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All poems: Copyright© BELLA FIGURA 2000



Under a willow, whispers of love 
two hearts are one. 
the breeze is cool, the sun is warm 
and the world is summer. 

He left her to chase dreams, 
she stands all alone. 
wonders why she feels such pain 
wishing for her summer again. 

He searches for something 
out in the world on his own. 
Searches through sheets of rain, 
remembers that summer again. 

Her dreams are of  him and their love, 
on her bed she would lay. 
near a winter’s frost covered pane, 
faraway from summer again. 

He travels the fields and the roads, 
seeing one dream on his way, 
Back along an old familar lane, 
home to summer again. 

Does a snowy willow hold steadfast or bend? 
Are two hearts still one? 
the wind may blow, the sun may hide 
If it’s true love it’s always summer again. 

Even when you soul’s afire, deepest desire,
your life force keeps on shining like the sun
it sometimes warms 
it sometimes burns
but it always shines it’s light in the real world

Even in your darkest isolation, desolation,
your life force keeps flowing like the river
it sometimes floats
it sometimes churns
but it always sails you back into the real world

Even with your broken heart, torn apart,
your life force keeps blowing in the wind
it sometimes caresses
it sometimes whips
but it always carries you back into the real world

Even with in the fantasy beams, your buried dreams,
your life force keeps on spinning with the earth
it sometimes lives
it sometime dies
but it always remains here in the real world


Walking down my own road, paths overgrown with the vine, 
now alone in the darkness,  I left true love behind. 

He walked down the other road, disappeared in the pine, 
why did he leave me, the answer’s too hard to find. 

Our time was not now 
Our hearts were not one 
Our love went and  left us 
with so much undone. 

I travel to the far-off places in some unknown time, 
I hold fast to my storybooks, clinging to my rhyme. 

It’s life’s saving grace, which keeps me traveling along, 
to some destination,  a place where I could belong. 

I never saw where he was going, a turn left or right. 
but sometimes I hear him, whispers soft in the  night 

Each day is a journey, where, our heart only knows. 
Yet I hope to see him again, down at our life’s crossroads. 

To sell thyself, without regret
for happiness, in time forget
the one who might relieve the pain
away from death, where I have lain
in misery and torment true
a heart not mine, belongs to you
to use or break, if you please
so I can’t feel the pain it sees
reflected in you eyes, I see my face
with a look of pain, time can’t erase
for I’m not me, I’m not the same
I’m not in love, I’ve lost the game.

My life seems like a circle, am I getting anywhere?



So he turned his back on me & slowly walked away.
turned his love away from me, with not one word to say.

People often break their hearts, and often sing the blues.
Yet none can match this heart of mine, for it was meant to lose.

It’s hard to get up from that fall,
that silent wind which doesn’t call.
And so my heart broke into pieces,
time won’t pass, the clock’s chime ceases.

like the shattered panes of glass in my old forgotten house
the wounds cut deep inside as the rain soaked thru my blouse.

the night is cold and damp and dark, no lamp to light my way.
I tripped and fell upon the floor, the wood was hard and gray.

It’s hard to get up from that fall,
that silent wind which doesn’t call.
And so my heart broke into pieces,
time won’t pass, the clock’s chime ceases.

I passed unseen room to room, old furniture under white sheets.
There’s no one left down the hall , only loneliness which greets.

I climbed to the top of the stairs, some cobwebs on the beams.
steps of desperation take their hold, my broken shards of dreams.

It’s hard to get up from that fall,
that silent wind which doesn’t call.
And so my heart broke into pieces,
time won’t pass, the clock’s chime ceases.

One lone candle beckoned me upstairs to our room alone.
Forsaken by the one I love, the walls creak out a moan.

Here I’ll cry and wait for you, blind eyes soaked with tears.
Just thoughts of when I laid with you, to took away my fears.

It’s hard to get up from that fall,
that silent wind which doesn’t call.
And so my heart broke into pieces,
time won’t pass, the clock’s chime ceases.


Three on one, the nightbirds chased the lone white one across the sky.
they turned left and he turned right, this eve’s not his day to die.

He glided alone in circles, skimmed along the top’s of trees.
Then he soared up into the dark blueness, lifted by the breeze.

He disappeared into the dusk’s starlight leaving me alone.
With thoughts of you so far away, so far away from home.

Time stands strangely still as my mind begins to wander.
And night becomes a restless dream, a whole lifetime left to ponder,

This lifetimes journey travels on but doesn’t make one bit of sense.
As the stars in the nighttime sky echo those feelings so intense.

