Attention bookstores/booksellers! We would like to send you a FREE display copy of The Prayer of Hannah to display and sell in your store. You will keep 100% of the cover-price. To order your FREE DISPLAY COPY, click HERE now!
      Kenn Gividen's Idea number 01
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Just Folks Publishing Company

It's a fact. People think about what they see. The objective is to get them to think of your business once every month. To do this, obviously, you need to get in front of them without being a pest. Here's how to do it...

Statistically, post cards are the most frequently read piece of direct mail in existence. Think about it. If someone goes to the mail box, picks up your post card and looks at it...that person has read it.

What's more, post cards are the least expensive form of direct mail. At current postal rates, it costs only 21 cents to mail your message. (That, by the way, is still a bargain).

Post cards are also the least expensive to print! Add the facts that they are easy to address and their is no folding or stuffing involved, and you have the ideal direct mail piece.

If your post card is boring, it will soon be unwelcomed. Here is what I suggest. Follow the lead of some other great direct marketers and publish "The World's Smallest Newsletter." In short, put your store's newsletter on the message side of the post card.

Here's how to make it fresh, interesting and always welcomed. Your post card newsletter will be comprised of short bits of wisdom, famous sayings and quotes from the Bible. Get on the internet, type the word "quotes" in your favorite search engine, and up pops more information that you can use in a lifetime.

The address side will have room for you to advertise a popular book, such as The Prayer of Hannah. And, by the way, if you need electronic photo to add to your card, or anything else for that matter, just drop me a note at

Another thought ... to whom shall you mail your cards? The best source, of course, are your customers. How to get their names and addresses without being nosy? Easy. Just read the idea about the monthly library.

We suggest you mail your post card once per month.

An added benefit of this idea, is that post card marketing can be tailor made to fit a budget of 21 cents or more. You can print your post card newsletter on your computer, if you wish, and mail as few or as many as you can afford.

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Order information:
Title: The Prayer of Hannah
Author: Kenn Gividen
Publisher: Just Folks Publishing Company
ISBN: 0-9717789-7-3

Read reviews [ here ]

This book is not merely about prayer.

It explores eight Christian character traits that empower the believer, making answered prayer a normal part of everyday living.

The prayer of Hannah is an example of what God can do when we apply His principles.

Are you serious about praying effectively?
This book is for you.

You will discover answers to these probing questions:

• Am I trusting God—or am I tempting God? — Chapter 2

• How do personal pressures reveal my true character? — Chapter 6

• Am I an opaque, translucent or transparent Christian? — Chapter 7

• What is the foundation of a peaceful spirit? — Chapter 8

• How can I learn to endure rejection? — Chapter 9

• What eight character traits directly affect my prayers? — See Table of Contents

and much more!

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