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  Flavor Unlock  

Locked in nature are the secrets of life’s most exquisite flavors. Like the gatekeepers of nature, we create the flavors that make life more pleasurable. In New Flavor House, Inc., flavors, seasonings, food colors and fragrances are unlocked for the industry and the world as nature intended. In life, imitation is the form of flattery. New Flavor House, Inc. goes beyond mere flattery. The science behind nature’s magic is blended with the artistry of man to create the magical flavors, seasonings, food colors and fragrances you see. We are committed to unlock the natural essence you need.

Our flavors, seasonings, food colors and fragrances are formulated and combined to meet world class standards. No one can bring you closer to nature. It’s your guarantee of continued customer preference.


  • Local formulation
  • Faster Delivery due to Inventory Stocks
  • Unmatched Price
  • Full support to product development
  • Technical service to customer needs to meet with their standard

We design the most products by making sure that we use our resources in the purest from, transforming them into better formulation that is most suiting to your taste.


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