaming is better than Sex. 10. You're more likely to last longer than 2 minutes. (except in Type I)
9. You don't have to worry about pleasing anyone else.
8. You can game with more than one person at a time
7. No one ever caught syphillis by deploying Ewoks.