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      Kenn Gividen's Idea number 14
  Signed on
  the Dotted Line

Just Folks Publishing Company

Your customers love autographed books. They make wonderful keep sakes. Authors love authographing books. It gives them credibility and keeps their labors of love out yard sales and flea markets. Here's how to use autographed books to build you business.

The next time you visit a book show (CBA Explo in Indy, for example). Buy a popular book by a well-known author who is also attended the show. Have him/her autograph the book. Repeat twelve times. (Preferably, twelve different books from twelve different authors).

Take you books home (mail them book rate, if you don't care to travel home with them). Then, each month, give away one of the books to a customer who participated in your "author's signature" drawing.

The added bonus to this strategy is that you will be promoting the book and the author throughout the month.

What if folks won't buy the book until they found out who won the autographed copy? Suggestion: have other books by the same author available and visible. Or, you may offer to buy back the first book. Or, you could give them an extra copy of Bubba's flier (see idea number 13).

If you try this idea, I'd like to know about it. Tell me how it worked, didn't work and any changes you made. Contact me by clicking HERE

Idea number 01 - Keep in Touch!

Idea number 02 - Suffer the Little Children

Idea number 03 - Hi Ho, Hi Ho — It's Off to Church...

Idea number 04 - It's Whatever You Say It Is!

Idea number 05 - Highways and Hedges

Idea number 06 - In One Accord - No, Not the Car

Idea number 07 - Whazzup?

Idea number 08 - And How May I Help You?

Idea number 09 - The Click Trick

Idea number 10 - Library of the Month

Idea number 11 - Brain Drain

Idea number 12 - Go Thou And Do Likewise

Idea number 13 - There's Something On My Pizza!

Idea number 14 - Signed on the Dotted Line


The Prayer of Hannah is available from all major wholesalers.

Just Folks
Publishing Company

PO Box 2012
Columbus IN 47201

fax: 1-253-498-6929

Manuscript Submission Guidelines:
Just Folks Publishing Company
publishes books by in-house
authors only. Please do not
submit manuscripts.

Click on Book Cover to View Full Size Image

Order information:
Title: The Prayer of Hannah
Author: Kenn Gividen
Publisher: Just Folks Publishing Company
ISBN: 0-9717789-7-3

Read reviews [ here ]

This book is not merely about prayer.

It explores eight Christian character traits that empower the believer, making answered prayer a normal part of everyday living.

The prayer of Hannah is an example of what God can do when we apply His principles.

Are you serious about praying effectively?
This book is for you.

You will discover answers to these probing questions:

• Am I trusting God—or am I tempting God? — Chapter 2

• How do personal pressures reveal my true character? — Chapter 6

• Am I an opaque, translucent or transparent Christian? — Chapter 7

• What is the foundation of a peaceful spirit? — Chapter 8

• How can I learn to endure rejection? — Chapter 9

• What eight character traits directly affect my prayers? — See Table of Contents

and much more!

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