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  Company Profile  

The company, NEW FLAVOR HOUSE, INC. enters into a new phase of expansion by strengthening its current corporate position in the food industry. In July of 1990, when New Flavor House, Inc. was officially formed, it all begin to offer flavor compounding; but with added capabilities of Research and Development, Quality Control, Production and Warehousing; seasonings, spice blends, food colors and fragrance line are established.

In order to meet and maintain the competitiveness and high quality demand of customers, the company launched its most aggressive move by combining forces with one of the distinguished and leading manufacturer of Natural Flavors, Essential Oils and Fragrances in the US –EUROPE. New Flavor House, Inc. offers the unique potential to serve and extend the food industry with outstanding product quality and services to small, medium and multi-national customers.

The company’s President and General Manager, Mr. Wilbert Sy Lim has extensive years in training in creating and marketing of broad range of natural, artificial and nature identical flavors for food and beverage industries. He makes and intensive investment to continue broaden our technical services by building state-of-the-art production facilities; acquiring comprehensive analytical equipment and maintaining for each division expert professionals of technologies and chemists.

Under these circumstances, more sales office will be opened in regional places at the southern part of the country in addition to the existing sales office at Cebu. This is just part of our commitment to service and supply our consumers need at their doorstep. The company strives continuously to excel and give the best; work build together to provide value-added products with consistent and precise quality for end-users satisfaction.


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