Attention bookstores/booksellers! We would like to send you a FREE display copy of The Prayer of Hannah to display and sell in your store. You will keep 100% of the cover-price. To order your FREE DISPLAY COPY, click HERE now!
      Kenn Gividen's
  Ideas for
  Bookstore Marketing

Just Folks Publishing Company

Below are great ideas from Kenn Gividen. They are designed to help your Christian bookstore grow exponentially

Kenn Gividen, president of Just Folks Publishing Company, has been a successful marketing executive for nearly twenty years. He believes anyone can be successful if they will simply apply their God-given creative skills.

Can Kenn's ideas work for you? Consider this: the page that you are now viewing is one of Kenn's original ideas. It is designed to develop a postive working relationship between his company, Just Folks Publishing Company and your store. The fact that you are reading this proves that this idea works!

Below are just a few of Kenn's ideas that you can use in your bookstore beginning today.

Be sure to check back next month for another great idea.

Idea number 01 - Keep in Touch!

Idea number 02 - Suffer the Little Children

Idea number 03 - Hi Ho, Hi Ho — It's Off to Church...

Idea number 04 - It's Whatever You Say It Is!

Idea number 05 - Highways and Hedges

Idea number 06 - In One Accord - No, Not the Car

Idea number 07 - Whazzup?

Idea number 08 - And How May I Help You?

Idea number 09 - The Click Trick

Idea number 10 - Library of the Month

Idea number 11 - Brain Drain

Idea number 12 - Go Thou And Do Likewise

Idea number 13 - There's Something On My Pizza!

Idea number 14 - Signed on the Dotted Line

Click on Book Cover to View Full Size Image


The Prayer of Hannah is now available from Spring Arbor, Riverside and Appalachian and FaithWorks. To order, call the above number.

Order information:
Title: The Prayer of Hannah
Author: Kenn Gividen
Publisher: Just Folks Publishing Company
ISBN: 0-9717789-7-3

Just Folks
Publishing Company

PO Box 2012
Columbus IN 47201

fax: 1-253-498-6929

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