Good People & Good Ideas!
Libertarian Party
of Bartholomew County

422 1/2 Fifth St., Ste 201   Columbus IN 47201


Chairman - Kenn Gividen, Jr.
Treasurer - Theresa Sayles

Photo Missing? Click on RefreshRead Kenn's op/ed pieces from The Republic here.

  • Your Right to be Stupid [here]
  • Libertarian Approach to Taxes [here]


    Next County Meeting: December 1 at the LPBC Headquarters

    The Libertarian Party of Bartholomew County meets the first Saturday of each month. Time: tba

    Chairman's Report

    Tuesday, November 27 - Gividen Briefly Interviewed

    Kenn was contacted by The Republic for a very brief interview
    regarding the November elections.

    Friday and Saturday, November 23 & 24 - Table at Fairoaks Mall

    The Libertarian Party of Bartholomew County "did a table" at the Fairoaks Mall.
    Approximately 700 copies of The Hoosier Libertarian
    were distributed and almost as many bumper stickers.

    Libertarian Theresa Sayles assisted the effort. LPBC invited
    opponents to the BCSC building project to help secure petitions to stop
    the project. Although we do not have their permission to use their names
    we greatly appreciate their help.

    The total number of peteition signers for the
    two day endeavor was about 550. In addition, some 15 petitions were
    consigned to those volunteering to work neighborhoods.

    Proponents of the measure also "did a table" next to our's.
    Their presence added an air of excitement, urgency and legitimacy to the effort.
    We suspect they contributed greatly to the number of signatures we gathered.

    The goal of the Libertarian Party

    A special thank you is order for Paul Boaz for having the courage
    and character to lead the opposition.

    Saturday, November 17 - BCSC Building Project Meeting

    Kenn attended the "blue petition" organizational meeting.

    Saturday, November 10 - Central Committee Meeting

    The Libertarian Party of Indiana conducted its Central Committee meeting
    in Columbus at Denny's restaurant.

    Saturday, November 3 - Tax Planning Session

    Kenn Gividen attended the planning session in Indianapolis to respond
    Lt. Gov's new tax plan.

    Tuesday, August 29 - Radio Interview
    Taped radio interview for broadcast at a later date. This show will deal
    head-on with the myth that Libertarians advocate drug abuse. Rather
    we are one of a few national organizations that offer a
    genuine solution to the national drug crisis. If you are anti-drug,
    you should be a Libertarian. Also discussed was the abortion issue.

    Tuesday, August 28 - Republic Prints OP/ED
    The Republic printed our 600+ word opinion column in this morning's paper.

    Saturday, August 25 - Stategy Meeting
    Our one hour strategy planning session was productive,
    generating several ideas for creating party awareness.

    Saturday, August 18 - Central Committee Meeting Scheduled
    The Indiana Libertarian Party's central committee meeting will be
    conducted in Columbus. Location: Denny's Restaurant Time: 12 noon to eat,
    meeting begins at 2pm Saturday, NOVEMBER 10TH.

    Wednesday, August 8 - Mail to Members
    Members and friends of LPBC were mailed a letter highlighting
    key activities of the first two weeks of our existence
    as a county LP affiliate. Included were enrollment forms and bumperstickers

    Monday, August 6 - Streamlined Contact Info
    Our web address, email and phone number have been updated.
    Each contains "1492" making it easy for Columbus area residents to remember.

    Phone number: 375-1492
    web address:

    Tuesday, July 31th - News media contacts
    I spent time this morning contacting news directors at the local radio stations.
    The objective is develop a strong, professional, and courteous relationship with the media.
    We are developing a database of local and regional media personnel
    including address, phone numbers, fax numbers, and email.

    Tuesday, July 31th - Republic article prominently positioned
    An 18 column inch article by John Clark, covering LPBC's organization, was prominently placed
    on The Republic's back page. We appreciate Mr. Clark's unbiased reporting.

    The article was widely read and positively received.
    Virtually everyone with whom I came in contact throughout the day had seen the article.
    All had encouraging comments - from the pizza delivery man to the folks at the post office.
    I'm extremely encouraged by the initial momentum! Read the article here

    Tuesday, July 31th - Member/friend list developing
    Today we began developing a list of members and friends of the LPBC.
    The list will be used for our newsletter, reminder for monthly meetings, etc.

    Monday, July 30th - Form CFA-3 filed
    Otherwise known as Regular Party Committee Statement of Organization
    Form CFA-3 was filed with the Voter Registration office
    at the Barthomomew County Courthouse in Columbus.
    We appreciate the courteous help provided by the Courthouse staff.

    Monday, July 30th - Petition for Affiliation filed
    LPBC filed it's Petition for Affiliation with the Libertarian Party of Indiana.
    We are officially affiliated with the state organization.

    Monday, July 30th - First interview with media
    John Clark, political columnist for The Republic, called the office today for an interview.
    An article is expected to be included in The Republic on Tuesduay, July 31st.

    Monday, July 30th - New phone number ordered
    Our new phone number is 375-1492. The line is expected to be active by Monday, August 5th.

    Saturday, July 28th - Bartholomew County Convention
    The Libertarian Party of Bartholomew County was formally organized.
    On behalf of our new Treasurer, Theresa Sayles, I would like to say thank you for your support.
    We are here to serve you, the members of the LPBC.
    Please call whenever we can be of assistance.

    Saturday, July 21st - Web site established
    We're very proud of our new Bartholomew County Website.
    The address, is easy to remember
    ... everyone knows their area code: 812
    The site is designed to be "live" by including moving text.
    It is also updated daily with vital news (see center column).
    The left column includes key links for exploring the Libertarian Party.
    The right column includes usable tools, including weather, stock charts and web search.
    The site's heading matches the National Organization's site heading.
    This allows seemless maneuvering between sites.
    By utilizing Angelfire, our site is free. The only drawback is the
    perennial pop-up menu from the host.