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      Kenn Gividen's Idea number 12
   Go Thou
  and Do Likewise

Just Folks Publishing Company

Advice columns have been around for decades. Dear Abby, Hints from Heloise (did I spell that right?) and Baking Tips from Bubba attract readers by the thousands. Everyone likes a good idea. You like good ideas. That's why you're reading this! Here's how to use ideas to build customer relations.

I'm a nice guy. Don't believe me? Ask my wife! But these ideas aren't being written simply because I like to be nice (and I do like to be nice). It's a part of marketing called customer relations. I know that you will be back next month to see another idea. And when you come back, you will be reminded of the quality products offered by Just Folks Publishing Company.

I suggest you use this same strategy. Here's how you can do it.

You can, of course, post your ideas on web pages like I'm doing. Another idea is to place a small ad in your local newspaper each week. If you advertise in the newspaper, ask the sales rep to give you the same spot on the same page every week so folks will know where to look for it. Your sales rep may fuss, but be persistent. Familiarity is key to successful marketing.

"What kind of ideas?" you ask.

I suggest you use ideas that are universally interesting. Not everyone will use your "Ideas for Building Strong Families," for example, but most everyone will want to read them.

If you use this idea, I'd like to know how it went. Send me a note HERE

Idea number 01 - Keep in Touch!

Idea number 02 - Suffer the Little Children

Idea number 03 - Hi Ho, Hi Ho — It's Off to Church...

Idea number 04 - It's Whatever You Say It Is!

Idea number 05 - Highways and Hedges

Idea number 06 - In One Accord - No, Not the Car

Idea number 07 - Whazzup?

Idea number 08 - And How May I Help You?

Idea number 09 - The Click Trick

Idea number 10 - Library of the Month

Idea number 11 - Brain Drain

Idea number 12 - Go Thou And Do Likewise

Idea number 13 - There's Something On My Pizza!

Idea number 14 - Signed on the Dotted Line

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Click on Book Cover to View Full Size Image

Order information:
Title: The Prayer of Hannah
Author: Kenn Gividen
Publisher: Just Folks Publishing Company
ISBN: 0-9717789-7-3

Read reviews [ here ]

This book is not merely about prayer.

It explores eight Christian character traits that empower the believer, making answered prayer a normal part of everyday living.

The prayer of Hannah is an example of what God can do when we apply His principles.

Are you serious about praying effectively?
This book is for you.

You will discover answers to these probing questions:

• Am I trusting God—or am I tempting God? — Chapter 2

• How do personal pressures reveal my true character? — Chapter 6

• Am I an opaque, translucent or transparent Christian? — Chapter 7

• What is the foundation of a peaceful spirit? — Chapter 8

• How can I learn to endure rejection? — Chapter 9

• What eight character traits directly affect my prayers? — See Table of Contents

and much more!

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