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About NochtadhAnama (NOKH-tuh AH-nuhm-ah)

Nochtadh Anama is Gaeilge for "soul baring". I originally got the idea for this web-ring by viewing some other friends' pages. Like mine, they poured their creative juices out into the world wide web for all to see. That which we build from our own heart is the most fragile, and I have a deep respect for anyone willing to throw their inner-self on the line for all to judge. defines the soul as such:

the vital, immaterial life principle, generally conceived as existing within human beings and sometimes within all living things, inanimate objects, and the universe as a whole. In more primitive religions (forms of ANIMISM and SPIRITISM), the soul is thought to control both motor and mental processes; death, the cessation of these processes, is thus viewed as caused by the departure of the soul. PANTHEISM denies the individuation of human souls, and MATERIALISM declares the soul nonexistent. A widespread concept in religion is that of immortality, which usually postulates the existence of a soul that lives apart from the body after death. Dualistic concepts posit a God-given soul distinct from, and antagonistic to, an inferior, earth-bound body. For many Western philosophers the term soul is indefinable. Others consider soul synonymous with mind.

So this web ring is dedicated to those of you baring your souls for all of us. Thank you.

Pythia Gealach NochtadhAnama
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