When in my book of ruins, words of caution whispered "your future passes by".
Yet I still watched you walk away from me, and alone I'm left to cry.

Fate chased time for it’s own gain, it’s wind caught us up in it.
Fate moved our lives in circles, our hearts were entwined by it.

You think you can do it by yourself. You think you have the wings to fly.
But heartache can steal your dreams from you within the blinking of an eye.

Yet in all our honesty, in all the words we believed were true.
Can you tell me within the dark night's blue, can I survive my loving you?

Yet I think I can make it now. Well, at least I have to try.
So life turns left and I'll turn right, this eve's not my day to die.



Separated by an old garden gate,
in a world where we're a part.
The days can get so lonely here,
Let me live within your heart.

My feet never touched the ground.
While music played in every room but did not make a sound.
Across the dance floor, we waltzed in wintertime.

On my lips kisses still linger.
But then your hands let go of mine and slipped through every finger.
I still recall each dance as if it were today.

Lost in the clouds of spiral motion.
I inhaled your breath into my soul, as deep as any ocean.
Perfume filled the air and my will drifted away.

Your careless whispers seemed so loud.
As all your guilty promises echoes then disappeared amongst the crowd.
We spun in circles, my heart tried hard to stay.

And every room had a locked door.
Yet I still looked for you through long dark winding corridors.
Enveloped in the mist, I let you drift away.

So remains an incomplete perfection.
Memories' stay, some good, some bad, some beyond all recollection.
Love, a dream which craved our complete devotion.

We're separated by an old garden gate,
We live in a world where we're apart.
The days, they get so lonely here,
As I live without your heart.  


 In the dimness of morning, I awaken to see,
Heart of my desire lying down next to me.

Angels will sleep on cool winter’s winds.
Fly up to the morning when life begins.

But asleep is my angel, I laugh at the sound.
Breathing so deeply is the love that I’ve found.

Dark Angel, your kisses brought me to life.
Awoke my soul, asked me to be your sweet wife.

Yet complaints beget gales, intensified by raging words,
Lies we tell one another; we retreat injured birds.

Brown eyes pierce like daggers, leaving me weak.
Tears flow at nightfall, my own demons speak.

Angel, my angel, how you can torment me so.
Take away all my summers and leave only snow.

But dark angels tell their secrets deep in the night.
And tell you they love you and make up for the fight.

So in the dimness of morning, I awaken to see,
Heart of my desire lying down close to me.


Note:  This poem was inspired by a friend's letter I received in high school however the submessage created in this poem was not stated as part of the original letter but from my own imagination.

It’s not the absence of love, that makes her feel alone.
Often there was too much love,
Given by the wrong people for the wrong reasons,
Which left her gladly alone.

Not to have her love stolen out of her
By the violent needs of other’s minds and bodies.
She wasn’t ungrateful or undeserving,
But it makes her unhapply to have any kind of love.

So Donna’s song played into the night...

Comes again the polite indifference...gladly alone.
It saves and protects her.
And she did try to reach out for others.
The loved ones should have known how hard she tried.
But they never heard.

And the comfort of friends never truly washed away her fears.
They were far too young to save her.
She is unable to put her arms around those who truly care
And is unable to give them her love.

And Donna’s song played into the one hears the sound.

She chose to be gladly alone. 
Rather than wrapped up in the arms of a love 
That she could never truly need or want.
And sometimes I hear some music play.
It haunts me, this old forgotten tune.
And I wonder where she might be, who she is, what’s she become.

Play on into the night, Donna...


By strongest oak and thick blackthorn,
The soul of life begins to stir..
Into this world we’re all reborn
As crystal fragments of who we were.  

We climbed our trees as the fairy child,
Protected thru the awakening storm.
We dreamt our dreams, both bold and wild
Leaves shaded from the summer’s warm.

So we start to wander thru the woods
Among the trees we’ve stood alone.
We steal love as if material goods.
Running, searching, for our home.  

We travel plains into our life
There are no well worn paths to follow.
And days become just stress and strife
Our souls get lost, an empty hollow.

Desert travels leave us thirsty, blind.
We’re beaten down by scorching sun.
The three Fates aren’t always kind.
While seeking shade, we forget to run.

Can we count khama, our good deeds?
To take us up to heaven or down to hell.
Can we find the answers to our needs.
Within our death, only time will tell.




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